package Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper ; use Text::CSV ; use XML::Twig ; use File::Share ':all'; use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( writeFullTabularWithPeakBankObject writeTabularWithPeakBankObject parsingMsFragments getFragmentsFromSource getContaminantsFromSource getContaminantsExtensiveFromSource extractContaminantTypes extractContaminantInstruments extractContaminantInstrumentTypes filterContaminantIonMode filterContaminantInstruments filterContaminantInstrumentTypes buildTheoPeakBankFromFragments buildTheoPeakBankFromContaminants compareExpMzToTheoMzList ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( writeFullTabularWithPeakBankObject writeTabularWithPeakBankObject parsingMsFragments getFragmentsFromSource getContaminantsFromSource getContaminantsExtensiveFromSource extractContaminantTypes extractContaminantInstruments extractContaminantInstrumentTypes filterContaminantIonMode filterContaminantInstruments filterContaminantInstrumentTypes buildTheoPeakBankFromFragments buildTheoPeakBankFromContaminants compareExpMzToTheoMzList ); # Preloaded methods go here. my $modulePath = File::Basename::dirname( __FILE__ ); =head1 NAME Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation - Perl extension for fragment annotation in metabolomics =head1 VERSION Version 0.01 =cut our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation; =head1 DESCRIPTION Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation is a full package for Perl dev allowing full annotation of fragments. =head1 EXPORT =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 METHOD refFragment ## Description : set a new fragment ## Input : NA ## Output : $refFragment ## Usage : my ( $refFragment ) = refFragment() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refFragment { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_TYPE_} = 'type' ; # STRING as adducts, fragment or isotope $self->{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} = 'losses_or_gains' ; $self->{_DELTA_MASS_} = 'delta_mass' ; $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} = 'annotation_in_pos_mode' ; $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} = 'annotation_in_neg_mode' ; return $self ; } ### END of SUB # * * * * * * * * * *get/setter * * * * * * * * * *# =head2 METHOD _getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Description : _getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Input : void ## Output : $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Usage : my ( $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ) = _getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_}) and ( $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} ne '' ) ) { $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE = $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} ; } else { $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ## Description : _getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ## Input : void ## Output : $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ## Usage : my ( $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ) = _getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_}) and ( $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} ne '' ) ) { $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE = $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} ; } else { $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getDELTA_MASS ## Description : _getDELTA_MASS ## Input : void ## Output : $DELTA_MASS ## Usage : my ( $DELTA_MASS ) = _getDELTA_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getDELTA_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $DELTA_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_DELTA_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_DELTA_MASS_} > 0 ) or $self->{_DELTA_MASS_} < 0 ) { $DELTA_MASS = $self->{_DELTA_MASS_} ; } else { $DELTA_MASS = 0 ; warn "[WARN] the method _getDELTA_MASS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $DELTA_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getTYPE ## Description : _getTYPE ## Input : void ## Output : $TYPE ## Usage : my ( $TYPE ) = _getTYPE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getTYPE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $TYPE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_TYPE_}) and ( $self->{_TYPE_} ne '' ) ) { $TYPE = $self->{_TYPE_} ; } else { $TYPE = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getTYPE can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $TYPE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getLOSSES_OR_GAINS ## Description : _getLOSSES_OR_GAINS ## Input : void ## Output : $LOSSES_OR_GAINS ## Usage : my ( $LOSSES_OR_GAINS ) = _getLOSSES_OR_GAINS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getLOSSES_OR_GAINS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $LOSSES_OR_GAINS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_}) and ( $self->{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} ne '' ) ) { $LOSSES_OR_GAINS = $self->{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} ; } else { $LOSSES_OR_GAINS = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getLOSSES_OR_GAINS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $LOSSES_OR_GAINS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD refPeak ## Description : set a new theorical peak ## Input : NA ## Output : refPeak ## Usage : my ( refPeak ) = refPeak() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refPeak { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_ID_} = undef ; # identifiant (for theo peak) $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} = 0 ; # mesured accurate mass (for exp peak) $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} = 0 ; # computed accurate mass (for theo peak) $self->{_PPM_ERROR_} = 0 ; # STRING $self->{_MMU_ERROR_} = 0 ; # STRING $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} = undef ; # STRING $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} = undef ; # STRING $self->{_ANNOTATION_TYPE_} = undef ; # STRING as adducts, fragment or isotope $self->{_ANNOTATION_NAME_} = undef ; # STRING return $self ; } ### END of SUB # * * * * * * * * * *get/setter * * * * * * * * * *# =head2 METHOD _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Description : _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Input : $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) = @_; if ( (defined $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS) and ( ($COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS >= 0) or ($COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS <= 0) ) ) { $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} = $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Description : _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Input : void ## Output : $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Usage : my ( $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) = _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} > 0 ) or $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} < 0 ) { $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = $self->{_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} ; } else { $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = 0 ; warn "[WARN] the method _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Description : _setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Input : $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) = @_; if ( (defined $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS) and ( ($MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS > 0) or ($MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS < 0) ) ) { $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} = $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Description : _getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Input : void ## Output : $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ## Usage : my ( $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) = _getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} > 0 ) or $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} < 0 ) { $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = $self->{_MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS_} ; } else { $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS = 0 ; warn "[WARN] the method _getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $MESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Description : _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Input : $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ( $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ) = @_; if ( (defined $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE) and ($ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ne '') ) { $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} = $ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR ## Description : _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR ## Input : $MMU_ERROR ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR ( $MMU_ERROR ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $MMU_ERROR ) = @_; if ( (defined $MMU_ERROR) and ($MMU_ERROR ne '') ) { $self->{_MMU_ERROR_} = $MMU_ERROR ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR ## Description : _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR ## Input : $PPM_ERROR ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR ( $PPM_ERROR ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $PPM_ERROR ) = @_; if ( (defined $PPM_ERROR) and ($PPM_ERROR ne '') ) { $self->{_PPM_ERROR_} = $PPM_ERROR ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Description : _setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ## Input : $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ( $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ) = @_; if ( (defined $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE) and ($ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ne '') ) { $self->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} = $ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_TYPE ## Description : _setANNOTATION_TYPE ## Input : $ANNOTATION_TYPE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_TYPE ( $ANNOTATION_TYPE ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_TYPE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ANNOTATION_TYPE ) = @_; if ( (defined $ANNOTATION_TYPE) and ($ANNOTATION_TYPE ne '') ) { $self->{_ANNOTATION_TYPE_} = $ANNOTATION_TYPE ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_TYPE can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getANNOTATION_TYPE ## Description : _getANNOTATION_TYPE ## Input : void ## Output : $ANNOTATION_TYPE ## Usage : my ( $TYPE ) = _getANNOTATION_TYPE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getANNOTATION_TYPE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ANNOTATION_TYPE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ANNOTATION_TYPE_}) and ( $self->{_ANNOTATION_TYPE_} ne '' ) ) { $ANNOTATION_TYPE = $self->{_ANNOTATION_TYPE_} ; } else { $ANNOTATION_TYPE = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getANNOTATION_TYPE can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ANNOTATION_TYPE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_NAME ## Description : _setANNOTATION_NAME ## Input : $ANNOTATION_NAME ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_NAME ( $ANNOTATION_NAME ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_NAME { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ANNOTATION_NAME ) = @_; if ( (defined $ANNOTATION_NAME) and ($ANNOTATION_NAME ne '') ) { $self->{_ANNOTATION_NAME_} = $ANNOTATION_NAME ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_NAME can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getANNOTATION_NAME ## Description : _getANNOTATION_NAME ## Input : void ## Output : $ANNOTATION_NAME ## Usage : my ( $ANNOTATION_NAME ) = _getANNOTATION_NAME () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getANNOTATION_NAME { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ANNOTATION_NAME = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ANNOTATION_NAME_}) and ( $self->{_ANNOTATION_NAME_} ne '' ) ) { $ANNOTATION_NAME = $self->{_ANNOTATION_NAME_} ; } else { $ANNOTATION_NAME = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getANNOTATION_NAME can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ANNOTATION_NAME ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getANNOTATION_ID ## Description : _getANNOTATION_ID ## Input : void ## Output : $ANNOTATION_ID ## Usage : my ( $ANNOTATION_ID ) = _getANNOTATION_ID () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getANNOTATION_ID { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ANNOTATION_ID = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ID_}) and ( $self->{_ID_} ne '' ) ) { $ANNOTATION_ID = $self->{_ID_} ; } else { $ANNOTATION_ID = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getANNOTATION_NAME can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ANNOTATION_ID ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setANNOTATION_ID ## Description : _setANNOTATION_ID ## Input : $ANNOTATION_ID ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setANNOTATION_ID ( $ANNOTATION_ID ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setANNOTATION_ID { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ANNOTATION_ID ) = @_; if ( (defined $ANNOTATION_ID) and ($ANNOTATION_ID ne '') ) { $self->{_ID_} = $ANNOTATION_ID ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setANNOTATION_ID can't set any undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD refBank ## Description : set a new list of fragments as a bank ## Input : NA ## Output : $Fragments ## Usage : my ( $Fragments ) = refBank ( ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refBank { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_FRAGMENTS_} = [] ; $self->{_THEO_PEAK_LIST_} = [] ; $self->{_EXP_PEAK_LIST_} = [] ; return ($self) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD refContaminants ## Description : set a new list of contaminants as a bank ## Input : NA ## Output : $Contaminants ## Usage : my ( $Contaminants ) = refContaminants ( ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refContaminants { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_CONTAMINANTS_} = [] ; return ($self) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD refContaminant ## Description : set a new contaminant ## Input : NA ## Output : $refContaminant ## Usage : my ( $refContaminant ) = refContaminant() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refContaminant { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_ID_} = 'id' ; $self->{_NAME_} = 'name' ; $self->{_FORMULA_} = 'formula' ; $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} = 'exact_mass' ; $self->{_STD_INCHI_} = 'std_inchi' ; $self->{_STD_INCHI_KEY_} = 'std_inchi_key' ; $self->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = 'pubchem_cid' ; $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} = 'type_of_contaminant' ; return $self ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD refContaminantExtensive ## Description : set a new contaminant extensive version ## Input : NA ## Output : $refContaminantExtensive ## Usage : my ( $refContaminantExtensive ) = refContaminantExtensive() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub refContaminantExtensive { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; ## TODO... surcharge de l'objet $self->{_ID_} = 'id' ; $self->{_NAME_} = 'name' ; $self->{_FORMULA_} = 'formula' ; $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} = 'exact_mass' ; $self->{_STD_INCHI_} = 'std_inchi' ; $self->{_STD_INCHI_KEY_} = 'std_inchi_key' ; $self->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = 'pubchem_cid' ; $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} = 'type_of_contaminant' ; $self->{_REFERENCE_} = 'reference' ; $self->{_ION_MODE_} = 'ion_mode' ; $self->{_MZ_} = 'mz' ; $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_} = 'exact_adduct_mass' ; $self->{_ION_FORM_} = 'ion_form' ; $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_} = 'instrument_type' ; $self->{_INSTRUMENT_} = 'instrument' ; $self->{_CHROMATOGRAPHY_} = 'chromatography' ; $self->{_ION_SOURCE_TYPE_} = 'ion_source_type' ; return $self ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtREFERENCE ## Description : _setContaminantExtREFERENCE ## Input : $REFERENCE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtREFERENCE ( $ION_FORM ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtREFERENCE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $REFERENCE ) = @_; if ( (defined $REFERENCE) and ( $REFERENCE ne '' ) ) { $REFERENCE =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $REFERENCE =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $REFERENCE =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_REFERENCE_} = $REFERENCE ; } else { $self->{_REFERENCE_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtION_MODE ## Description : _getContaminantExtION_MODE ## Input : void ## Output : $ION_MODE ## Usage : my ( $ION_MODE ) = _getContaminantExtION_MODE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtION_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ION_MODE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ION_MODE_}) and ( $self->{_ION_MODE_} ne '' ) ) { $ION_MODE = $self->{_ION_MODE_} ; } else { $ION_MODE = 'unknown' ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtION_MODE return unknown if getting a undef value\n" ; } return ( $ION_MODE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtION_MODE ## Description : _setContaminantExtION_MODE ## Input : $ION_MODE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtION_MODE ( $ION_FORM ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtION_MODE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ION_MODE ) = @_; if ( (defined $ION_MODE) and ( $ION_MODE ne '' ) ) { $ION_MODE =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $ION_MODE =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $ION_MODE =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_ION_MODE_} = $ION_MODE ; } else { $self->{_ION_MODE_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Description : _setContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Input : $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ( $ION_FORM ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ) = @_; if ( (defined $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS) and ( $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS > 0 ) ) { $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_} = $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ; } else { $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Description : _getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Input : void ## Output : $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ## Usage : my ( $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ) = _getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_} ne '' ) ) { $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS = $self->{_EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS_} ; } else { $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS return undef when no value is available\n" ; } return ( $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtION_FORM ## Description : _getContaminantExtION_FORM ## Input : void ## Output : $ION_FORM ## Usage : my ( $ION_FORM ) = _getContaminantExtION_FORM () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtION_FORM { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ION_FORM = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ION_FORM_}) and ( $self->{_ION_FORM_} ne '' ) ) { $ION_FORM = $self->{_ION_FORM_} ; } else { $ION_FORM = 'unknown' ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtION_FORM return unknown if getting a undef value\n" ; } return ( $ION_FORM ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtION_FORM ## Description : _setContaminantExtION_FORM ## Input : $ION_FORM ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtION_FORM ( $ION_FORM ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtION_FORM { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ION_FORM ) = @_; if ( (defined $ION_FORM) and ( $ION_FORM ne '' ) ) { $ION_FORM =~ s/\n| //g ; # cleaning \n and spaces before and after... $self->{_ION_FORM_} = $ION_FORM ; } else { $self->{_ION_FORM_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtMZ ## Description : _getContaminantExtMZ ## Input : void ## Output : $MZ ## Usage : my ( $EXACT_ADDUCT_MASS ) = _getContaminantExtMZ () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtMZ { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $MZ = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_MZ_}) and ( $self->{_MZ_} ne '' ) ) { $MZ = $self->{_MZ_} ; } else { $MZ = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtMZ can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $MZ ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtMZ ## Description : _setContaminantExtMZ ## Input : $MZ ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtMZ ( $MZ ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtMZ { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $MZ ) = @_; if ( (defined $MZ) and ( $MZ > 0 ) ) { $MZ =~ s/\n| //g ; # cleaning \n and spaces before and after... $self->{_MZ_} = $MZ ; } else { $self->{_MZ_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES ## Description : _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES ## Input : void ## Output : $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ## Usage : my ( $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ) = _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $INSTRUMENT_TYPE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_}) and ( $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_} ne '' ) ) { $INSTRUMENT_TYPE = $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_} ; } else { $INSTRUMENT_TYPE = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPE ## Description : _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPE ## Input : $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPE ( $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ) = @_; if ( (defined $INSTRUMENT_TYPE) and ( $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ne '' ) ) { $INSTRUMENT_TYPE =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $INSTRUMENT_TYPE =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $INSTRUMENT_TYPE =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_} = $INSTRUMENT_TYPE ; } else { $self->{_INSTRUMENT_TYPE_} = 'unknown' } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS ## Description : _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS ## Input : void ## Output : $INSTRUMENT ## Usage : my ( $INSTRUMENT ) = _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $INSTRUMENT = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_INSTRUMENT_}) and ( $self->{_INSTRUMENT_} ne '' ) ) { $INSTRUMENT = $self->{_INSTRUMENT_} ; } else { $INSTRUMENT = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $INSTRUMENT ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT ## Description : _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT ## Input : $INSTRUMENT ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT ( $INSTRUMENT ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $INSTRUMENT ) = @_; if ( (defined $INSTRUMENT) and ( $INSTRUMENT ne '' ) ) { $INSTRUMENT =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $INSTRUMENT =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $INSTRUMENT =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_INSTRUMENT_} = $INSTRUMENT ; } else { $self->{_INSTRUMENT_} = 'unknown' } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtCHROMATOGRAPHY ## Description : _setContaminantExtCHROMATOGRAPHY ## Input : $CHROMATOGRAPHY ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtCHROMATOGRAPHY ( $CHROMATOGRAPHY ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtCHROMATOGRAPHY { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $CHROMATOGRAPHY ) = @_; if ( (defined $CHROMATOGRAPHY) and ( $CHROMATOGRAPHY ne '' ) ) { $CHROMATOGRAPHY =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $CHROMATOGRAPHY =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $CHROMATOGRAPHY =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_CHROMATOGRAPHY_} = $CHROMATOGRAPHY ; } else { $self->{_CHROMATOGRAPHY_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantExtION_SOURCE_TYPE ## Description : _setContaminantExtION_SOURCE_TYPE ## Input : $ION_SOURCE_TYPE ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantExtION_SOURCE_TYPE ( $ION_SOURCE_TYPE ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantExtION_SOURCE_TYPE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ION_SOURCE_TYPE ) = @_; if ( (defined $ION_SOURCE_TYPE) and ( $ION_SOURCE_TYPE ne '' ) ) { $ION_SOURCE_TYPE =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $ION_SOURCE_TYPE =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $ION_SOURCE_TYPE =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_ION_SOURCE_TYPE_} = $ION_SOURCE_TYPE ; } else { $self->{_ION_SOURCE_TYPE_} = undef } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Description : _getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Input : void ## Output : $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Usage : my ( $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ) = _getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_}) and ( $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} ne '' ) ) { $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT = $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} ; } else { $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Description : _setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Input : $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ( $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ) = @_; if ( (defined $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT) and ( $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ne '' ) ) { $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} = $TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT ; } else { $self->{_TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_} = 'unknown' } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID ## Description : _setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID ## Input : $PUBCHEM_CID ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID ( $PUBCHEM_CID ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $PUBCHEM_CID ) = @_; if ( (defined $PUBCHEM_CID) and ( $PUBCHEM_CID ne '' ) ) { $PUBCHEM_CID =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $PUBCHEM_CID =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $PUBCHEM_CID =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = $PUBCHEM_CID ; } else { $self->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = undef ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY ## Description : _setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY ## Input : $STD_INCHI_KEY ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY ( $STD_INCHI_KEY ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $STD_INCHI_KEY ) = @_; if ( (defined $STD_INCHI_KEY) and ( $STD_INCHI_KEY ne '' ) ) { $STD_INCHI_KEY =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $STD_INCHI_KEY =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $STD_INCHI_KEY =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_STD_INCHI_KEY_} = $STD_INCHI_KEY ; } else { $self->{_STD_INCHI_KEY_} = undef ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantSTD_INCHI ## Description : _setContaminantSTD_INCHI ## Input : $STD_INCHI ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantSTD_INCHI ( $STD_INCHI ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantSTD_INCHI { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $STD_INCHI ) = @_; if ( (defined $STD_INCHI) and ( $STD_INCHI ne '' ) ) { $STD_INCHI =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $STD_INCHI =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $STD_INCHI =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_STD_INCHI_} = $STD_INCHI ; } else { $self->{_STD_INCHI_} = undef ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantEXACT_MASS ## Description : _getContaminantEXACT_MASS ## Input : void ## Output : $EXACT_MASS ## Usage : my ( $EXACT_MASS ) = _getContaminantEXACT_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantEXACT_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $EXACT_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_EXACT_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} ne '' ) ) { $EXACT_MASS = $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} ; } else { $EXACT_MASS = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantEXACT_MASS return undef when no value is available\n" ; } return ( $EXACT_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantEXACT_MASS ## Description : _setContaminantEXACT_MASS ## Input : $EXACT_MASS ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantEXACT_MASS ( $EXACT_MASS ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantEXACT_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $EXACT_MASS ) = @_; if ( (defined $EXACT_MASS) and ( $EXACT_MASS > 0 ) ) { $EXACT_MASS =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $EXACT_MASS =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $EXACT_MASS =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} = $EXACT_MASS ; } else { $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} = undef ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantFORMULA ## Description : _setContaminantFORMULA ## Input : $FORMULA ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantFORMULA ( $FORMULA ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantFORMULA { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $FORMULA ) = @_; if ( (defined $FORMULA) and ( $FORMULA ne '' ) ) { $FORMULA =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $FORMULA =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $FORMULA =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_FORMULA_} = $FORMULA ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setContaminantFORMULA can't set any undef or void value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantNAME ## Description : _getContaminantNAME ## Input : void ## Output : $NAME ## Usage : my ( $NAME ) = _getContaminantNAME () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantNAME { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $NAME = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_NAME_}) and ( $self->{_NAME_} ne '' ) ) { $NAME = $self->{_NAME_} ; } else { $NAME = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantNAME can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $NAME ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantNAME ## Description : _setContaminantNAME ## Input : $NAME ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantNAME ( $NAME ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantNAME { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $NAME ) = @_; if ( (defined $NAME) and ( $NAME ne '' ) ) { $NAME =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $NAME =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $NAME =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_NAME_} = $NAME ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setContaminantNAME can't set any undef or void value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminantID ## Description : _getContaminantID ## Input : void ## Output : $ID ## Usage : my ( $ID ) = _getContaminantID () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminantID { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $ID = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_ID_}) and ( $self->{_ID_} ne '' ) ) { $ID = $self->{_ID_} ; } else { $ID = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getContaminantID can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $ID ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _setContaminantID ## Description : _setContaminantID ## Input : $ID ## Output : TRUE ## Usage : _setContaminantID ( $ID ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _setContaminantID { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ID ) = @_; if ( (defined $ID) and ( $ID ne '' ) ) { $ID =~ s/\n//g ; # cleaning \n $ID =~ s/^\s+// ; # trim left $ID =~ s/\s+$// ; # trim right $self->{_ID_} = $ID ; } else { carp "[ERROR] the method _setContaminantID can't set any undef or void value\n" ; } return (0) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _addContaminant ## Description : _addContaminant ## Input : $self, $contaminant ; ## Ouput : NA ## Usage : _addContaminant($contaminant); =cut ### START of SUB sub _addContaminant { my ($self, $contaminant) = @_; if (defined $contaminant) { push (@{$self->{_CONTAMINANTS_}}, $contaminant); } else { croak "[ERROR] No contaminant is defined\n" ; } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _addFragment ## Description : _addFragment ## Input : $self, $fragment ; ## Ouput : NA ## Usage : _addFragment($fragment); =cut ### START of SUB sub _addFragment { my ($self, $fragment) = @_; if (defined $fragment) { push (@{$self->{_FRAGMENTS_}}, $fragment); } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _addPeakList ## Description : _addPeakList ## Input : $self, $type, $peakList ; ## Ouput : NA; ## Usage : _addPeakList($type, $peakList); =cut ### START of SUB sub _addPeakList { my ($self, $type, $peakList) = @_; ## type should be _THEO_PEAK_LIST_ or _EXP_PEAK_LIST_ if ( (defined $type) and (defined $peakList) ) { push (@{$self->{$type}}, $peakList); } else{ croak "type peaklist should be _THEO_PEAK_LIST_ or _EXP_PEAK_LIST_ \n" ; } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getFragments ## Description : get the list of fragments from the bank object ## Input : $self ## Output : $fragments ## Usage : my ( $fragments ) = $obank->_getFragments () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getFragments { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $fragments ) = ( () ) ; $fragments = $self->{_FRAGMENTS_} ; return ($fragments) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getContaminants ## Description : get the list of contaminants from the bank object ## Input : $self ## Output : $contaminants ## Usage : my ( $contaminants ) = $obank->_getContaminants () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getContaminants { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $contaminants ) = ( () ) ; $contaminants = $self->{_CONTAMINANTS_} ; return ($contaminants) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getPeakList ## Description : get the list of fragments from the bank object ## Input : $self, $type ## Output : $peakList ## Usage : my ( $peakList ) = $obank->_getPeakList ($type) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getPeakList { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ($type) = @_ ; my ( $peakList ) = ( () ) ; # print "Using method with type: $type\n" ; if ( (defined $type) and ($type eq '_EXP_PEAK_LIST_') ) { $peakList = $self->{_EXP_PEAK_LIST_} ; } elsif ( (defined $type) and ($type eq '_THEO_PEAK_LIST_') ) { $peakList = $self->{_THEO_PEAK_LIST_} ; } else { croak "[ERROR] No type is undefined or does not correspond to _THEO_PEAK_LIST_ or _EXP_PEAK_LIST_ \n" ; } return ($peakList) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD getFragmentsFromSource ## Description : get the list of theorical fragmets from $source file ## Input : $source ## Output : $theoFragments ## Usage : my ( $theoFragments ) = getFragmentsFromSource ( $conf ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub getFragmentsFromSource { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $source ) = @_; my ( $oBank ) = ( Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refBank() ) ; if ( (defined $source) and (-e $source) ) { my $oFragment = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refFragment() ; ## format of ref file is in version 1.0 : ## type losses_or_gains delta_mass example_valine annotation_in_pos_mode annotation_in_neg_mode my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); open my $fh, "<", $source or die "$source: $!"; ## Checking header of the source file $csv->header ($fh, { munge_column_names => sub { s/\s+$//; s/^\s+//; my $uc_col = '_'.uc$_.'_' ; if ($_ ne 'example_valine' ) { $oFragment->{$uc_col} or die "Unknown column '$uc_col' in $source"; } }}); while (my $row = $csv->getline_hr ($fh)) { my $currentFrag = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refFragment() ; ## TODO getter/setter... $currentFrag->{_TYPE_} = $row->{'type'} ; $currentFrag->{_DELTA_MASS_} = $row->{'delta_mass'} ; $currentFrag->{_LOSSES_OR_GAINS_} = $row->{'losses_or_gains'} ; $currentFrag->{_ANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE_} = $row->{'annotation_in_pos_mode'} ; $currentFrag->{_ANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE_} = $row->{'annotation_in_neg_mode'} ; $oBank->_addFragment($currentFrag) } } else { croak "The source file does not exist ($source) or is not defined\n" ; } # print Dumper $oBank ; return ($oBank) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD getContaminantsFromSource ## Description : get all contaminants information from the MaConDa resources v01 ## Input : $source ## Output : $oBank ## Usage : my ( $oBank ) = getContaminantsFromSource ( $source ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub getContaminantsFromSource { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $source ) = @_; my ( $oBank ) = ( Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminants() ) ; my $twig = undef ; my ($currentId, $currentName, $currentInchi, $currentInchiKey, $currentFormula, $currentExactMass, $currentPubchemCid, $currentContaminType) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ) ; if (!defined $source) { $source = dist_file('Metabolomics-FragNot', 'MaConDa__v1_0.xml'); if (-e $source) { print "loading $source...\n" ; } else { croak "The source file ($source) does not exist at this path\n" ; } } if ( (defined $source) and (-e $source) ) { $twig = XML::Twig->nparse_ppe( twig_handlers => { # contaminant_id 'contaminant' => sub { if ( (defined $currentId) ) { my $oContaminant = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminant() ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantID($currentId) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantNAME($currentName) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantEXACT_MASS($currentExactMass) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantFORMULA($currentFormula) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantSTD_INCHI($currentInchi) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY($currentInchiKey) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID($currentPubchemCid) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT($currentContaminType) ; $oBank->_addContaminant($oContaminant) ; $currentId = undef ; } } , ## END SUB contaminant_id 'contaminant/id' => sub { $currentId = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/name' => sub { $currentName = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/formula' => sub { $currentFormula = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/exact_mass' => sub { $currentExactMass = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/std_inchi' => sub { $currentInchi = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/std_inchi_key' => sub { $currentInchiKey = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/pubchem_cid' => sub { $currentPubchemCid = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/type_of_contaminant' => sub { $currentContaminType = $_ -> text_only ; }, }, pretty_print => 'indented', error_context => 1, $source ); # $twig->print; $twig->purge ; } else{ croak "The source file does not exist ($source) or is not defined\n" ; } return ($oBank) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD getContaminantsFromSource ## Description : get all contaminants information from the MaConDa extensive resources v01 ## Input : $source ## Output : $oBank ## Usage : my ( $oBank ) = getContaminantsFromSource ( $source ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub getContaminantsExtensiveFromSource { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $source ) = @_; my ( $oBank ) = ( Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminants() ) ; my $twig = undef ; my ($currentId, $currentName, $currentInchi, $currentInchiKey, $currentFormula, $currentExactMass, $currentPubchemCid, $currentContaminType) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ) ; my ($currentChromatography, $currentExactAdductMass, $currentInstrument, $currentInstrumentType, $currentIonForm, $currentIonMode, $currentIonSourceType, $currentReference, $currentMz) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef ) ; if (!defined $source) { $source = dist_file('Metabolomics-FragNot', 'MaConDa__v1_0__extensive.xml'); if (-e $source) { print "loading $source...\n" ; } else { croak "The source file ($source) does not exist at this path\n" ; } } if ( (defined $source) and (-e $source) ) { $twig = XML::Twig->nparse_ppe( twig_handlers => { # contaminant_id 'contaminant' => sub { if ( (defined $currentId) ) { my $oContaminant = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminant() ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantID($currentId) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantNAME($currentName) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantEXACT_MASS($currentExactMass) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantFORMULA($currentFormula) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantSTD_INCHI($currentInchi) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantSTD_INCHI_KEY($currentInchiKey) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantPUBCHEM_CID($currentPubchemCid) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT($currentContaminType) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtCHROMATOGRAPHY($currentChromatography) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS($currentExactAdductMass) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT($currentInstrument) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPE($currentInstrumentType) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtION_FORM($currentIonForm) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtION_MODE($currentIonMode) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtION_SOURCE_TYPE($currentIonSourceType) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtMZ($currentMz) ; $oContaminant->_setContaminantExtREFERENCE($currentReference) ; $oBank->_addContaminant($oContaminant) ; $currentId = undef ; } } , ## END SUB contaminant_id 'contaminant/id' => sub { $currentId = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/name' => sub { $currentName = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/formula' => sub { $currentFormula = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/exact_mass' => sub { $currentExactMass = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/std_inchi' => sub { $currentInchi = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/std_inchi_key' => sub { $currentInchiKey = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/pubchem_cid' => sub { $currentPubchemCid = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/type_of_contaminant' => sub { $currentContaminType = $_ -> text_only ; }, ## extensive part: 'contaminant/reference' => sub { $currentReference = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/ion_mode' => sub { $currentIonMode = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/mz' => sub { $currentMz = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/exact_adduct_mass' => sub { $currentExactAdductMass = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/ion_form' => sub { $currentIonForm = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/instrument_type' => sub { $currentInstrumentType = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/instrument' => sub { $currentInstrument = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/chromatography' => sub { $currentChromatography = $_ -> text_only ; }, 'contaminant/ion_source_type' => sub { $currentIonSourceType = $_ -> text_only ; }, }, pretty_print => 'indented', error_context => 1, $source ); # $twig->print; $twig->purge ; } else{ croak "The source file does not exist ($source) or is not defined\n" ; } return ($oBank) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD extractContaminantTypes ## Description : extract contaminant types listing from contaminants object ## Input : $oContaminants ## Output : $contaminantTypes ## Usage : my ( $contaminantTypes ) = extractContaminantTypes ( $oContaminants ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub extractContaminantTypes { ## Retrieve Values # my $self = shift ; my ( $oContaminants ) = @_; my ( %contaminantTypes ) = ( () ) ; # print Dumper $oContaminants ; my $contaminants = $oContaminants->_getContaminants(); if ( (defined $oContaminants ) ) { foreach my $contaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { my $type = $contaminant->_getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT() ; if (defined $type) { $contaminantTypes{$type} += 1 ; } } } else{ croak "The contaminants object is not defined or is empty\n" ; } return (\%contaminantTypes) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD extractContaminantInstruments ## Description : extract instruments listing from contaminants object ## Input : $oContaminants ## Output : $contaminantInstruments ## Usage : my ( $contaminantInstruments ) = extractContaminantInstruments ( $oContaminants ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub extractContaminantInstruments { ## Retrieve Values # my $self = shift ; my ( $oContaminants ) = @_; my ( %contaminantInstruments ) = ( () ) ; # print Dumper $oContaminants ; my $contaminants = $oContaminants->_getContaminants(); if ( (defined $oContaminants ) ) { foreach my $contaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { my $instrument = $contaminant->_getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS() ; if (defined $instrument) { $contaminantInstruments{$instrument} += 1 ; } } } else{ croak "The contaminants object is not defined or is empty\n" ; } return (\%contaminantInstruments) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD extractContaminantInstrumentTypes ## Description : extract instrument types listing from contaminants object ## Input : $oContaminants ## Output : $contaminantInstrumentTypes ## Usage : my ( $contaminantInstrumentTypes ) = extractContaminantInstrumentTypes ( $oContaminants ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub extractContaminantInstrumentTypes { ## Retrieve Values # my $self = shift ; my ( $oContaminants ) = @_; my ( %contaminantInstrumentTypes ) = ( () ) ; # print Dumper $oContaminants ; my $contaminants = $oContaminants->_getContaminants(); if ( (defined $oContaminants ) ) { foreach my $contaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { my $instrument = $contaminant->_getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES() ; if (defined $instrument) { $contaminantInstrumentTypes{$instrument} += 1 ; } } } else{ croak "The contaminants object is not defined or is empty\n" ; } return (\%contaminantInstrumentTypes) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD filterContaminantIonMode ## Description : filtering contaminants by their ion mode (POS|NEG|BOTH) ## Input : $oBank, $ionMode ## Output : $oFilteredBank ## Usage : my ( $oFilteredBank ) = filterContaminantIonMode ( $oBank, $ionMode ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub filterContaminantIonMode { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $ionMode ) = @_; my ( $oFilteredBank ) = ( undef ) ; if ( (defined $ionMode ) ) { my $contaminants = $self->_getContaminants(); $ionMode = uc ($ionMode) ; ## UPPERCASE if ( ( $ionMode eq 'BOTH' ) ) { $oFilteredBank = $self ; ## - - none filter - - } else { my $filter = undef ; $oFilteredBank = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminants() ; if ( ( $ionMode eq 'POSITIVE' ) ) { $filter = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $ionMode eq 'NEGATIVE' ) ) { $filter = 'NEG' ; } elsif ( ( $ionMode eq 'POS' ) ) { $filter = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $ionMode eq 'NEG' ) ) { $filter = 'NEG' ; } elsif ( ( $ionMode eq 'POSITIF' ) ) { $filter = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $ionMode eq 'NEGATIF' ) ) { $filter = 'NEG' ; } else { croak "This ion mode is unknown: $ionMode\n" ; } foreach my $oContaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { my $contaminantIonMode = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtION_MODE() ; # print "mode is... $contaminantIonMode\n" ; if ( (defined $contaminantIonMode ) and ( $contaminantIonMode eq $filter ) ) { my $selectedContaminant = $oContaminant ; $oFilteredBank->_addContaminant($selectedContaminant) ; } else { next ; } } ## END FOREACH } } else{ croak "The ion mode object is not defined\n" ; } return ($oFilteredBank) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD filterContaminantInstruments ## Description : filtering contaminants by their instrument (array) ## Input : $oBank, $instruments ## Output : $oFilteredBank, $totalEntryNum, $fiteredEntryNum ## Usage : my ( $oFilteredBank ) = filterContaminantInstruments ( $oBank, $instruments ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub filterContaminantInstruments { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $instruments ) = @_; my ( $oFilteredBank ) = ( undef ) ; my ($totalEntryNum, $fiteredEntryNum) = (0, 0) ; # print Dumper $instruments ; if ( (defined $instruments ) ) { my $contaminants = $self->_getContaminants(); if (( scalar (@{$instruments}) == 1 ) and $instruments->[0] eq 'ALL' ) { $oFilteredBank = $self ; ## - - none filter - - $totalEntryNum = $fiteredEntryNum = scalar ( @{$contaminants} ) ; } elsif (( scalar (@{$instruments}) >= 1 ) ) { $oFilteredBank = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminants() ; foreach my $oContaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { $totalEntryNum ++ ; my $contaminantInstrument = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtINSTRUMENTS() ; foreach my $instrument (@{$instruments}) { if ( (defined $contaminantInstrument ) and ( $contaminantInstrument eq $instrument ) ) { my $selectedContaminant = $oContaminant ; $oFilteredBank->_addContaminant($selectedContaminant) ; $fiteredEntryNum++ ; last ; } else { next ; } } } } } else{ croak "The instrument array ref is not defined\n" ; } return ($oFilteredBank, $totalEntryNum, $fiteredEntryNum) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD filterContaminantInstrumentTypes ## Description : filtering contaminants by their instrument types (array) ## Input : $oBank, $instrumentTypes ## Output : $oFilteredBank ## Usage : my ( $oFilteredBank ) = filterContaminantInstrumentTypes ( $oBank, $instrumentTypes ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub filterContaminantInstrumentTypes { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $instrumentTypes ) = @_; my ( $oFilteredBank ) = ( undef ) ; my ($totalEntryNum, $fiteredEntryNum) = (0, 0) ; if ( (defined $instrumentTypes ) ) { my $contaminants = $self->_getContaminants(); if (( scalar (@{$instrumentTypes}) == 1 ) and $instrumentTypes->[0] eq 'ALL' ) { $oFilteredBank = $self ; ## - - none filter - - $totalEntryNum = $fiteredEntryNum = scalar ( @{$contaminants} ) ; } elsif (( scalar (@{$instrumentTypes}) >= 1 ) ) { $oFilteredBank = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refContaminants() ; foreach my $oContaminant ( @{$contaminants} ) { $totalEntryNum ++ ; my $contaminantInstrument = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtINSTRUMENT_TYPES() ; foreach my $instrumentType (@{$instrumentTypes}) { if ( (defined $contaminantInstrument ) and ( $contaminantInstrument eq $instrumentType ) ) { my $selectedContaminant = $oContaminant ; $oFilteredBank->_addContaminant($selectedContaminant) ; $fiteredEntryNum++ ; last ; } else { next ; } } } } } else{ croak "The instrument types array ref is not defined\n" ; } return ($oFilteredBank, $totalEntryNum, $fiteredEntryNum) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD buildTheoPeakBankFromFragments ## Description : building a bank integrating each potential fragments from a parent ion ## Input : $refBank, $mzParent ## Output : $ionBank ## Usage : my ( $ionBank ) = buildTheoPeakBankFromFragments ( $refBank, $mzParent ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub buildTheoPeakBankFromFragments { ## Retrieve Values my ( $oBank, $mzParent ) = @_; my $fragments = $oBank->_getFragments(); my @fragmentsList = () ; foreach my $fragment (@{$fragments}) { ## Addition ion mz and theo fragment and filter negative obtained mz my $fragMass = $fragment->_getDELTA_MASS() ; # arround the result with min decimal part of the two floats. my $decimalLength = _getSmallestDecimalPartOf2Numbers($fragMass, $mzParent) ; my $computedMass = ($mzParent + $fragMass) ; $computedMass = sprintf("%.$decimalLength"."f", $computedMass ); if ($computedMass > 0) { my $oPeak = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refPeak() ; $oPeak->_setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $computedMass ); $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_TYPE ( $fragment->_getTYPE() ); $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_NAME ( $fragment->_getLOSSES_OR_GAINS() ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ( $fragment->_getANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE() ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ( $fragment->_getANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE() ); # push(@fragmentsList, $oPeak) ; $oBank->_addPeakList('_THEO_PEAK_LIST_', $oPeak) ; } } ## END FOREACH # print Dumper $oBank ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD buildTheoPeakBankFromContaminants ## Description : building a bank integrating each potential ion from contaminants ## Input : $refBank, $oContaminants, $queryMode ## Output : $ionBank ## Usage : my ( $ionBank ) = buildTheoPeakBankFromContaminants ( $refBank, $oContaminants, $queryMode ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub buildTheoPeakBankFromContaminants { ## Retrieve Values my ( $oBank, $oContaminants, $queryMode ) = @_; my $contaminants = $oContaminants->_getContaminants() ; foreach my $oContaminant (@{$contaminants}) { ## map contaminant object with peak object # print Dumper $oContaminant ; my $oPeak = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refPeak() ; my $mass = undef ; ## should be ION | NEUTRAL -> getting different source of data in mapping if ( (defined $queryMode) and ($queryMode eq "NEUTRAL") ) { $mass = $oContaminant->_getContaminantEXACT_MASS() ; $oPeak->_setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ($mass) if ( defined $mass ) ; } elsif ( (defined $queryMode) and ($queryMode eq "ION") ) { $mass = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtEXACT_ADDUCT_MASS() ; ## in case found no value for the adduct mass -> get the MZ value... if ( !defined $mass ) { $mass = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtMZ() ; $oPeak->_setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ($mass) if ( defined $mass ) ; } else { $oPeak->_setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ($mass) if ( defined $mass ) ; } } else { croak "This mode does not exist ($queryMode)\n" ; } # _ION_MODE_ shoulbe NEG | POS and is linked to _ION_FORM_ and mapping ANNOTATION my $ionMode = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtION_MODE() ; my $ionForm = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtION_FORM() ; if ( (defined $ionMode ) and ( $ionMode eq 'NEG') ){ $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE($ionForm) ; } elsif ( (defined $ionMode ) and ( $ionMode eq 'POS') ){ $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE($ionForm) ; } # _TYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT_ my $type = $oContaminant->_getContaminantExtTYPE_OF_CONTAMINANT() ; $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_TYPE ( $type ) if ( defined $type ) ; # _NAME_ my $name = $oContaminant->_getContaminantNAME() ; $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_NAME ( $name ) if ( defined $name ) ; # _ID_ my $id = $oContaminant->_getContaminantID() ; $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_ID ( $id ) if ( defined $id ) ; ## If every run -> push the well completed object ! if ( (defined $mass) and ( $mass > 0 ) ) { $oBank->_addPeakList('_THEO_PEAK_LIST_', $oPeak) ; } } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD parsingMsFragments ## Description : get a list of Ms fragment from a experimental mesureament. ## Input : $oBank, $Xfile, $is_header, $column ## Output : $msFragBank ## Usage : $oBank->parsingMsFragments ( $Xfile, $is_header, $column ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub parsingMsFragments { ## Retrieve Values my ( $oBank, $Xfile, $is_header, $column ) = @_; my @fragmentsList = () ; #### FOR TEST ONLY : if ((!defined $Xfile) or (!defined $column) or (!defined $is_header)) { @fragmentsList = (178.9942, 156.0351, 118.9587, 118.9756, 108.0666) ; } my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); ## Adapte the number of the colunm : (nb of column to position in array) $column = $column - 1 ; open (CSV, "<", $Xfile) or die $! ; my $line = 0 ; while (<CSV>) { $line++ ; chomp $_ ; # file has a header if ( defined $is_header ) { if ($line == 1) { next ; } } # parsing the targeted column if ( $csv->parse($_) ) { my @columns = $csv->fields(); push ( @fragmentsList, $columns[$column] ) ; } else { my $err = $csv->error_input; die "Failed to parse line: $err"; } } close CSV; ## Create a PeakList foreach my $mz (@fragmentsList) { my $oPeak = Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation->refPeak() ; $oPeak->_setMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $mz ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_TYPE ( ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_NAME ( ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_NEG_MODE ( ); # $oPeak->_setANNOTATION_IN_POS_MODE ( ); $oBank->_addPeakList('_EXP_PEAK_LIST_', $oPeak) ; } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _parsingW4mTabularFile ## Description : parsing a full W4M variable metadata tabular file and create a array of arrats object ## Input : $inputTabularFile ## Output : $oVariableMetadataTable ## Usage : my ( $oVariableMetadataTable ) = parsingW4mTabularFile ( $inputTabularFile ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _parsingW4mTabularFile { ## Retrieve Values my ( $inputTabularFile, $keepHeader ) = @_; my ( @oVariableMetadataTable ) = ( () ) ; my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); my @csv_matrix = () ; my $line = 0 ; open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $inputTabularFile or die "Can't open csv file $inputTabularFile: $!"; while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) { $line++ ; if ( (defined $keepHeader) and ($keepHeader eq 'FALSE') and ($line == 1 ) ) { next ; } else { push @oVariableMetadataTable, $row; } } $csv->eof or $csv->error_diag(); close $fh; return (\@oVariableMetadataTable) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD compareExpMzToTheoMzList ## Description : comparing two lists of mzs (theo and experimental) with a delta ## Input : $oBank, $deltaValue, $deltaType ## Output : NA ## Usage : my ( $var4 ) = compareExpMzToTheoMzList ( $var3 ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub compareExpMzToTheoMzList { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ($deltaType, $deltaValue ) = @_ ; my $expFragments = $self->_getPeakList('_EXP_PEAK_LIST_') ; my $theoFragments = $self->_getPeakList('_THEO_PEAK_LIST_') ; # print Dumper $expFragments ; # print Dumper $theoFragments ; if ( ( scalar (@{$expFragments}) > 0 ) and ( scalar (@{$theoFragments}) > 0 ) ) { foreach my $expFrag (@{$expFragments}) { my $fragMz = $expFrag->_getMESURED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS(); my ($min, $max) = _mz_delta_conversion (\$fragMz, \$deltaType, \$deltaValue) ; # print "FOR frag $fragMz - MIN is: $$min and MAX is: $$max\n" ; foreach my $theoFrag (@{$theoFragments}) { my $motifMz = $theoFrag-> _getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS(); if ( ($motifMz > $$min ) and ($motifMz < $$max) ) { # print "OK -> $motifMz MATCHING WITH $fragMz\n" ; my $annotName = $theoFrag-> _getANNOTATION_NAME(); my $computedMz = $theoFrag->_getCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS(); my $annotType = $theoFrag->_getANNOTATION_TYPE() ; my $annotID = $theoFrag->_getANNOTATION_ID() ; ## TODO... my $deltaError = 0 ; # compute error $deltaError = _computeMzDeltaInMmu($fragMz, $motifMz) ; $expFrag-> _setANNOTATION_DA_ERROR( $deltaError ); my $deltaErrorMmu = _computeMzDeltaInMmu($fragMz, $motifMz) ; $deltaError = _computeMzDeltaInPpm($fragMz, $deltaErrorMmu) ; $expFrag-> _setANNOTATION_PPM_ERROR( $deltaError ); $expFrag-> _setANNOTATION_NAME( $annotName ); $expFrag-> _setCOMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS( $computedMz ); $expFrag-> _setANNOTATION_TYPE( $annotType ); $expFrag-> _setANNOTATION_ID( $annotID ) if (defined $annotID); ## TODO... } else { # print "KO -> $motifMz DON'T MATCHING WITH $fragMz\n" ; next ; } } } ## END foreach } else { croak "[ERROR]: One of peak list is empty or object is undef...\n" ; } } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD writeTabularWithPeakBankObject ## Description : write a full tabular file from a template and mapping peak bank objects features ## Input : $oBank, $templateTabular, $tabular ## Output : $tabular ## Usage : my ( $tabular ) = $oBank->writeTabularWithPeakBankObject ( $templateTabular, $tabular ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub writeTabularWithPeakBankObject { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $templateTabular, $tabular ) = @_; my $peakList = $self->_getPeakList('_EXP_PEAK_LIST_') ; my $templateFields = _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS($templateTabular) ; my $peakListRows = _mapPeakListWithTemplateFields($templateFields, $peakList) ; my $oCsv = Text::CSV_XS->new ( { binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n", sep_char=> "\t" } ); if (defined $tabular) { open my $oh, ">", "$tabular"; $oCsv->column_names($templateFields); $oCsv->print($oh, $templateFields); foreach my $peak (@{$peakListRows}) { $oCsv->print_hr($oh, \%$peak); } close($oh) ; } else { croak "[ERROR] the tabular output file is not defined\n" ; } return ($tabular) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD writeFullTabularWithPeakBankObject ## Description : write a output containing the input data and new column concerning annotation work ## Input : $oBank, $inputData, $templateTabular, $tabular ## Output : $tabular ## Usage : my ( $tabular ) = $oBank->writeFullTabularWithPeakBankObject ( $inputData, $templateTabular, $tabular ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub writeFullTabularWithPeakBankObject { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $inputTabular, $templateTabular, $tabular ) = @_; my $inputFields = undef ; my @inputData = () ; # an array of hash correxponding to the input tabular file ## input source needs a header... if (-e $inputTabular) { $inputFields = _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS($inputTabular) ; } else { croak "[ERROR] Your input file does not exist ($inputTabular...)\n" ; } my $peakList = $self->_getPeakList('_EXP_PEAK_LIST_') ; my $templateFields = _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS($templateTabular) ; my $peakListRows = _mapPeakListWithTemplateFields($templateFields, $peakList) ; # merge $inputFields and $templateFields my @tabularFields = (@{$inputFields}, @{$templateFields} ) ; # if input has header - set the last version of the peaklistRows if (defined $inputFields) { ## open and parse input data my $oInCsv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); open my $in, "<", $inputTabular or die "$inputTabular: $!"; $oInCsv->header ($in); while (my $row = $oInCsv->getline_hr ($in)) { my %rowValues = () ; # print Dumper $inputFields ; # print Dumper $row ; foreach my $field (@{$inputFields}) { $rowValues{$field} = $row->{lc($field)} ; } push (@inputData, \%rowValues) ; } } else { croak "[ERROR] Your input file does not have any header\n" ; } my $oOutCsv = Text::CSV_XS->new ( { binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n", sep_char=> "\t" } ); if (defined $tabular) { my $pos = 0 ; open my $oh, ">", "$tabular"; # $oOutCsv->column_names(\@tabularFields); $oOutCsv->print($oh, \@tabularFields); foreach my $peak (@{$peakListRows}) { my %row = ( %{$peak}, %{ $inputData[$pos] } ) ; $oOutCsv->print_hr($oh, \%row); $pos ++ ; } close($oh) ; } else { croak "[ERROR] the tabular output file is not defined\n" ; } return ($tabular) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS ## Description : get all fields of the tabular template file ## Input : $template ## Output : $fields ## Usage : my ( $fields ) = _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS ( $template ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getTEMPLATE_TABULAR_FIELDS { ## Retrieve Values my ( $template ) = @_; my ( @fields ) = ( () ) ; if (-e $template) { my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); open my $fh, "<", $template or die "$template: $!"; ## Checking header of the source file $csv->header ($fh, { munge_column_names => sub { push (@fields, $_) ; }}); } else { croak "Tabular template file is not defined or is not existing.\n" ; } return (\@fields) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _mapPeakListWithTemplateFields ## Description : map any PeakList with any template fields from tabular ## Input : $fields, $peakList ## Output : $rows ## Usage : my ( $rows ) = _mapPeakListWithTemplateFields ( $fields, $peakList ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _mapPeakListWithTemplateFields { ## Retrieve Values my ( $fields, $peakList ) = @_; my ( @rows ) = ( () ) ; foreach my $peak (@{$peakList}) { my %tmp = () ; foreach my $field (@{$fields}) { if ($peak->{$field}) { $tmp{$field} = $peak->{$field} ; } else { $tmp{$field} = 'NA' ; } } push (@rows, \%tmp) ; } return (\@rows) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD utilsAsConf ## Description : build a conf from a conf file with KEY=VALUE structure ## Input : $file ## Ouput : $oConf (a hash) ## Usage : my ( $oConf ) = utilsAsConf( $file ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub utilsAsConf { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $file, $separator ) = @_ ; # if (!defined $separator) { $separator = ';' } ## set separator to ; if ( !defined $file ) { croak "Can't create object with an none defined file\n" ; } my %Conf = () ; ## Hash devant contenir l'ensemble des parametres locaux if (-e $file) { open (CFG, "<$file") or die "Can't open $file\n" ; while (<CFG>) { chomp $_ ; if ( $_ =~ /^#(.*)/) { next ; } elsif ($_ =~/^(\w+?)=(.*)/) { ## ALPHANUMERIC OR UNDERSCORE ONLY FOR THE KEY AND ANYTHING ELSE FOR VALUE my ($key, $value) = ($1, $2) ; if (defined $separator) { if ( $value=~/$separator/ ) { ## is a list to split my @tmp = split(/$separator/ , $value) ; $Conf{$key} = \@tmp ; } } else { $Conf{$key} = $value ; } } } close(CFG) ; } else { croak "Can't create object with an none existing file\n" ; } return ( \%Conf ) ; } ## END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getSmallestDecimalPartOf2Numbers ## Description : get the smallest decimal part of two numbers ## Input : $float01, $float02 ## Output : $commonLenghtDecimalPart ## Usage : my ( $commonLenghtDecimalPart ) = _getSmallestDecimalPartOf2Numbers ( $float01, $float02 ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getSmallestDecimalPartOf2Numbers { ## Retrieve Values my ( $float01, $float02 ) = @_; my ($smallestDecimalPart, $nbDecimalFloat01, $nbDecimalFloat02) = (0, 0, 0) ; my @decimalPart01 = split (/\./, $float01) ; my @decimalPart02 = split (/\./, $float02) ; if ($#decimalPart01+1 == 1) { $nbDecimalFloat01 = 0 ; } else { $nbDecimalFloat01 = length ($decimalPart01[1]) ; } if ($#decimalPart02+1 == 1) { $nbDecimalFloat02 = 0 ; } else { $nbDecimalFloat02 = length ($decimalPart02[1]) ; } ## get the smallest number if ( $nbDecimalFloat01 >= $nbDecimalFloat02 ) { $smallestDecimalPart = $nbDecimalFloat02 ; } if ( $nbDecimalFloat02 >= $nbDecimalFloat01 ) { $smallestDecimalPart = $nbDecimalFloat01 ; } return ($smallestDecimalPart) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _mz_delta_conversion ## Description : returns the minimum and maximum mass according to the delta ## Input : \$mass, \$delta_type, \$mz_delta ## Output : \$min, \$max ## Usage : ($min, $max)= mz_delta_conversion($mass, $delta_type, $mz_delta) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _mz_delta_conversion { ## Retrieve Values my ( $mass, $delta_type, $mz_delta ) = @_ ; my ( $computedDeltaMz, $min, $max ) = ( 0, undef, undef ) ; if ($$delta_type eq 'PPM') { $computedDeltaMz = ($$mz_delta * 10**-6 * $$mass); } elsif ($$delta_type eq 'DA') { $computedDeltaMz = $$mz_delta ; } else { croak "The masses delta type '$$delta_type' isn't a valid type !\n" ; } # Determine the number of decimals of the mz and of the delta (adding 0.1 if mz = 100 or 0.01 if mz = 100.1 ) my @decimalMzPart = split (/\./, $$mass) ; my @decimalDeltaPart = split (/\./, $computedDeltaMz) ; my ($decimalMzPart, $decimalDeltaPart, $decimalLength, $nbDecimalMz, $nbDecimalDelta) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; if ($#decimalMzPart+1 == 1) { $decimalMzPart = 0 ; } else { $decimalMzPart = $decimalMzPart[1] ; } if ($#decimalDeltaPart+1 == 1) { $decimalDeltaPart = 0 ; } else { $decimalDeltaPart = $decimalDeltaPart[1] ; } if ( ($decimalMzPart == 0 ) and ($decimalDeltaPart == 0 ) ) { $decimalLength = 1 ; } else { $nbDecimalMz = length ($decimalMzPart)+1 ; $nbDecimalDelta = length ($decimalDeltaPart)+1 ; if ( $nbDecimalMz >= $nbDecimalDelta ) { $decimalLength = $nbDecimalMz ; } if ( $nbDecimalDelta >= $nbDecimalMz ) { $decimalLength = $nbDecimalDelta ; } } my $deltaAdjustment = sprintf ("0."."%.$decimalLength"."d", 1 ) ; # print "$$mass: $decimalMzPart -> $nbDecimalMz, $$mz_delta: $decimalDeltaPart -> $nbDecimalDelta ==> $deltaAdjustment \n " ; $min = $$mass - $computedDeltaMz ; $max = $$mass + $computedDeltaMz + $deltaAdjustment ; ## it's to included the maximum value in the search return(\$min, \$max) ; } ## END of SUB =head2 METHOD _computeMzDeltaInMmu ## Description : compute a delta (Da) between exp. mz and calc. mz ## based on ## Other ref : ## Input : $expMz, $calcMz ## Output : $mzDeltaDa ## Usage : my ( $mzDeltaDa ) = _computeMzDeltaInMmu ( $expMz, $calcMz ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _computeMzDeltaInMmu { ## Retrieve Values my ( $expMz, $calcMz ) = @_; my ( $mzDeltaMmu ) = ( 0 ) ; if ( ($expMz > 0 ) and ($calcMz > 0) ) { my $decimalLength = _getSmallestDecimalPartOf2Numbers($expMz, $calcMz) ; my $delta = abs($expMz - $calcMz) ; $mzDeltaMmu = sprintf("%.$decimalLength"."f", $delta ); } else { carp "[ERROR Given masses are null\n" ; } return ($mzDeltaMmu) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD computeMzDeltaInPpm ## Description : compute a delta (PPM) between exp. mz and calc. mz - Δm/Monoisotopic calculated exact mass ×106 ## Input : $expMz, $calcMz ## Output : $mzDeltaPpm ## Usage : my ( $mzDeltaPpm ) = computeMzDeltaInPpm ( $expMz, $calcMz ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _computeMzDeltaInPpm { ## Retrieve Values my ( $calcMz, $mzDeltaMmu ) = @_; my ( $mzDeltaPpm ) = ( 0 ) ; # print "$calcMz -> $mzDeltaMmu\n" ; if ( ($calcMz > 0 ) and ($mzDeltaMmu >= 0) ) { $mzDeltaPpm = ($mzDeltaMmu/$calcMz) * (10**6 ) ; #Perform a round at int level # print "\t$mzDeltaPpm\n"; $mzDeltaPpm = _roundFloat($mzDeltaPpm, 0) ; } else { carp "[ERROR Given masses are null\n" ; } return ($mzDeltaPpm) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _roundFloat ## Description : round a float by the sended decimal ## Input : $number, $decimal ## Output : $round_num ## Usage : my ( $round_num ) = round_num( $number, $decimal ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _roundFloat { ## Retrieve Values my ( $number, $decimal ) = @_ ; my $round_num = 0 ; if ( ( defined $decimal ) and ( $decimal > -1 ) and ( defined $number ) and ( $number > 0 ) ) { $round_num = sprintf("%.".$decimal."f", $number); ## on utilise un arrondit : 5.3 -> 5 et 5.5 -> 6 } elsif ( ( defined $decimal ) and ( $decimal > -1 ) and ( defined $number ) and ( $number == 0 ) ) { $round_num = 0 ; } else { croak "Can't round any number : missing value or decimal\n" ; } return($round_num) ; } ## END of SUB __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Franck Giacomoni, C<< <franck.giacomoni at> >> =head1 SEE ALSO All information about FragNot should be find here: =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-metabolomics-fragnot at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT CeCILL Copyright (C) 2019 by Franck Giacomoni Initiated by Franck Giacomoni followed by INRA PFEM team Web Site = INRA PFEM =cut 1; # End of Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation