Revision history for perl module JIRA-REST. -*- text -*-

0.022     2021-12-19 16:22:52-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - The new_session constructor is deprecated. New code should use the 'session'
    argument to the default constructor.

  [New features]

  - Martin Sluka kindly added support for Personal Access Tokens so that it's
    now possible to authenticate without usernames and passwords. This requires
    at least Jira 8.14.

  - Add the 'session' argument to the constructor.


  - Martin Sluka also kindly contributed code to make JIRA::REST do not send
    Authorization HTTP headers if we've set up a session. This lessens the
    burden to Jira, which may be significant for scripts making lots of calls.

  - The example scripts were refactored to be modernized.

0.021     2021-02-05 22:14:44-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Since CentOS 6 reached EOL on December/2020, following our policy we're
    dropping support for it and, consequently, for Perl 5.10. Now Jira::REST
    requires Perl 5.16, which ships with CentOS 7, which will reach EOL on July,


  - Now the constructor sets up a cookie jar on the LWP::UserAgent object
    inside, so that it can keep and use the session cookies it gets from the
    server, making it possible to establish and keep user sessions. This is
    particularly useful when interacting with Jira Data Center instances.

  [New feature]

  - A new constructor called 'new_session' is implemented. It accepts the same
    options as the default constructor 'new', invokes it and then creates a user
    session, which is destroyed during destruction of the JIRA::REST

0.020     2019-11-02 23:13:42-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Some fixes, a new reference to JIRA::REST::OAuth, a new example script
    showing how to add a comment.

0.019     2018-07-28 18:00:17-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - JIRA::REST now requires at least Perl 5.10. Previously it required Perl
    5.8. A new section in the documentation explains our Perl and Jira
    compatibility Policy.


  - William Carr fixed the sub_error routine teaching it yet another way Jira
    can pass error messages back.


  - Lisa Hare graciously contributed some example scripts which can be found on
    the 'examples' directory.

  - All mentions of 'JIRA' were changed to 'Jira', following the change
    Atlassian made in all of its site and documentation.

0.018     2017-05-30 09:38:37-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Strip trailing slashes from JIRA's URL to avoid 404 errors.

  - Make sure UTF-8-encoded filenames are preserved when attached to JIRA.

  - Correct the github-repository-uri in the metadata.

0.017     2017-01-06 15:47:28-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Fix attach_file() method which was broken on v0.016.

0.016     2016-12-26 22:48:03-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo (TRIAL RELEASE)

  [New features]

  - Add support for all JIRA REST API's: JIRA Core, JIRA ServiceDesk, and
    JIRA Software.

  - Add a new-style of parameter passing for the constructor, via a hash

  - Add support for anonymous REST interaction with JIRA.

  - Add support for a new REST::Client configration extension to turn off
    SSL verification.


  - Add missing META.json file to the distribution.


  - Add a few tests against that can be performed
    anonymously during release.


  - The 'proxy' key to the REST::Client hash is deprecated in favor of the
    new homonymous constructor parameter.

0.015     2016-12-02 14:08:34-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - [RT#119092] v0.014 introduced an error making the constructor reject
    URLs ending in slash.

0.014     2016-11-23 07:27:52-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo

  [New feature]

  - JIRA::REST now supports the JIRA Software REST API and the JIRA Service
    Desk REST API in addition to the JIRA Core REST API with a minimal
    change. How cool is that!?

    Many thanks Evan Brown for such a nice idea.


  - Downgrade Perl version requirement from 5.10 to 5.8.8 to enable use on
    older Perls.

0.013     2016-11-22 16:01:45-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo

  [New feature]

  - Add support for getting username and password from Config::Identity,
    which supports gpg encrypted credentials.

0.012     2016-01-15 22:16:02-02:00 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Remove dependency on Data::Util.

0.011     2015-05-21 19:10:57-03:00 America/Sao_Paulo

  [New feature]

  - Add support for connecting to JIRA via a HTTP proxy.


  - Recognize and output JIRA errors produced in XML format.

0.010     2014-11-08 12:54:50 America/Sao_Paulo

  [New features]

  - Add utility method 'attach_files'.


  - Prints any textual error message, not just of types text/plain and

0.009     2014-09-09 20:32:15 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Fix the set_search_iterator/next_issue pair of methods.


  - The iterators now use JIRA's own default (which is 50) when the
    'maxResults' argument isn't set. Previously our default was set to 256.

0.008     2014-09-06 19:14:06 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Show every detail in JIRA error messages. Some of which weren't being
    shown before. (Thanks to Michael Kröll for the tip.)

0.006     2014-08-16 20:50:07 America/Sao_Paulo


  - Suppress script line numbers from error messages.

  - Released on #cpanday.

0.005     2014-08-07 20:25:14 America/Sao_Paulo


  - New utility methods 'set_search_iterator' and 'next_issue' make it
    easier to iterate through large sets of issues without having to deal
    with "pagination".

  - Error messages are not presented in a consistent format. JIRA errors are
    parsed and presented in a legible way.

0.004     2013-12-14 14:54:06 America/Sao_Paulo


  - [RT-91368] Some resource responses contain no content but specify
    a Content-Type. Those were being considered errors. Now they
    simply return undef.

  - When a resource response contains a content but doesn't specify a
    Content-Type it's an error. Previously it was returning undef.

0.003     2013-09-03 17:32:02 America/Sao_Paulo
  - Fix code in documentation.

0.002     2013-05-31 14:50:44 America/Sao_Paulo

  - Fix URL mangling in new.

0.001     2013-05-31 08:52:14 America/Sao_Paulo