package Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome ; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; # locate this script use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../.."; # use the parent directory use Exporter qw(import); use Data::Dumper ; use Text::CSV ; use XML::Twig ; use File::Share ':all'; use Carp qw (cluck croak carp) ; use base qw( Metabolomics::Banks ) ; # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( getMetabolitesFromSource buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries ) ] ); our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our @EXPORT = qw( getMetabolitesFromSource buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries ); # Preloaded methods go here. my $modulePath = File::Basename::dirname( __FILE__ ); =head1 NAME Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome - Perl extension for BloodExposome bank =head1 VERSION Version 0.1 =cut our $VERSION = '0.1'; =head1 SYNOPSIS use Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome; =head1 DESCRIPTION Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome is a full package for Perl allowing to build a generic Perl bank object from Blood exposome bank resource. =head1 EXPORT =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 METHOD new ## Description : new ## Input : $self ## Ouput : bless $self ; ## Usage : new() ; =cut sub new { ## Variables my $self={}; $self = Metabolomics::Banks->new() ; $self->{_DATABASE_NAME_} = 'Blood Exposome' ; $self->{_DATABASE_VERSION_} = '1.0' ; $self->{_DATABASE_ENTRIES_NB_} = 'database_entries_nb' ; $self->{_DATABASE_URL_} = 'database_url' ; $self->{_DATABASE_DOI_} = 'database_doi' ; ## _DATABASE_ENTRIES_ bless($self) ; return $self ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD __refBloodExposomeEntry__ ## Description : init a new blood exposome entry ## Input : void ## Output : refEntry ## Usage : $self->__refBloodExposomeEntry__() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub __refBloodExposomeEntry__ { ## Variables my ($class,$args) = @_; my $self={}; bless($self) ; $self->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = 'pubchem_cid' ; # $self->{_COMPOUND_NAME_} = 'compound_name' ; # $self->{_KEGG_ID_} = 'kegg_id' ; $self->{_HMDB_ID_} = 'hmdb_id' ; $self->{_MOLECULAR_FORMULA_} = 'molecular_formula' ; $self->{_CANONICAL_SMILES_} = 'canonical_smiles' ; $self->{_INCHIKEY_} = 'inchikey' ; $self->{_MULTI_COMPONENT_} = 'multi_component' ; $self->{_XLOGP_} = 'xlogp' ; $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} = 'exact_mass' ; $self->{_CHARGE_} = 'charge' ; return $self ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getEntry_EXACT_MASS ## Description : PRIVATE method _getEntry_EXACT_MASS on a refBloodExposomeEntry object ## Input : void ## Output : $EXACT_MASS ## Usage : my ( $EXACT_MASS ) = $entry->_getEntry_EXACT_MASS () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getEntry_EXACT_MASS { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $EXACT_MASS = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_EXACT_MASS_}) and ( $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} > 0 ) or $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} < 0 ) { $EXACT_MASS = $self->{_EXACT_MASS_} ; } else { $EXACT_MASS = 0 ; warn "[WARN] the method _getEntry_EXACT_MASS can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $EXACT_MASS ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getEntry_CHARGE ## Description : PRIVATE method _getEntry_CHARGE on a refBloodExposomeEntry object ## Input : void ## Output : $CHARGE ## Usage : my ( $CHARGE ) = $entry->_getEntry_CHARGE () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getEntry_CHARGE { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $CHARGE = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_CHARGE_}) and ( $self->{_CHARGE_} > 0 or $self->{_CHARGE_} < 0 or $self->{_CHARGE_} == 0 ) ) { $CHARGE = $self->{_CHARGE_} ; } else { $CHARGE = 0 ; warn "[WARN] the method _getEntry_CHARGE can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $CHARGE ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD _getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME ## Description : PRIVATE method _getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME on a refBloodExposomeEntry object ## Input : void ## Output : $COMPOUND_NAME ## Usage : my ( $COMPOUND_NAME ) = $entry->_getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME () ; =cut ## START of SUB sub _getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my $COMPOUND_NAME = undef ; if ( (defined $self->{_COMPOUND_NAME_}) and ( $self->{_COMPOUND_NAME_} ne '' ) ) { $COMPOUND_NAME = $self->{_COMPOUND_NAME_} ; } else { $COMPOUND_NAME = undef ; warn "[WARN] the method _getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME can't _get a undef or non numerical value\n" ; } return ( $COMPOUND_NAME ) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD getMetabolitesFromSource ## Description : get the list of metabolite entries from $source file and set the Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome object ## Input : $source (file from the metabolomics-references project) ## Output : an int as $entriesNb ## Usage : my ( $entriesNb ) = $self->getMetabolitesFromSource ( $source ) ; =cut ## START of SUB sub getMetabolitesFromSource { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $source ) = @_; my $entriesNb = 0 ; if (!defined $source) { $source = dist_file('Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation', 'BloodExposome_v1_0.txt'); if (-e $source) { print "loading $source...\n" ; } else { croak "The source file ($source) does not exist at this path\n" ; } } if ( (defined $source) and (-e $source) ) { my $oEntry = $self->__refBloodExposomeEntry__() ; ## format of ref file is in version 1.0 : my $csv = Text::CSV->new ( { 'sep_char' => "\t", binary => 1, auto_diag => 1, eol => "\n" } ) # should set binary attribute. or die "Cannot use CSV: ".Text::CSV->error_diag (); open my $fh, "<", $source or die "$source: $!"; ## Checking header of the source file $csv->header ($fh, { munge_column_names => sub { s/\s+$//; s/^\s+//; my $uc_col = '_'.uc$_.'_' ; if ($_ ne 'example_valine' ) { $oEntry->{$uc_col} or die "Unknown column '$uc_col' in $source"; } }}); while (my $row = $csv->getline_hr ($fh)) { my $currentEntry = $self->__refBloodExposomeEntry__() ; ## TODO getter/setter... $currentEntry->{_PUBCHEM_CID_} = $row->{'pubchem_cid'} ; $currentEntry->{_COMPOUND_NAME_} = $row->{'compound_name'} ; $currentEntry->{_KEGG_ID_} = $row->{'kegg_id'} ; $currentEntry->{_HMDB_ID_} = $row->{'hmdb_id'} ; $currentEntry->{_MOLECULAR_FORMULA_} = $row->{'molecular_formula'} ; $currentEntry->{_CANONICAL_SMILES_} = $row->{'canonical_smiles'} ; $currentEntry->{_INCHIKEY_} = $row->{'inchikey'} ; $currentEntry->{_MULTI_COMPONENT_} = $row->{'multi_component'} ; $currentEntry->{_XLOGP_} = $row->{'xlogp'} ; $currentEntry->{_EXACT_MASS_} = $row->{'exact_mass'} ; $currentEntry->{_CHARGE_} = $row->{'charge'} ; $self->_addEntry($currentEntry) ; $entriesNb ++ ; } } else { croak "The source file does not exist ($source) or is not defined\n" ; } # print Dumper $oBank ; return ($entriesNb) ; } ### END of SUB =head2 METHOD buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries ## Description : building from a Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome object, a bank integrating each potential entry in a metabolomics format (POSITIVE or NEGATIVE forms) ## Input : $queryMode [POS|NEG] ## Output : int as $entryNb ## Usage : my $nb = $oBank->buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries() ; =cut ## START of SUB sub buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries { ## Retrieve Values my $self = shift ; my ( $queryMode ) = @_; my $mode = undef ; my $entries = $self->_getEntries(); my $entryNb = 0 ; foreach my $entry (@{$entries}) { # print Dumper $entry ; ## get mz and compute the mz depending of charge and ionisation mode my $entryMass = $entry->_getEntry_EXACT_MASS() ; my $entryCharge = $entry->_getEntry_CHARGE() ; my $oPeak = Metabolomics::Banks->__refPeak__() ; # Charge manager ## Manage and compute mz depending NEG/POS mode used if ( ( $queryMode eq 'POSITIVE' ) ) { $mode = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $queryMode eq 'NEGATIVE' ) ) { $mode = 'NEG' ; } elsif ( ( $queryMode eq 'POS' ) ) { $mode = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $queryMode eq 'NEG' ) ) { $mode = 'NEG' ; } elsif ( ( $queryMode eq 'POSITIF' ) ) { $mode = 'POS' ; } elsif ( ( $queryMode eq 'NEGATIF' ) ) { $mode = 'NEG' ; } else { croak "This ion mode is unknown: $queryMode\n" ; } if ( (!defined $mode) or ( ( $mode ne 'NEG' ) and ( $mode ne 'POS' ) ) ) { croak "[ERROR] The ion mode ($queryMode) is not recognize by buildTheoPeakBankFromEntries method and internal mode can not be set\n" ; } ## Compound has a positive charge - it will be only seen in POS mode if ($entryCharge > 0) { if ( (defined $mode) and ( $mode eq 'POS' ) ) { $oPeak->_setPeak_ANNOTATION_ONLY_IN ( 'POS' ); $oPeak->_setPeak_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $entryMass ); } else { next ; } } ## Compound has a negative charge - it will be only seen in NEG mode elsif ($entryCharge < 0) { if ( (defined $mode) and ( $mode eq 'NEG' ) ) { $oPeak->_setPeak_ANNOTATION_ONLY_IN ( 'NEG' ); $oPeak->_setPeak_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $entryMass ); } else { next ; } } ## Compound has no charge - its mz will be computed depending the acquisition mode elsif ($entryCharge == 0) { my $computedMz = undef ; if ( (defined $mode) and ( $mode eq 'POS' ) ) { $computedMz = Metabolomics::Banks->computeNeutralCpdMz_To_PositiveIonMz($entryMass) ; } elsif ( (defined $mode) and ( $mode eq 'NEG' ) ) { $computedMz = Metabolomics::Banks->computeNeutralCpdMz_To_NegativeIonMz($entryMass) ; } $oPeak->_setPeak_COMPUTED_MONOISOTOPIC_MASS ( $computedMz ); } $oPeak->_setPeak_ANNOTATION_NAME ( $entry->_getEntry_COMPOUND_NAME() ); $self->_addPeakList('_THEO_PEAK_LIST_', $oPeak) ; $entryNb++ ; } ## END FOREACH # Set Entries number of the built database. $self->_set_DATABASE_ENTRIES_NB($entryNb) ; return($entryNb) ; } ### END of SUB __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Franck Giacomoni, C<< <franck.giacomoni at> >> =head1 SEE ALSO All information about Metabolomics::Fragment would be find here: =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-Metabolomics-Fragment-Annotation at>, or through the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Metabolomics::Fragment::Annotation =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L<> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<> =item * CPAN Ratings L<> =item * Search CPAN L<> =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT CeCILL Copyright (C) 2019 by Franck Giacomoni Initiated by Franck Giacomoni followed by INRA PFEM team Web Site = INRA PFEM =cut 1; # End of Metabolomics::Banks::BloodExposome