Revision history for perl module Git-Hooks. -*- text -*-
0.050 2014-08-31 08:17:29 America/Sao_Paulo
- CheckJira's githooks.checkjira.project option is now strict, i.e., when
it's set specifying a set of JIRA projects only those project's issues
may be refered to in the commit messages. Other project's issues are
rejected. Previously, other project's issues were accepted without any
other check.
- Make error messages more uniform.
0.049 2014-08-16 20:47:21 America/Sao_Paulo
- Support Gerrit's draft-published hook which is invoked when a draft
change is published.
- New githooks.nocarp configuration variable to suppress the script line
number on error messages.
- New githooks.gerrit.comment-ok configuration variable to add a comment
to a positive review in Gerrit.
- All error messages are now printed in a specific format.
- Released at #cpanday.
- Git configuration variables can't have underscores in their names. So,
this version changes the names of three of them under the
githooks.gerrit section: review_label, vote_ok, and vote_nok. They are
now: review-label, vote-ok, and vote-nok.
- The patchset-created hook wasn't setting up the configuration variables
- Draft changes in Gerrit don't trigger the patchset-created hook anymore,
because only the draft owner can review it.
0.048 2014-08-05 14:05:28 America/Sao_Paulo
- CheckJira now uses the JIRA::REST module instead of JIRA::Client. The
JIRA::Client module uses JIRA's SOAP API which was deprecated on JIRA
6.0 and won't be available anymore on JIRA 7.0. Note that this may break
user code relying on the JIRA::Client objects, which isn't needed for
the hook's basic functionality.
- Suppress spurious error message (fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref)
when pushing a commit while in a dettached head state.
0.047 2014-01-29 12:21:18 America/Sao_Paulo
- Remove suggestion to undo a commit when a problem is detected in
the post-commit hook. Now we only suggest to amend it.
- Make githooks.plugin configuration variable accept a list of
plugins names.
- Fix handling of fully qualified module names for plugins.
- Fix CheckJira's commit-msg error message which was incorrectly
showing a commit SHA-1 as '0000000'.
0.046 2013-06-30 17:01:46 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- New githooks.abort-commit config option to modify the behavior of
the pre-commit and the commit-msg hooks when they die.
- Renamed doc/user-tutorial.pod to TUTORIAL.pod. The document is a
little improved.
- Require at least git v1.6.0 (released on 2008-08-17) to avoid a
problem in older Git modules. Previously we were requiring at
least git v1.5.0, which was released on 2007-02-14.
0.045 2013-06-27 17:22:18 America/Sao_Paulo
- Refactor Git::More::read_commit_msg_file to avoid using
Git::command_bidi_pipe which seems to not work on FreeBSD.
0.044 2013-06-27 09:13:28 America/Sao_Paulo
- Version 0.043 used the s///r operator, which was implemented on
Perl 5.14. This version refactors it to avoid the operator and
keep compatibility with Perl 5.10.
0.043 2013-06-26 10:35:02 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- Support the new pre-push hook, implemented by Git 1.8.2 which is
invoked during a "git push" command.
- New class Git::More::Message, representing a Git commit
message. Generally speaking, a commit message can be any string
whatsoever. However, the Git community came up with a few
conventions for how to best format a message and this class
embraces those conventions making it easier for you to validate
and change a commit message structure. With it the
Git::Hooks::CheckLog and Git::Hooks::GerritChangeId plugins were
much simplified.
- New method Git::More::read_commit_msg_file that reads the contents
of a file, respecting the i18n.commitencoding config option, and
returns its contents stripspaced.
- New method Git::More::write_commit_msg_file that writes a string
to a file respecting the i18n.commitencoding config option.
- New methods Git::More::push_input_data and
Git::More::get_input_data to unify the treatment of data read from
STDIN by the hooks pre-receive, post-receive, pre-push, and
- The data passed to the post-rewrite hook via STDIN wasn't being
0.042 2013-05-31 15:17:39 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- CheckJira: Make githooks.checkjira.matchlog option be
multi-valued. This allows one to specify more than one place in
the commit message where JIRA keys are looked for.
- Add a User Tutorial document.
- Make tests independent of git's global init.templatedir option.
0.041 2013-05-25 11:46:39 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- Support Gerrit's ref-update and patchset-created hooks. Gerrit
which incorporates a Git server implemented with JGit
implementation of Git. Up to version 2.2.0 JGit still doesn't
support Git standard hooks. However, Gerrit implements its own
special hooks
config-hooks.html), which are rather different from Git's.
- New option: githooks.disable. This option can be used to disable
plugins otherwise enabled by the githooks.plugin option. It's
useful if you want to enable a plugin globally and only disable it
for some repositories.
- CheckRewrite: Detect and allow fast-forward "git rebase upstream
base". If upstream is a decendant of base, the base-commit is
empty. In this situation the rebase will turn out to be a simple
fast-forward merge from base on upstream and there is nothing to
- Fix plugin disabling detection. Plugins enabled in the
configuration using their full module name could not be disabled
via the environment variable trick, because the variable must have
the full plugin name, but ':' characters are not accepted in
environment variable names.
- Fix BAIL_OUT message during tests.
0.040 2013-03-15 00:21:24 America/Sao_Paulo
The 0.039 release package contained some experimental code
unintentionally. This new release simply fix this. The changes
recorded below for the 0.039 release are still valid.
0.039 2013-03-14 23:56:15 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- run_hook doesn't die at the first error anymore. Now it collects
errors from all hooks to be able to show them all when it dies at
the end. These modification required changes to all plugins to
make them invoke an error method instead of simply dying.
- Git::More::get_current_branch previously returned the branch
short-name. Now it returns the branch full name. Moreover, when in
dettached mode it returns undef.
- The exit code of external pre-receive hooks weren't being dealt
with correctly.
- The arguments for update and pre-receive hooks weren't being dealt
with correctly when new branches were being pushed or branches
were being deteled on a push.
- Fix Git::More::is_ref_enabled for when in dettached head state. It
returns true in this case.
- Fix all L<> POD tags in the documentation.
0.038 2013-02-01 16:25:00 America/Sao_Paulo
- Remove "beta status" warning from README.
- The dzil configuration now correctly detects build-time
- The testing framework now produces some more intelligent error
0.037 2013-01-29 22:14:25 America/Sao_Paulo
[New features]
- Makefile.PL now tries to find on some usual places if it
can't require it using the standard @INC. This allows for
installation and testing on systems where Git cannot be required
- GerritChangeId wasn't calculating the Change-Id correctly in some
- CheckRewrite wasn't showing the names reaching branch names
[Refactorings for a future port to Windows (We're not there yet!)]
- The testing framework now uses Git::command to invoke git instead
of using directly an open pipe.
- Git::More used Git::command_output_pipe in a way that wasn't
working on Windows.
- External hooks won't be supported on Windows for a while. Hence,
some tests are skipped.
- The testing framework uses sh-scripts to indirectly invoke the
Perl hooks on Windows, because that OS does not follow the
shee-bang Unix conventions.
- Several other small changes.
0.036 2013-01-19 16:41:16 America/Sao_Paulo
[Interface changes]
- Internal hooks now shouldn't die directly when they detect a
problem. Instead, they should invoke the new Git::More::error
method to produce the error message and return a boolean value
indicating if they have succeeded. This way they don't need to
stop at the first error, but can detect many more and generate
more information to the user.
In order to support old hooks, run_hooks checks their return
values. If they return a boolean, they're treated as modern
hooks. If they return undef (and $@ is empty, so that it wasn't an
exception) they are considered to have succeeded.
- Git::Hooks::run_hooks only dies after having run every internal
and external hooks and seeing that not every one of them
succeeded. This way the user gets informed of every problem and
not just the first one found.
- Add method Git::More::error to be used by plugins to produce
consistent error and warning messages to the user.
- Add method Git::More::clean_cache to delete a cache entry. It may
be used by hooks just before returning to Git::Hooks::run_hooks in
order to get rid of any value kept in the SECTION's entry.
- CheckLog did not treat empty commit messages correctly.
0.035 2013-01-18 08:44:20 America/Sao_Paulo
- Provide for temporary disabling of plugins by setting to a false
value (e.g. '0') an environment variable named after the
plugin. This is useful for temporary disabling of pre-commit
hooks, for instance.
- Add method Git::More::set_authenticated_user
This method can be used to set the username of the authenticated user
when the default heristics used by the method authenticated_user
aren't enough. The name is cached so that subsequent invokations of
authenticated_user will return it.
- CheckRewrite was invoking 'git branch --all' but old versions of
git didn't support the long option name. Now it uses '-a' instead.
- CheckRewrite error messages showed branch names with two character
- Make the Change file conform to the Specification for CPAN Changes
files (CPAN::Changes::Spec).
0.034 2013-01-16 12:22:37 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement the new Git::Hooks::CheckRewrite plugin to check the
safety of rewrites, by detecting when we're amending or rebasing
commits that have already been pushed.
0.033 2013-01-12 18:45:07 America/Sao_Paulo
[Incompatible changes]
- Substitute Git for App::gh::Git as a parent for Git::More. The
major motivation for this was to get rid of some heavy
dependencies that were carried over by App::gh. This change should
be mostly transparent, as App::gh::Git is a copy of Git.
Since Git isn't on CPAN we can't depend directly on it. The user
must guarantee that it is present on @INC in order to install and
use Git::Hooks. The environment variable GITPERLLIB can be used to
specify a list of directories (besides the ones already in @INC)
where the module will be searched.
- Consolidate the methods Git::More::get_config and
Git::More::config in a single method Git::More::get_config, which
returns ever more specialized configuration depending on how many
arguments it gets (zero, one, or two). This change affects most
- Make a change in the way we inkoke "git init" during test so that
we can use pre-v1.6.5 gits.
0.032 2013-01-06 10:06:48 America/Sao_Paulo
[Incompatible change]
- Simplify plugin/hook integration. Previously, if a plugin could be
hooked to more than one hook, one should configure all the
integrations by hand. For instance, the CheckJira plugin can be
hooked to the update, the pre-receive, and the commit-msg hooks,
and the user had to know which hooks should be enabled. Now it's
easier because the plugins can hook themselves to all hooks
directly. In this way, for instance, instead of configuring
CheckJira specifically for one of those hooks with one of the
following configurations:
git config --add githooks.commig-msg CheckJira
git config --add githooks.pre-receive CheckJira
git config --add githooks.update CheckJira
One can simply do this:
git config --add githooks.plugin CheckJira
CheckJira will automatically be enabled for all plugins.
Also, the plugins can be referred to by their fully qualified
module names (e.g. Git::Hooks::CheckJira) to allow for third party
If the githooks.plugin option is not defined, the configuration
processing will try to build it from the old githooks.HOOK
configuration options that are not needed anymore, so to preserve
compatibility. This is a temporary measure.
0.031 2013-01-05 23:33:50 America/Sao_Paulo
[Incompatible changes]
- Move plugin config options to a githooks subsection. For example,
the CheckLog.spelling option now is called
githooks.checklog.spelling. The new scheme avoids unecessary
pollution of the configuration namespace. The plugins that existed
up to the previous release can still have their options in the
previous place, because we dynamically move them. This is a
temporary measure to avoid breaking old configuration. It will
probably be removed in the future.
- Rename TODO to TODO.pod and update it with new ideas.
0.030 2012-12-29 23:06:08 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix two bugs. No new features.
0.029 2012-12-26 23:12:17 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix test t/02-check-log.t requirement of Text::SpellChecker.
- Recommends Text::SpellChecker instead of requiring it, as it's
only needed for the Git::Hooks::CheckLog plugin.
- Update TODO file.
0.028 2012-12-25 22:47:34 America/Sao_Paulo
- CheckLog implements spell checking of log messages.
- Abort building on Windows. We're not ready yet.
- Git::More::get_commit_msg now supports pre-1.7.2 Gits.
0.026 2012-12-22 20:23:22 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement a new plugin Git::Hooks::CheckLog to enforce formatting
policies for git commit log messages.
- Fix configuration grokking.
- Recommends JIRA::Client instead of requiring it, as it is only
needed for the Git::Hooks::CheckJira plugin.
0.025 2012-12-21 08:06:04 America/Sao_Paulo
- This version is another big refactoring. It introduces a few
incompatible changes as well, for good measure. ;-)
[Incompatible Changes Affecting Plugin Users]
- The option previously required the name of
an environment variable. But this was duplicating poorly the
functionality of the githooks.userenv global option. So, I changed
its meaning to now require a boolean (integer). If true it now
checks if the authenticated_user (as inferred by the
githooks.userenv option) is the current issue's assignee.
[Incompatible Changes Affecting Plugin Developers]
- The Git::Hooks routines grok_affected_refs, get_affected_refs,
get_affected_ref_range, get_affected_ref_commit_ids, and
get_affected_ref_commits were transformed in Git::More methods, so
that they can now keep the affected_refs information inside the
- The Git::Hooks::grok_userenv routine was transformed into the
Git::More::authenticated_user method.
- The Git::Hooks::git_config routine was transformed into the
Git::More::config method.
- The method Git::More::get_commits now returns a list of commits
and not an array-ref. This makes its usage simpler.
- The tests are now performed out of the distribution directory. By
performing them in the distribution directory we run the risk of
messing up with Git::Hooks own git repository, which can interfere
with the tests too.
- Got rid of global variables in Git::Hooks and all state variables
used throughout. This had a great impact in the code, adding
arguments to several routines, turning Git::Hooks routines into
Git::More methods, adding new methods
- The tests now prepare only the hooks that will be tested. Earlier
we prepared all 16 hooks, which made the testing take longer.
- The compatibility with old plugin names that was implemented some
commits ago was made more specific, affecting just the plugins
CheckAcls, CheckJira, and CheckStructure. Those were the plugins
that existed before the plugin name change.
0.024 2012-12-17 12:35:52 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement a new plugin Git::Hooks::GerritChangeId which is a
reimplementation of Gerrit's commit-msg official one
- Improve code and documentation with the help of Code::TidyAll,
Perl::Critic, Pod::Checker, and Pod::Spell.
0.023 2012-12-16 08:47:55 America/Sao_Paulo
- This version makes a large refactor in the code. The plugins were
rewritten as proper modules so that they can be used by
themselves, without the Git::Hooks framework. The only user
visible change is that from now on the preferred way to configure
plugins is by their CamelCase names (e.g. CheckJira instead of
check-jira). But the old flattened names are still valid to keep
compatibility with already set up repos.
- This version starts to require App::gh::Git version 0.56 in order
to have a working App::gh::Git. It also starts to require
File::Path version 2.08 for the testing phase in order to have a
working make_path routine.
0.022 2012-12-06 23:13:44 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement a new plugin called which enforces
the repository's file and reference structure.
0.021 2012-12-06 08:52:34 America/Sao_Paulo
- The configuration variables userenv and admin, which were
available in the check-acls and check-jira plugins were promoted
to the "githooks" configuration section. Along with them, the
functions grok_userenv, match_user, and im_admin were also
migrated to the Git::Hooks module so that they can be used by any
access control plugin. The old configuration variables in the
plugins are still supported but are now documented as deprecated.
- Also improved the documentation slightly.
0.020 2012-11-20 21:56:51 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement routine Git::Hooks::eval_gitconfig to make it easier to
grok Perl expressions in config values.
- Fix some problems in the test infrastructure.
0.019 2012-11-10 23:56:44 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix the post-receive hook which now gets the same input as
pre-receive. This was reported to me by Mike South. Thanks again!
0.018 2012-11-06 21:49:20 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix a bug that prevented installed hooks to be invoked in the
absence of any configured plugins. This was reported to me by Mike
South. Thanks!
0.017 2012-10-31 10:45:10 America/Sao_Paulo
- Just a bunch of fixes.
0.016 2012-09-13 22:34:05 America/Sao_Paulo
- Interpolate environment variables in the whole ACL specification
for check-acls.
- Make the .pl extension optional in configuring plugins.
- Make im_memberof an exported routine of Git::Hooks.
- The group specification is now given by the githooks.groups
variable. This is an incompatible change, since previously it was
given by the check-acls.groups variable.
- Implement Git::More::get_affected_files. This routine returns a
hash mapping every affected file in a sequence of commits to a
letter telling its affected status.
- Allow check-acls.userenv be given by a code snippet to be
0.015 2012-08-19 18:20:07 America/Sao_Paulo
- ACLs in can have environment variables interpolated
in their refs components.
0.014 2012-08-16 23:00:38 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement reference specification by negated regexes in ACLs.
- Clarify semantics of ACLs what component in the documentation.
- Fix check-jira.matchlog usage.
- Provide different messages when there are JIRAs cited but not from
an expected project.
0.013 2012-07-27 17:11:17 America/Sao_Paulo
- Require at least git 1.5 to work with.
0.012 2012-07-26 12:11:10 America/Sao_Paulo
- Improve testing framework.
0.011 2012-07-25 11:12:01 America/Sao_Paulo
- Improve testing framework.
0.010 2012-07-23 11:25:09 America/Sao_Paulo
- Check if we have git installed before generating Makefile from
Makefile.PL so that we avoid producing bogus
0.009 2012-07-22 11:21:18 America/Sao_Paulo
- Show git version upon test failure.
0.008 2012-07-20 17:19:17 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix to detect ref rewrites to non-related commits.
0.007 2012-07-17 08:59:31 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix still more errors detected by
0.006 2012-07-16 17:29:12 America/Sao_Paulo
- Enable pre 1.7.2 gits by using old-fashioned rev-list --pretty
0.005 2012-07-16 10:17:16 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix some errors detected by
0.004 2012-07-15 22:01:36 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix missing required dependency.
0.003 2012-07-15 18:33:20 America/Sao_Paulo
- Fix dependency on App::gh::Git.
0.002 2012-07-11 America/Sao_Paulo
- Implement support for driving external hooks.
- Rename option githooks.hookdir to githooks.plugins.
- Rename default local plugin directory from .git/hooks.d to
- Add option githooks.externals to disable external hooks processing.
- Add option githooks.hooks to specify extra directories to look for
external hooks.
0.001 2012-07-10 America/Sao_Paulo
- First release, with two hooks passing tests: and
- I decided to incorporate Git::More in this distribution instead of
making it a separate module.
- The documentation is lacking and the functionality needs to be