Revision history for Git-Hooks. -*- text -*-

0.019     2012-11-10 23:56:44 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix the post-receive hook which now gets the same input as
	pre-receive. This was reported to me by Mike South. Thanks

0.018     2012-11-06 21:49:20 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix a bug that prevented installed hooks to be invoked in the
	absense of any configured plugins. This was reported to me by
	Mike South. Thanks!

0.017     2012-10-31 10:45:10 America/Sao_Paulo

	Just a bunch of fixes.

0.016     2012-09-13 22:34:05 America/Sao_Paulo

	Interpolate environment variables in the whole ACL
	specification for check-acls.

	Make the .pl extension optional in configuring plugins.

	Make im_memberof an exported routine of Git::Hooks.

	The group specification is now given by the githooks.groups
	variable. This is an incompatible change, since previously it
	was given by the check-acls.groups variable.

	Implement Git::More::get_affected_files. This routine returns
	a hash mapping every affected file in a sequence of commits to
	a letter telling its affected status.

	Allow check-acls.userenv be given by a code snippet to be

0.015     2012-08-19 18:20:07 America/Sao_Paulo

	ACLs in can have environment variables
	interpolated in their refs components.

0.014     2012-08-16 23:00:38 America/Sao_Paulo

	Implement reference specification by negated regexes in ACLs.

	Clarify semantics of ACLs what component in the documentation.

	Fix check-jira.matchlog usage.

	Provide different messages when there are JIRAs cited but not
	from an expected project.

0.013     2012-07-27 17:11:17 America/Sao_Paulo

	Require at least git 1.5 to work with.

0.012     2012-07-26 12:11:10 America/Sao_Paulo

	Improve testing framework.

0.011     2012-07-25 11:12:01 America/Sao_Paulo

	Improve testing framework.

0.010     2012-07-23 11:25:09 America/Sao_Paulo

	Check if we have git installed before generating Makefile from
	Makefile.PL so that we avoid producing bogus

0.009     2012-07-22 11:21:18 America/Sao_Paulo

	Show git version upon test failure.

0.008     2012-07-20 17:19:17 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix to detect ref rewrites to non-related

0.007     2012-07-17 08:59:31 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix still more errors detected by

0.006     2012-07-16 17:29:12 America/Sao_Paulo

	Enable pre 1.7.2 gits by using old-fashioned rev-list --pretty

0.005     2012-07-16 10:17:16 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix some errors detected by

0.004     2012-07-15 22:01:36 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix missing required dependency.

0.003     2012-07-15 18:33:20 America/Sao_Paulo

	Fix dependency on App::gh::Git.

0.002      2012-07-11 America/Sao_Paulo

	Implement support for driving external hooks.

	Rename option githooks.hookdir to githooks.plugins.

	Rename default local plugin directory from .git/hooks.d to

	Add option githooks.externals to disable external hooks processing.

	Add option githooks.hooks to specify extra directories to look for
	external hooks.

0.001      2012-07-10 America/Sao_Paulo

	First release, with two hooks passing tests: and

	I decided to incorporate Git::More in this distribution instead of
	making it a separate module.

	The documentation is lacking and the functionality needs to be