Revision history for Perl extension Net::SinFP3.
1.21 Sun Dec 2 17:59:05 CET 2012
- PERFORMANCE: SinFP3.xs: sinfp3_tcp_synscan(): now can SynScan a /8 by
taking less than 1GB of RAM.
- update: Input::Server: can use target and port attribute for binding
- update: no more -dns-resolve arg
- update: default to -active-2
- update: deps: removed dependance on Net::Write::Fast
- bugfix: Output::Simple: remove results with smaller matchScore to keep only
best ones
- bugfix: Output::Simple: on printing unknown results
- bugfix: Worker::Thread: when Perl not compiled with thread support
1.20 Sun Nov 25 14:44:37 CET 2012
- NEW: Input::Server: runs as a daemon to answer requests coming from
clients. They must speak the SinFP3 protocol.
- NEW: Output::Simple: now default mode instead of Output::Console
- NEW: Input::SynScan: can be used to fingerprint target by just using the
SYN|ACK response to our SYN (one packet fingerprinting \o/)
- UPDATE: verbose mode 1 is now default. Many updates on log messages
- NEW: -synscan-fingerprint argument
- new: -version prints Perl modules version
- new: -quiet to set verbose level 0
- new: -passive to set to Mode::Passive and Search::Passive
- new: integration of p0f-3.06b passive signatures into sinfp3.db
- update: Input::Sniff: must use Net::Frame::Dump 1.12 now
- bugfix: on -dns-reverse, moved to Search modules, when generating Results
- bugfix: Search::Passive: sets ip and port attributes for Results
- bugfix: Global: when -port argument has an invalid format
- bugfix: usage help
1.02 Thu Nov 8 17:21:54 CET 2012
- new: Mode::Active can take a Next::Frame object
1.01 Tue Oct 23 15:12:22 CEST 2012
- new: -target parameter used for Input::ArpDiscover
- update: set a User-Agent for -update-db
1.00 Fri Sep 21 15:33:18 CEST 2012
- improvement: added a score (easier to understand than matching masks)
- improvement: added patternTcpWScale and patternTcpOLength
- improvement: -4 parameter no more required
=> new algo matches all signatures, and keeps the best matches
- improvement:
=> new algo matches all signatures (v4 and v6), and keeps the best
- improvement: new passive fingerprinting engine
- feature: multiple output modules are available
- feature: update database argument
- feature: now using Net::Frame modules
- feature: generated pcap file now contains hostname i/o IP
- feature: generate IPv6 anonymous pcap as with IPv4
- feature: auto-lookup IPv6 target MAC address
- update: P1 now uses TCP MSS option to avoid filtering device to
drop packets without this option
- update: SQL database schema (OsVersionChildren table)
- update: and sinfp.db becomes and sinfp3.db
- ... and lots of bug fixes