Revision history for Perl extension Net::Frame::Layer::ICMPv6.
1.02 Sun May 31 17:12:08 CEST 2009
- UPDATE: payload is no more an attribute in ICMPv6 modules, it is
handled in a generic way like any other layer
- UPDATE: icmpType is no more an attribute in ICMPv6 module, it is
handled in a generic way like any other layer
- UPDATE: options is no more an attribute in ICMPv6 module, it is
handled in a generic way like any other layer
- UPDATE: options are handled also in specific ICMPv6 layers, with
options attribbute (ARRAYREF) and getOptionsLength() function
- REMOVED: getPayloadLength() functions
- REMOVED: getOptionsLength() functions
- update: computeChecksum() and computeLengths() to reflect new computation
scheme from Net::Frame::Simple
- update: copyright notice
1.01 Thu Dec 28 16:58:44 CET 2006
- bugfix: computeChecksums() now handles ICMPv6 options
- bugfix: recv() on Neighbor Solicitation messages
- update: examples/
1.00 Thu Dec 21 23:53:20 CET 2006
- first public release