Revision history for Perl extension XML::Smart.
1.6 2004-02-05
- Fixed simple bug when XML::Smart object used on recursions/loops.
1.5 2004-01-15
- Added method aliase tree_pointer().
- Added method root().
- Added event handlers: on_start, on_char, on_end.
- Multiple contents handled in different way. $xml->{CONTENT} is tied
and the data will be at $xml->{'./CONTENT/0} , $xml->{'./CONTENT/1} , $xml->{'./CONTENT/2}...
- data() will keep the multiple contents order.
- content(i , data) can be used to set a content part.
- $srt = content() returns all the multiple contents grouped.
1.4.1 25/10/2003
- Fixed set_node(). Not full implemented on previous version! sorry.
- Fixed openned tags for XML::Smart::HTMLParser. Now closing near the open tag.
- Fixed external access of /nodes and /order, avoiding internal handling of
them as normal keys.
- Fixed bug at nodes(), nodes_keys(), args(), to identify HASH/ARRAY ref().
- Fixed bug at XML::Smart::HTMLParser, when an attribute value has 2 '>' inside.
- Fixed prerequisite at
- Fixed warnings.
1.4 10/10/2003
- Fixed bug for {arg}{CONTENT}, when {arg} not defined yet.
- An argument now can be forced/unforced to be a node (tag) when XML data is generated.
- Generation of XML data now keep the elements order, based in the previous document loaded or in the elements creation.
- Added multiple searches at the same time to find().
- Fixed delete {arg}[0].
- Fixed pointer() when pointing to a content.
- Fixed some others minor bugs.
- New methods: nodes(), nodes_keys(), args(), args_values(), set_node(), set_order(), path(), path_as_xpath(), xpath(), xpath_pointer().
1.3.1 18/06/2003
- Just a bug fix in XML::Smart::Parser for CDATA.
1.3 15/06/2003
- Can build/load Wild XML data (like HTML).
- New methods: null(), key(), i().
- Fixed select search with multiple values. And added support to search in keys, not only ARRAY ref.
- Accept a XML::Smart object as a value in the tree. When parsing to generate the data, the XML::Smart->tree is got.
- Upgrade to Object::MultiType 0.2, due a bug when using XML::Smart as a boolean.
1.2 Mon May 30 02:03:00 2003
- Added cut_root(), base(), back(), copy() and data_pointer() methods.
- New resource "return format".
- Support for basic entities (defaults).
- Added Support for URLs (with LWP::UserAgent).
- Unicode (UTF-8) support. (Work only on Perl-5.8+)
- Added support for binary and CDATA content and automatically detection of both.
- Added meta generator tag.
- Fixed bug in XML::Smart::Parser (XML::Parser::Lite). Break of REGEX parser on sub REGEX execution.
- Fixed bug with quotes.
1.1 Mon May 23 03:12:12 2003
- Fixed some bugs.
1.0 Mon May 12 11:02:48 2003
- First release!
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-X -A -n XML::Smart