Revision history for Perl extension Net::Frame.

1.04 Mon Mar 26 23:19:44 CEST 2007
   - bugfix: TCP: computeLengths() with options
   - update: ETH: more checks for next layer decoding (LLC)

1.03 Wed Jan  3 22:44:59 CET 2007
   - update: Net::Libdnet no more required

1.02 Thu Dec 21 23:51:07 CET 2006
   - bugfix: forgot to load some subs for IPv6 subs in

1.01 Sun Dec 17 17:45:32 CET 2006
   - UPDATE: moved all layers to Net::Frame::Layer::* namespace
   - bugfix: IPv6 layer handling in computeLengths() for TCP layer

1.00 Sat Dec  9 18:39:09 CET 2006
   - first public release