version 0.08 09-Nov-2002
- Enhanced new constructor. Accepts a an already
initialized $dbh, instead of DSN, username and password.
version 0.07 02-Feb-2002
- maintenance version. Fixed installation problem.
version 0.06 02-Feb-2002
- added installation script and proper namespace.
version 0.05 16-Dec-2001
- modified error checking. DBI handles will use their own error checking.
Normalizer's errors handled by Carp.
- First packaged version for the external world.
Includes readme, HTML documentation,, examples, test database.
version 0.04 15-Dec-2001
- added more documentation
- added some checking for delayed creation of indexes
- improved parsing of indexes
- The ultimate Laziness dream. Added support for one-liner
Normalization commands.
version 0.03 14-Dec-2001
- added indexes checking
- added parameters checking
- improved documentation
- tested with large tables (100_000 to 1_300_000 records): OK.
version 0.02 13-Dec-2001
- added simulation mode support
- added support for later built of indexes
version 0.01 12-Dec-2001
- base version. Working just fine (Initial Laziness satisfied. More Hubris ahead).