Revision history for Perl extension Compiler-Parser.

0.09 2014-04-06T09:07:42Z
    - support 'walk/remove/find' methods for Compiler::Parser::AST.
    - improve testing codes by gen/ and t/inc/Test/Compiler/
    - add pod for some files
    - fix many parsing bugs

0.08 2013-11-21T16:12:49Z
    - modify for Compiler::Lexer's update.

0.07 2013-09-29T09:55:43Z
    - support do statment
    - support three term operator
    - support file handle like '<$fh>'

0.06 2013-09-12T09:48:56Z
    - support parsing of regexp or module argument

0.05 2013-09-10T18:06:10Z
    - fix segmentation faults at t/reported_issue.t

0.04 2013-09-10T09:27:11Z
    - add Exception Handler
    - add some test codes

0.03 2013-09-07T14:45:06Z
    - add Module symbol.

0.02 2013-09-07T10:27:54Z
    - fix cpanfile.

0.01 2013-09-07T06:08:22Z
    - First version.