Revision history for JIRA-Client
0.12 2009-08-02
Avoids spurious messages during destruction with a kludge.
0.11 2009-07-13
set_filter_iterator accepts filter ids or filter names.
0.10 2009-07-11
Implements methods create_issue and
progress_workflow_action_safelly using ideas from Jon Connel
<jon AT figsandfudge DOT com>.
Makes it easier to call some methods by accepting simpler
arguments using an idea from Bjørn-Olav Strand <BOLAV AT cpan
DOT org>.
Implements constructors for some helper objects.
Implements online tests agains a JIRA server.
0.05 2009-05-24
Implement methods get_priorities, get_versions,
get_custom_fields, and set_custom_fields to maintain a cache
of this information.
Eliminates the method custom_field_map, which is superseeded
by get/set_custom_fields.
0.04 2009-05-05
Implement coersions for structured arguments.
0.03 2009-04-25
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.