package Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea; use Moose; extends 'Chart::Clicker::Renderer'; use Graphics::Color::RGB; use Geometry::Primitive::Arc; use Graphics::Primitive::Brush; use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr); has 'border_color' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Graphics::Color::RGB', default => sub { Graphics::Color::RGB->new }, ); has 'brush' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Graphics::Primitive::Brush', default => sub { Graphics::Primitive::Brush->new } ); has 'center_radius' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 5 ); has '_accum' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] } ); has '_colors' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'ArrayRef', default => sub { [] } ); has '_largest' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Num', default => 0 ); my $TO_RAD = (4 * atan2(1, 1)) / 180; override('prepare', sub { my $self = shift; super; my $clicker = $self->clicker; # This is really hinky, basically since figuring out the arcs and whatnot # is a pain in the ass, we employ the painter's algorithm and draw # the last series first, the pain the next one over it. As such, we have # to know the total "accumulated" value for each series' position so that # we can decrement it on each run through the series... this finds the # totals my $dses = $clicker->get_datasets_for_context($self->context); foreach my $ds (@{ $dses }) { my $lvs = $ds->largest_value_slice; if($lvs > $self->_largest) { $self->_largest($lvs) } my $count = $ds->max_key_count; for(0..$count - 1) { my $pos = $_; my @vals = $ds->get_series_values($pos); my $total = 0; foreach my $v (@vals) { $total += $v; } $self->_accum->[$pos] += $total; } } }); override('finalize', sub { my $self = shift; my $clicker = $self->clicker; my $radius = $self->height; if($self->width < $self->height) { $radius = $self->width; } $radius = $radius / 2; # Take into account the line around the edge when working out the radius $radius -= $self->brush->width; my $height = $self->height; my $linewidth = 1; my $midx = $self->width / 2; my $midy = $height / 2; my $per = $radius / $self->_largest; my $dses = $clicker->get_datasets_for_context($self->context); foreach my $ds (@{ $dses }) { foreach my $series (@{ $ds->series }) { push(@{ $self->_colors }, $clicker->color_allocator->next); } } # my $dses = $clicker->get_datasets_for_context($self->context); foreach my $ds (reverse @{ $dses }) { my $ctx = $clicker->get_context($ds->context); my $domain = $ctx->domain_axis; my $range = $ctx->range_axis; foreach my $series (reverse @{ $ds->series }) { my $pos = 0; my $degs = 360 / scalar(@{ $series->values }); my $color = pop(@{ $self->_colors }); my $v = 0; foreach my $val (@{ $series->values }) { my $foo = $self->_accum->[$v]; # Remove this value worth of accumulate from the accumulator # so that our size is properly pushed out, see above comment # in prepare... $self->_accum->[$v] -= $val; $self->move_to($midx, $midy); $self->arc(($self->_accum->[$v] + $val) * $per, ($pos - $degs) * $TO_RAD, $pos * $TO_RAD); $self->close_path; my $fop = Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Fill->new( preserve => 1, paint => Graphics::Primitive::Paint::Solid->new( color => $color, ) ); $self->do($fop); my $op = Graphics::Primitive::Operation::Stroke->new; $op->brush($self->brush->clone); $op->brush->color($self->border_color); $self->do($op); $pos += $degs; $v++; } } } return 1; }); __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Moose; 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea =head1 DESCRIPTION Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea renders each series as a slice of a pie. The values of the series determine the radius of each slice, with larger values making the slices longer. The 360 degrees of pie is divided equally. =begin HTML <p><img src="" width="300" height="250" alt="Pie Chart" /></p> =end HTML =head1 SYNOPSIS my $par = Chart::Clicker::Renderer::PolarArea->new; # Optionally set the stroke $par->brush->width(2); # and color $par->border_color(Graphics::Color::RGB->new(red => 1, green => 1, blue => 1)); =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 border_color Set/Get the Color to use for the border. =head2 brush Set/Get a Brush to be used for the pie's border. =head1 METHODS =head2 render Render the series. =head1 AUTHOR Cory G Watson <> =head1 SEE ALSO perl(1) =head1 LICENSE You can redistribute and/or modify this code under the same terms as Perl itself.