Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-MethodOverride
0.041 2015-01-07
- Remove test "method override for static files":
POST static_file must not be possible, but this was fixed in
Mojolicious 5.30. OTOH method overriding does no harm if the
HTTP method is completely ignored for static files before 5.30.
0.040 2014-11-23
- No extra check for static files.
0.030 2014-05-15
- Test fix for Mojolicious 4.91 breaking changes (chorny)
0.020 2013-05-20
- Fix for Mojolicious 4.0 breaking changes.
- Increase Mojolicious minimum version to 3.21.
0.010 2012-10-22
- Accept any HTTP method name (if its made of ASCII letters).
- Mojolicious 2 ist minimum requirement.
- Updated test for recent Mojolicous.
0.001 2011-10-31
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.