Revision history for Perl extension Net::Packet.

3.00 Sun Oct 29 15:31:06 CET 2006
  - Net::Packet::Dump: added keepTimestamp attribute to keep original pcap 
                       timestamp. Default is to not keep original and use our 
                       own timestamp.
  - bugfix: in, a redifined error is now removed
  - bugfix: in, a redifined error is now removed
  - bugfix: in, family attribute now initialized
  - pod update: lib/Net/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/
  - pod update: lib/Net/Packet/

3.00_02 Wed Oct  4 23:18:43 CEST 2006
   - bugfix: now it is possible to open a network interface with no IP address
   - bugfix: now it is possible to create a Dump object and give it another Env 
             object, without interfering with the default Env object

3.00_01 Wed Sep 27 17:25:47 CEST 2006
   - *** WARNING: developer release, the pod is not up to date with the code
   - Now uses array as objects (with Class::Gomor::Array)
   - good speed improvement by replacing calls to accessors methods to 
     direct array indice lookup
   - small memory usage improvement thanks to array objects
   - Net::Packet::Dump: complete rewrite
   - Net::Packet::Env: nearly complete rewrite

2.22 Sat May 13 11:45:03 CEST 2006
   - bugfix: in, debug mode was not working anymore

   - Net::Packet::Dump: added getStats()
   - now uses Class::Gomor instead of Class::Gomor::Hash (but objects are 
     still hashes)

2.20 Sun Mar 19 18:23:51 CET 2006
   - Net::Packet: ported under Cygwin (now works under Windows :) )
   - Net::Packet: is now a pure Perl module
   - IO::Interface: removed from dependances
   - Net::Write: new dependance
   - update: Desc*: now use new Net::Write portable module
   - bugfix: Dump: many fix, Debian users should now be able to use Net::Packet

2.06 Mon Mar 13 13:53:54 CET 2006
   - Frame: added noPadding option

2.05 Sun Mar 12 12:09:18 CET 2006
   - bugfix: IPv4: flags field is now split into flags and offset fields
   - bugfix: IPv4: constants for IPv4 flags are now ok
   - bugfix: Env: when we are not able to autoDev(), do not bother to autofind 
             IP and MAC addresses
   - bugfix: VLAN: pack/unpack methods fixed (now vlanId can be greater than 16
   - updated: IPv4: print() now also prints new offset field
   - updated: IPv4: pod for new offset field
   - updated: dump methods: no more new line character at the end of string
   - type: Utils: pod documentation typo fixed
   - new depdendance: Bit::Vector for
   - examples/ new example
   - examples/ new example
   - examples/ new example

2.04 Sun May 22 21:18:41 CEST 2005
   - examples/ bugfix in pcap filter
   - examples/ new feature (dump payload as ASCII)
   - Makefile.PL: bugfix: removed PREREQ_FATAL that was breaking cpan install
   - Makefile.PL: bugfix: corrected a check to let Darwin OS to compile module
   - added isTypeVlan()
   - added pod for noFixLen and doChecksum

2.03 Fri Feb  4 00:08:14 CET 2005
   - So sorry. Forgot in MANIFEST

2.02 Thu Feb  3 23:36:04 CET 2005
   - NEW LAYER: VLAN/802.1Q, see Net::Packet::VLAN
   - IPv4: noFixLen and doChecksum attributes

2.01 Tue Feb  1 17:28:04 CET 2005
   - bugfix: added explodeIps() explodePorts() into export in
   - bugfix: flush() in
   - getFilter(): better pcap filter for ARP packets
   - minor changes in various pod

2.00 Thu Jan 27 22:12:41 CET 2005
   - major release, backward compatibility broken
   - full documentation
   - a battery of tests
   - new layers:
     o Layer2/SLL
     o Layer2/RAW
     o Layer2/NULL
     o Layer3/IPv6
   - sending frames at DescL4 now fully works
   - huge speed improvements
   - some memory usage improvements
   - many many bugfixes

1.28 Thr Dec  2 20:36:11 CEST 2004
   - bugfix: netpacket_pcap_fp: now works with libpcap 0.8

1.27 Sun Oct  3 20:39:13 CEST 2004
   - Makefile.PL searches for location of libpcap
   - IPv4: auto resolution of names to IP addr
   - ARP:  auto resolution of names to IP addr
   - ICMPv4: pack/unpack Destination Unreachable messages
   - ICMPv4: pack/unpack Redirect messages
   - ICMPv4: pack/unpack Time Exceeded messages

1.26 Wed Sep 29 23:24:57 CEST 2004
   - renaming: Net::Pkt => Net::Packet to get registered on CPAN
   - unlinkAfterAnalyze is no more
   - unlinkOnDestroy defaults to 1 (replaces unlinkAfterAnalyze)
   - callStart defaults to 1
   - Auto DescL\d creation when a new Frame is created
     If a DescL\d has already been created on the first Frame creation, it is 
     not overwritten.
   - Auto creation of Dump object on the first new Frame, started on the first 
     Frame sent

0.26 Wed Sep 29 18:23:19 2004
   - !!! last version of Net::Pkt. It is renamed to Net::Packet.
   - NEW: Net::Pkt::getHostIpv4Addr()
   - NEW: Net::Pkt::getHostIpv4Addrs()

0.25 Sun Sep 26 21:20:37 2004
   - bugfix: an error in method Net::Pkt::next was making a segfault, due to a 
     bad typemap in Net::Pcap (FILE * to T_IN under Perl 5.8 is bad). Resolved 
     by creating my own Net::Pcap::file sub.

0.24 Sun Sep 26 15:08:11 2004
  - !!! live capture ready via next sub in Net::Pkt::Dump.
    See examples/ of perldoc Net::Pkt::Dump.
  - Net::Ifconfig::Wrapper: removed, now uses IO::Interface which is better 
    (but not perfect, so there remains the need for a wrapper around ifconfig 
    on some systems)
  - NEW: Net::Pkt::LayerARP: isReply
  - NEW: Net::Pkt::LayerARP: isRequest
  - Net::Pkt::Frame: new object data: reply to store the frame received on 
    a recv method call
  - NEW: Net::Pkt::Dump->next: returns next available frame from savefile
  - Net::Pkt::Dump->analyze: returns empty array if there is nothing to read 
    in savefile
  - Net::Pkt::Dump->analyze: now returns @frames if some have been analyzed
  - Net::Pkt::Dump: added a global to set sniffing in promiscuous mode
    => $Net::Pkt::Promisc, default to 0.
  - Net::Pkt::Dump: signal to handle DESTROY cleanly when hiting CTRL+C
  - Net::Pkt::Dump: documentation
  - Net::Pkt::Dump->new: callStart option (default 0)
  - Net::Pkt::LayerUDP->print: also prints payload size
  - Net::Pkt::LayerICMPv4: do not exit when an ICMP message is not yet known

0.23  Fri Sep  3 22:24:18 2004
  - bugfix: META.yml
  - bugfix: libnetpkt.c and Makefile.PL to let compilation work on Linux and 

0.22  Fri Sep  3 21:49:30 2004
   - LayerICMPv4: echo request/reply, timestamp request/reply, information 
     request/reply, address mask request/reply
   - method renaming: getRandom32bitInt => getRandom32bitsInt
   - method renaming: getRandom16bitInt => getRandom16bitsInt
   - method renaming: ipTransport => ipProtocol
   - method renaming: isTransportTcp => isProtocolTcp
   - method renaming: isTransportUdp => isProtocolUdp
   - Dump: removed dependance upon tcpdump binary, implemented as a C function 
     to do its work. But it adds the need to link with libpcap on module 
   - tcpPrint: now displays options
   - printDebug: now go to STDERR
   - METAL.yml written

0.21  Sun Aug 29 20:20:33 2004
   - changes in Dump scheme; now requires to call start and stop methods
   - auto* subs do not try anymore to find values if respective class
     data are already set
   - first public release

0.20  Sun Aug 29 12:00:34 2004
   - first release to private people

0.01  Wed Aug  4 12:16:03 2004
   - original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options:
      -Oxan Net::Pkt libnetpkt.h