Revision history for Perl extension MARC-XML
0.91 Tue Jul 28 2009
- Nixing the stray space (always been there) in the schemaLocation
attribute for single-record output
- Properly apply the leader modification for USMARC to signal UTF-8
- Escape '<', '>', and '&' used as indicator values and subfield labels
during XML output (Bill Erickson)
- CPAN RT#34082: clarify names of header output switches
0.90 Fri Dec 14 2007
- modifications to MARC::File::SAX to use LocalName rather than Name
Name can contain a namespace prefix and cause parsing to fail
Should be ok to rely on LocalName since the parser factory is
requiring Namespace support?
- MARC::File::SAX also can build up multiple records now, for use
in other SAX contexts like Net::OAI::Harvester. This required
a few changes in MARC::File::XML as well.
0.88 Wed Nov 28 2007
- String test for subfield code to avoid dropping $0 (Galen Charlton)
0.88_1 Tue Oct 23 2007
- Fixed a typo in M::F::X that could be the origin of the test failure(miker)
- Removed some useless (and confusing) code that
throws away some character set mapping information in the 066 (miker)
0.85 Fri Feb 13 2007
- fixed typo in handling of unimarc w/regard to marc8 (ppoulain)
0.84 Mon Nov 26 2006
- Fixed UNIMARC encoding detection logic (miker)
- Added UNIMARC Authority support (miker)
0.83 Fri Apr 21 15:19:20 EST 2006
- remove premature return from close() thanks Jay Luker (exlibris)
0.82 March 4, 2006
- details unknown :(
0.81 Fri Feb 3 23:29:04 EST 2006
- minor changes so that diagnostics (when character mappings aren't found)
will not throw warnings about unitialized variables too.
0.8 Fri Feb 3 22:49:11 EST 2006
- overhaul by Mike Rylander to use the new MARC::Charset for mapping
back and forth from marc8 encoding to utf8 encoding
- Makefile.PL requires v0.9 of MARC::Charset to be installed
0.7 Thu Apr 14 11:54:24 CDT 2005
- marc2xml uses MARC::Batch in lenient mode, thanks Rob Casson.
0.66 Thu Sep 23 01:12:20 CDT 2004
- added ability to change the encoding attribute.
0.65 Wed May 19 21:22:23 2004
- added marc2xml and xml2marc utilities
0.61 Mon May 09 10:32:55 2004
- need to require MARC::Record v1.36 since it renames is_control_tag()
to is_control_field().
0.6 Sat May 08 02:23:04 2004
- rudimentary XML encoding (thanks to Peter Robertson for inquiring
about it)
0.53 Mon Dec 01 17:32:01 2003
- fixed to still process XML that has namespaces on record element
thanks Clay Redding at
0.52 Wed Oct 29 20:18:44 2003
- fixed doc bug
0.51 Thu Sep 04 10:33:12 2003
- fixed warnings in MARC::File::SAX which were emitted under new
- docfix in MARC::File::XML.
0.5 Thu Jul 29 13:55:38 2003
- updated so that it uses LC's MARCXML schema
- updated so that it can plug into MARC::Record
0.4 Sun Apr 23 20:50:47 CDT 2000 <Birthisel>
- Update "Windows" test in Makefile.PL
- Needs MARC 1.07 to cover recent fixes and incompatibilities
- Perl 5.6.0 warns on "join (//,", change to "join (''," instead.
- add $MARC::TEST to t/test?.t
- various documentation fixes
0.3 Tue Jan 25 15:43:55 CST 2000 <Birthisel>
- update to XML::Parser 2.27 and MARC 1.04
- add Document Type Declaration support
- header defaults to "US-ASCII"
- add character set output processing and ansel_default
- add entity input translation and register_default
- add incremental input file processing: openxml, nextxml, closexml
- add eg/, eg/pacific0.dat, and eg/
- add t/ansel.ent and expand test2.t
- rename $XDEBUG, add $XTEST and xcarp()
- add "wrapper" methods output_header, output_body, output_footer
0.26 Fri Jan 7 22:35:40 EST 2000
- Corrected dangerous interpolation in field_ handler
0.25 Tue Nov 23 11:32:16 CST 1999 <Birthisel>
- original CPAN-style version; created by h2xs 1.18
- linux command: h2xs -A -X -n MARC::XML
- added Makefile.PL, MANIFEST, README, etc.
- ported t directory and tests from, added test4.t
- surgery--XML::Parser wants global subs and other scope changes.
- cleanup inheritance details
- add "ordered" option to new()
- numerous documentation changes
0.2 Sun Nov 21 18:49:00 EST 1999
- removed MARC::XML specific pod from and added to MARC::XML
0.1 Sun Nov 14 21:59:00 EST 1999
- created MARC::XML subclass to handle MARC<->XML conversions
- moved _marc2xml() from into MARC::XML
0.01 Tue Jul 29 13:55:38 2003
- original release