Revision history for Perl extension Onyphe.

4.18 Tue  4 Mar 16:02:41 CET 2025
  - WARNING: ASD APIs are still BETA and interface may be subject to change
  - New: OPP Proc: rename to rename fields
  - New: onyphe: -includep & -excludep arguments
  - Rename: Onyphe::Api: all ASD APIs
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Pivot Query API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Tld API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Ns API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Mx API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Certso API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Wildcard API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Domain Exist API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Certso Domain API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Certso Wildcard API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Org Inventory API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Ip Whois API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Ip Inventory API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Vhost Inventory API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Task Id API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Task Poll API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Task Kill API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Task List API

4.17 Tue 28 Jan 16:06:24 CET 2025
  - BREAKING: onyphe: default to set -aslines to true
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Pivot, Top, Domain, Keyword, Domain2so, So2domain APIs
  - New: onyphe: add -field, -keyword, -astask, -filter arguments
  - New: onyphe: add -ports argument to select which ports to scan with On-demand APIs

4.16 Thu 31 Oct 10:12:01 CET 2024
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Mx API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: Ondemand Resolver Domain Bulk API
  - New: onyphe: add -aslink argument to force download of results as a link
  - Bugfix: tests: skip them when no .ini file is found

4.15 Thu 15 Aug 13:22:56 CEST 2024
  - New: Onyphe::Api: Ondemand Scope Port Single API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Tld API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Ns API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ASD Task API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: added support for ASD Tld API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: support for displaying total number of results when using Search API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: support for POST Export API calls
  - New: onyphe: -trusted argument
  - Bugfix: OPP: catch errors on decoding or encoding JSON content

4.14 Thu 28 Mar 11:24:29 CET 2024
  - New: Onyphe::Api: Ondemand Scope Hostname API
  - New: Onyphe::Api: Ondemand Scope Hostname Bulk API
  - New proc added: orlookup
  - Bugfix: on printing errors from API calls (now handling text & JSON responses)
  - Bugfix: lookup/allowlist/blocklist procs to be case insensitive
  - Update: OPP::Proc: set() to accept writing fields as ARRAYs
  - Update: addfield proc to support adding data to an existing field
  - Update: OPP: pipeone() needs output flush at each round

4.13 Sun 11 Feb 17:46:49 CET 2024
  - New: pipeone() function in OPP
  - New proc added: exists
  - New: added -aslines, -full, -riskscan & -asm arguments
  - Bugfix: lookup proc to support state so we can call it multiple times
  - Bugfix: do not double escape POST content (like for -postsearch)
  - Bugfix: handle HTTP errors when error is not in JSON format

4.12 Sun 15 Oct 13:54:00 CEST 2023
  - New proc added: addfield
  - Update pivots proc: added app.http.tracker.newrelic as a pivot
  - Bugfix: handle errors from API with Discovery API
  - Bugfix: added nested fields for app.http.header & alert objects

4.11 Wed  6 Sep 14:20:17 CEST 2023
  - Bugfix: do not encode in UTF-8 a second time input file for Discovery API

4.10 Wed 30 Aug 07:23:29 CEST 2023
  - Bugfix: correctly handle HTTP_PROXY & HTTPS_PROXY environment variables

4.09 Mon 17 Jul 11:33:46 CEST 2023
  - Bugfix: OPP to skip keys when they are undef
  - Bugfix: add more Perl deps for installation
  - New: onyphe to add -import argument (0 or 1 to disable or enable import for on-demand scans)
  - New: onyphe to add -postsearch API endpoint
  - New: onyphe to add -ondemand-scope-ip-bulk & ondemand-scope-domain-bulk API endpoints
  - New: Onyphe::Api: add option to give content-type to queries
  - New: Onyphe::Api: post_request() function for POST Search API endpoint
  - New: Onyphe::Api: post_stream() function for POST Export API endpoint
  - New: Onyphe::Api: import parameter for API endpoints supporting it (on-demand scans)
  - New: Onyphe::Api: ondemand_scope_ip_bulk & ondemand_scope_domain_bulk API endpoints

4.08 Wed  5 Apr 17:44:05 CEST 2023
  - Bugfix: allowlist proc to keep results only when all field have matched,
    thus when all fields exist in JSON document

4.07 Wed  5 Apr 17:10:08 CEST 2023
  - Update: add trackquery:true to all ONYPHE Procs
  - New procs added: lookup, blocklist & allowlist

4.06 Sat 25 Mar 11:32:35 CET 2023
  - Bugfix: state machine is now not only bound to a proc but also to its ID. Thus
    we can use multiple times the same proc in OPP without messing with previous proc's
  - Bugfix: catch API calls to retry them in case of network failure
  - Update: set connection timeout to 5 seconds i/o 10

4.05 Fri 24 Mar 07:36:56 CET 2023
  - Bugfix: remove leading & trailing spaces in OPP query
  - New: regex proc

4.04 Thu 23 Mar 10:31:52 CET 2023
  - Bugfix: handle nested fields for expand, output, splitsubnet, uniq, fieldcount procs
  - Bugfix: don't remove _* fields on delete()
  - Bugfix: dedup proc to avoid deduping when no dedup key found
  - New: set() function to handle nested fields
  - New: uniq proc supports multiple fields like dedup proc

4.03 Sat 18 Mar 11:05:55 CET 2023
  - UPDATE: all request & stream APIs can now accept HTTP params
  - Update: -discovery to force -size to 10000 by default
  - Bugfix: Onyphe::Api interface changed, Procs have been updated

4.02 Thu 16 Mar 16:38:44 CET 2023
  - NEW: Onyphe::Api ondemand_scope_result() function
  - NEW: -ondemand-scope-ip, -ondemand-scope-domain, -ondemand-scope-result, -ondemand-resolver-domain & -ondemand-resolver-result APIs
  - New: -key argument to override default API key from conf
  - New: -maxscantime argument to configure scan timeout threshold
  - New: -urlscan 0|1 to deactivate/activate urlscan in ondemand-scope APIs
  - New: -vulnscan 0|1 to deactivate/activate urlscan in ondemand-scope APIs
  - Bugfix: all arguments were not working at all (-size, -maxpage, ...)
  - Bugfix: OPP callbacks were no more working against Alert API

4.01 Fri 10 Mar 06:39:56 CET 2023
  - NEW: bulk_discovery() supports passing an OQL along with input filename
  - New procs added: top, fieldcount, filter, expand, discovery, pivots, subnet, output, flatten
  - New: various state handling functions
  - New: systematically order results by field name
  - BUGFIX: onyphe to strip "@category":"none" in OPP callbacks
  - BUGFIX: export, bulk and all streaming APIs were returning duplicates at output
  - Bugfix: discovery proc to strip "@category":"none" results
  - Update: output proc to render ordered results
  - Remove: app.extract.domain from pivots proc as too easy to do false positive

4.00 Tue  7 Mar 16:03:36 CET 2023
  - Complete rewrite with minimal dependencies
  - Based on Mojolicious framework
  - ONYPHE Processing Pipeline is now a separate tool but shipped with this dist