Revision history for Git-Hooks. -*- text -*-
0.025 2012-12-21 08:06:04 America/Sao_Paulo
This version is another big refactoring. It introduces a few
incompatible changes as well, for good measure. ;-)
The option previously required the name
of an environment variable. But this was duplicating poorly
the functionality of the githooks.userenv global option. So, I
changed its meaning to now require a boolean (integer). If
true it now checks if the authenticated_user (as infered by
the githooks.userenv option) is the current issue's assignee.
The Git::Hooks routines grok_affected_refs, get_affected_refs,
get_affected_ref_range, get_affected_ref_commit_ids, and
get_affected_ref_commits were transformed in Git::More
methods, so that they can now keep the affected_refs
information inside the objects.
The Git::Hooks::grok_userenv routine was transformed into the
Git::More::authenticated_user method.
The Git::Hooks::git_config routine was tranformed into the
Git::More::config method.
The method Git::More::get_commits now returns a list of
commits and not an array-ref. This makes its usage simpler.
The tests are now performed out of the distribution directory.
By performing them in the distribution directory we run the
risk of messing up with Git::Hooks own git repository, which
can interfere with the tests too.
Got rid of global variables in Git::Hooks and all state
variables used throughout. This had a great impact in the
code, adding arguments to several routines, turning Git::Hooks
routines into Git::More methods, adding new methods
The tests now prepare only the hooks that will be
tested. Earlier we prepared all 16 hooks, which made the
testing take longer.
The compatibility with old plugin names that was implemented
some commits ago was made more specific, affecting just the
plugins CheckAcls, CheckJira, and CheckStructure. Those were
the plugins that existed before the plugin name change.
0.024 2012-12-17 12:35:52 America/Sao_Paulo
Implement a new plugin Git::Hooks::GerritChangeId which is a
reimplementation of Gerrit's commit-msg official one
(, at Gerrit's v2.5.1).
Improve code and documentation with the help of Code::TidyAll,
Perl::Critic, Pod::Checker, and Pod::Spell.
0.023 2012-12-16 08:47:55 America/Sao_Paulo
This version makes a large refactor in the code. The plugins
were rewritten as proper modules so that they can be used by
themselves, without the Git::Hooks framework. The only user
visible change is that from now on the preferred way to
configure plugins is by their CamelCase names (e.g. CheckJira
instead of check-jira). But the old flattened names are still
valid to keep compatibility with already set up repos.
This version starts to require App::gh::Git version 0.56 in
order to have a working App::gh::Git. It also starts to
require File::Path version 2.08 for the testing phase in order
to have a working make_path routine.
0.022 2012-12-06 23:13:44 America/Sao_Paulo
Implement a new plugin called which
enforces the repository's file and reference structure.
0.021 2012-12-06 08:52:34 America/Sao_Paulo
The configuration variables userenv and admin, which were
available in the check-acls and check-jira plugins were
promoted to the "githooks" configuration section. Along with
them, the functions grok_userenv, match_user, and im_admin
were also migrated to the Git::Hooks module so that they can
be used by any access control plugin. The old configuration
variables in the plugins are still supported but are now
documented as deprecated.
Also improved the documentation slightly.
0.020 2012-11-20 21:56:51 America/Sao_Paulo
Implement routine Git::Hooks::eval_gitconfig to make it easier
to grok Perl expressions in config values.
Fix some problems in the test infrastructure.
0.019 2012-11-10 23:56:44 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix the post-receive hook which now gets the same input as
pre-receive. This was reported to me by Mike South. Thanks
0.018 2012-11-06 21:49:20 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix a bug that prevented installed hooks to be invoked in the
absense of any configured plugins. This was reported to me by
Mike South. Thanks!
0.017 2012-10-31 10:45:10 America/Sao_Paulo
Just a bunch of fixes.
0.016 2012-09-13 22:34:05 America/Sao_Paulo
Interpolate environment variables in the whole ACL
specification for check-acls.
Make the .pl extension optional in configuring plugins.
Make im_memberof an exported routine of Git::Hooks.
The group specification is now given by the githooks.groups
variable. This is an incompatible change, since previously it
was given by the check-acls.groups variable.
Implement Git::More::get_affected_files. This routine returns
a hash mapping every affected file in a sequence of commits to
a letter telling its affected status.
Allow check-acls.userenv be given by a code snippet to be
0.015 2012-08-19 18:20:07 America/Sao_Paulo
ACLs in can have environment variables
interpolated in their refs components.
0.014 2012-08-16 23:00:38 America/Sao_Paulo
Implement reference specification by negated regexes in ACLs.
Clarify semantics of ACLs what component in the documentation.
Fix check-jira.matchlog usage.
Provide different messages when there are JIRAs cited but not
from an expected project.
0.013 2012-07-27 17:11:17 America/Sao_Paulo
Require at least git 1.5 to work with.
0.012 2012-07-26 12:11:10 America/Sao_Paulo
Improve testing framework.
0.011 2012-07-25 11:12:01 America/Sao_Paulo
Improve testing framework.
0.010 2012-07-23 11:25:09 America/Sao_Paulo
Check if we have git installed before generating Makefile from
Makefile.PL so that we avoid producing bogus
0.009 2012-07-22 11:21:18 America/Sao_Paulo
Show git version upon test failure.
0.008 2012-07-20 17:19:17 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix to detect ref rewrites to non-related
0.007 2012-07-17 08:59:31 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix still more errors detected by
0.006 2012-07-16 17:29:12 America/Sao_Paulo
Enable pre 1.7.2 gits by using old-fashioned rev-list --pretty
0.005 2012-07-16 10:17:16 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix some errors detected by
0.004 2012-07-15 22:01:36 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix missing required dependency.
0.003 2012-07-15 18:33:20 America/Sao_Paulo
Fix dependency on App::gh::Git.
0.002 2012-07-11 America/Sao_Paulo
Implement support for driving external hooks.
Rename option githooks.hookdir to githooks.plugins.
Rename default local plugin directory from .git/hooks.d to
Add option githooks.externals to disable external hooks processing.
Add option githooks.hooks to specify extra directories to look for
external hooks.
0.001 2012-07-10 America/Sao_Paulo
First release, with two hooks passing tests: and
I decided to incorporate Git::More in this distribution instead of
making it a separate module.
The documentation is lacking and the functionality needs to be