
eval 'exec /usr/local/bin/perl  -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
    if 0; # not running under some shell
#$Id: herbert,v 1.43 1998/04/28 01:30:33 schwartz Exp $
# Herbert - Converts a simple Excel document to some kind of HTML.
# Very early and alpha version. Lots of Excel features are not supported.
# See also usage() of this file. Latest version can be found at:
#    http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/perl/
# Copyright (C) 1998 Martin Schwartz <schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, you should find it at:
#    http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/pmh/COPYING
# You can contact me via schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de

my $PROGNAME = "Herbert";
my $VERSION=do{my@R=('$Revision: 1.43 $'=~/\d+/g);sprintf"%d."."%d"x$#R,@R};
my $DATE = ('$Date: 1998/04/28 01:30:33 $' =~ / ([^ ]*) /) && $1;

no strict; $^W=0;
use Getopt::Long;

my $defaultname = "spreadsheet";

my ($Book, $Startup, $text);

my %opt = (
   "dirmode"    => "0700",
   "filemode"   => "0600",
   "colorframe" => "9999bf",
   "colorsheet" => "dfdfdf",
   "suffix"     => ".html",

main: {
   GetOptions (\%opt,
      "xdebug", "xxdebug",
   herbert() if $opt{"herbert"};
   usage() if $opt{"help"};
   usage() if !@ARGV && !$opt{"from_stdin"};

   require Startup;

   fail(1) unless $Startup = new Startup;

   $Startup -> init ({
      SUB_FILES  => \&handle_files,
      SUB_STREAM => \&handle_stream,
      PROG_VER   => $VERSION,
      FROM_STDIN => $opt{"from_stdin"},
      SRCPATH    => $opt{"src_base"},
      DESTPATH   => $opt{"dest_base"},
      RECURSE    => $opt{"recurse"},
      RELATIVE   => $opt{"relative"},
      FILEMODE   => $opt{"filemode"},
      DIRMODE    => $opt{"dirmode"},

   $Startup->allow_logging if $opt{"log"};
   if ($opt{"to_stdout"}) {
      $Startup->log("writing to STDOUT");
   } elsif ($opt{"suffix"}) {
      $Startup->log("output files get suffix \"".$opt{"suffix"}."\"");


   exit 1;

sub handle_stream {
   my ($dp) = @_;

   $Startup->msg_silent(1) if $opt{"to_stdout"};

   $Startup->log("processing <STDIN>");
   return $Startup->error("Nothing to do!") if -t STDIN;
   undef $/; 

   main_work("", "stdin", "$dp", <>);

sub handle_files {
   my ($sp, $sf, $dp, $status) = @_;

   $Startup->msg_silent(1) if $opt{"to_stdout"};

   $Startup->log("processing ".($sp ne "." ? "$sp/":"").$sf);
   $Startup->msg("Processing \"$sf\"");

   return $Startup->error ("File \"$sf\" doesn't exist!") unless $status;
   return 1 if $status < 0;
   return 0 unless main_work($sp, $sf, $dp);


sub main_work {
   my ($sp, $sf, $dp, $buf) = @_;

   if (basename($sf)) {
      $dp = "$dp/". basename($sf) . $opt{"suffix"};
   } else {
      $dp = "$dp/$defaultname.". $opt{"suffix"};

   if (!$opt{"overwrite"}) {
      return $Startup->error("File \"$dp\" already exists!") if -e $dp;

   return 0 unless $Book = herbert::open_document({
      "PATH"	=> "$sp/$sf",
      "BUF"	=> $buf,
      "STARTUP" => $Startup,

   my $status = 0;
      my $debug = $opt{"xdebug"}&&1 || $opt{"xxdebug"}&&2 || 0;
      last unless $Book -> parse ($debug);
      last unless Sheet_to_HTML ($sf);
      if ($opt{"to_stdout"}) {
         last unless print STDOUT "$text\n";
      } else {
         unless (open OUTFILE, ">$dp") {
            $Startup->error("Cannot open output file \"$dp\"");
         my $status = print OUTFILE "$text\n";
         close OUTFILE;
         last unless $status;
      $status = 1;

   $Book -> close_document();


sub fail {
   my ($num) = @_;
   print "Strange error #$num! Exiting!\n"; exit 0;

sub basename {
# $basename = basename($filepath)
   (substr($_[0], rindex($_[0],'/')+1) =~ /(^[^.]*)/) && $1;

sub usage {
   _print_usage (
      "$PROGNAME V$VERSION ($DATE) - ALPHA - converts Excel-Sheets to HTML\n".
      "usage: $PROGNAME {--option [arg]} file(s)",
        "noframe       Spreadsheet will not get an outer frame.",
        "nogrid        Spreadsheet will have no grid.",
        "nocolor       No colors will be used.",
        "nocellcolor   Cell text gets no special color.",
        "nopack        Empty leading lines will be displayed.",
        "noinfo        Do not include info about original document.",
        "colorframe s  Outer frame will get color #s (".$opt{"colorframe"}.")",
        "colorsheet s  Worksheet will get color #s (".$opt{"colorsheet"}.")",
        "herbert       Very short info about Herbert Baum.",
        "usefonts      Use the font faces defined in excel book",

        "log           Write a logfile.",
        "src_base   s  Regard this as start directory in relative mode.",
        "dest_base  s  Store output files based at this directory.",
        "from_stdin    Take input from stdin.",
        "to_stdout     Write output to stdout.",
        "filemode   s  New files get access mode s (".$opt{"filemode"}.")",
        "dirmode    s  New directories get access mode s (".$opt{"dirmode"}.")",
        "overwrite     Overwrite existing files.",
        "recurse       Operate recursively on directories.",
        "relative      Store files relatively to destdir when in recurse mode.",
        "suffix     s  Output files shall get suffix s (".$opt{"suffix"}.")", 
   exit 0;

sub herbert {
ABOUT Herbert

This program is dedicated to Herbert Baum and the anti Nazi group with him. 
Most of the group was killed 1942 after attacking a propaganda exhibition.
1984 students tried to name the main building of TU Berlin after him.

If german language is ok for you, just have a look at:


   exit 0;

sub _print_usage {
   my ($header, $bodylistR, $footer) = @_;
   print "$header\n" if $header;
   print map "   --$_\n", sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @$bodylistR;
   print "$footer\n" if $footer;

sub Sheet_to_HTML() {
   my ($orig_file) = @_;

   my ($font_open, $font_close);

   my @xf = ();

   my %html_attrib = (
      "b"       => ["<B>",      "</B>"],
      "i"       => ["<I>",      "</I>"],
      "outline" => ["<B>",      "</B>"],
      "shadow"  => ["<I>",      "</I>"],
      "strike"  => ["<STRIKE>", "</STRIKE>"],
      "sub"     => ["<SUB>",    "</SUB>"],
      "sup"     => ["<SUP>",    "</SUP>"],
      "u"       => ["<U>",      "</U>"]

   my %html_h_align = (
      "l"     => " ALIGN=LEFT",
      "c"     => " ALIGN=CENTER",
      "r"     => " ALIGN=RIGHT",

   my %html_v_align = (
      "t"     => " VALIGN=TOP",
      "c"     => " VALIGN=CENTER",
      "b"     => " VALIGN=BOTTOM",

   ## Converting style information to HTML

      my $default_fg_color = $Book -> default_fg_color();

      for (0..$#{$Book->xf}) {

         my $XF = $Book -> xf -> [$_];
         next unless defined $XF;

         my ($font_no, $format_no, $bg_col_no, $halign, $valign) = 
            $Book -> XF_all ($XF)

         my $td_open    = "";
         my $font_open  = "";
         my $open       = "";
         my $font_close = "";
         my $close      = "";
         my $td_close   = "";

            # font information 
            my $Font = $Book -> font -> [$font_no];
            last unless defined $Font;
            { # NAME
               last unless $opt{"usefonts"};
               my $name = $Font -> {"NAME"};
               #last if $name =~ /^Times New Roman$/;
               $font_open .= " FACE=\"$name\"";

            { # font height 
               my $height = $Font -> {"HEIGHT"};
               my $size = undef;
               if ($height <= 7) {
                  $size = "-2";
               } elsif ($height <= 10) {
                  $size = "-1";
               } elsif ($height <= 12) {
                  # 3
               } elsif ($height <= 18) {
                  $size = "+1";
               } elsif ($height <= 24) {
                  $size = "+2";
               } elsif ($height <= 32) {
                  $size = "+3";
               } else {
                  $size = "+4";
               $font_open .= " SIZE=$size" if defined $size;
            { # "ATTRIB"	=> "b i outline shadow strike sub sup u",
               for (split /\s+/, $Font->{"ATTRIB"}) {
                  if ($html_attrib{$_}) {
                     $open  .= $html_attrib{$_}->[0];
                     $close .= $html_attrib{$_}->[1];

            { # FG_COL_NO
               unless ($opt{"nocellcolor"}||$opt{"nocolor"}) {
                  my $color = ColorIdx_to_RGBColor( 
                     $Font->{"FG_COL_NO"}, $default_fg_color
                  last unless defined $color;
                  $font_open.=sprintf(" COLOR=#%06x", $color);

            { # BG_COL_NO
               unless ($opt{"nocellcolor"}||$opt{"nocolor"}) {
                  my $color = ColorIdx_to_RGBColor($bg_col_no);
                  last unless defined $color;
                  $td_open.=sprintf(" BGCOLOR=#%06x", $color);

            { # H_ALIGN
               if ($halign) {
                  if ($html_h_align{$halign}) {

            { # V_ALIGN
               if ($valign) {
                  if ($html_v_align{$valign}) {


         if ($font_open) {
            $font_open  = "<FONT$font_open>";
            $font_close = "</FONT>";

         $xf[$_] = [
            $td_open, $font_open, $open, $close, $font_close, $td_close

   ## Creating table, using Cell text and HTML style information

   $text = 
      "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Content-Type\" CONTENT=\"text/html\">\n".
   if (!$opt{"noinfo"}) {
      $text .= "<TITLE>$orig_file</TITLE>\n";
   } else {
      $text .= "<TITLE>Excel Tabelle</TITLE>\n";
   $text .= "</HEAD><BODY>&nbsp;<P>\n\n";

   $text .= 
     "<!-- $PROGNAME is shipped with the perl 5 module OLE::Storage -->\n".
     "<!-- Source at: http://wwwwbs.cs.tu-berlin.de/~schwartz/perl/ -->\n\n"
   unless ($opt{"noinfo"}) {
      my $aut = $Book->authress;
      $text .= "<!-- Original document: \"$orig_file\", BIFF ".
         $Book -> biff_version . " format -->\n"
      $text .= "<!-- Authress of original document: \"$aut\" -->\n" if $aut;
      $text .= "\n";

   my $title = $Book -> Table_Name || "";
   $text .= "<H3>$title</H3>\n" if $title;

   my $colorsheet = ""; 
   my $colorframe = "";

   $colorsheet = " BGCOLOR=#".$opt{"colorsheet"} unless $opt{"nocolor"};
   $colorframe = " BGCOLOR=#".$opt{"colorframe"} unless $opt{"nocolor"};

   my $gridX = "A"; my $gridY="1";
   my $grid = $opt{"nogrid"} ? "" : " BORDER=1";
   $text .= "<TABLE$grid$colorsheet>\n";
   unless ($opt{"noframe"}) {
      $text .= "<TR$colorframe><TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
      for (1 .. $Book->maxcol) {
         $text .= "  <TD><B>".($gridX++)."</B></TD>\n";
      $text .= "</TR>\n";
   my $precision = $Book -> precision;
   my $align = "";
   my $row_c = 1; my $row = 0;
   foreach $row_c (@{$Book->rows}) {
      if ($row || $opt{"nopack"}) {
         for (2 .. $row_c-$row) {
            $text .= "<TR>\n";
            $text .= "  <TD$colorframe><B>".($gridY++)."</B></TD>\n" 
               unless $opt{"noframe"};
            for (1 .. $Book->maxcol) {
               $text .= "  <TD>&nbsp;</TD>\n";
            $text .= "</TR>\n";
      } else {
         for (2..$row_c) { $gridY++; }
      $row = $row_c;
      $text .= "<TR VALIGN=BOTTOM ALIGN=LEFT>\n"; 
      my $cell; my $combine; my $font;
      $text .= "  <TD$colorframe><B>".($gridY++)."</B></TD>\n" 
         unless $opt{"noframe"}
      for (1 .. $Book->maxcol) {
         next if $Book -> Cell_Not ($row_c, $_);
         $align = "";

         if ($combine = $Book -> Cell_Combine ($row_c, $_)) {
            my ($r1, $r2, $c1, $c2) = @$combine;
            $align .= " ROWSPAN=".($r2-$r1+1) if ($r2-$r1);
            $align .= " COLSPAN=".($c2-$c1+1) if ($c2-$c1);

         $cell = $Book -> Cell_Text ($row_c, $_)||"&nbsp;";
         if ($cell =~ /^(-)?\d*\.\d*(e[-]?\d*)?$/) {
            $cell = sprintf(("%.".$precision."f"), $cell);
            $align .= " ALIGN=RIGHT";
         } elsif ($cell =~ /^(-)?[\d ]*$/) {
            $align .= " ALIGN=RIGHT";

         my $xf = $xf [$Book -> Cell_XF ($row_c, $_)];

         $text .= "  <TD".$xf->[0].$align.">";
         $text .= $xf->[1] if $xf->[1];
         $text .= $xf->[2]. $cell. $xf->[3];
         $text .= $xf->[4] if $xf->[4];
         $text .= "</TD>\n";
      $text .= "</TR>\n";
   $text .= "</TABLE><p>\n</BODY></HTML>";

sub ColorIdx_to_RGBColor {
# $RGBColor || undef = ColorIdx_to_RGBColor ($color_idx [,$default_color_idx])
   my ($idx, $default_idx) = @_;
   $default_idx = 1 unless defined $default_idx; # color 1 is set default
      last if $idx==32767;
      $idx-=8 if $idx>=8;
      last if $idx == $default_idx;
      my $color = $Book->color->[$idx];
      last if !defined $color;
      return $color;

package herbert;

use OLE::Storage();
use Unicode::Map();
use Math::Trig;
use OLE::Storage::Std;

my $Var;

   $Var = OLE::Storage->NewVar();

## $Book = {
##    authress  => $str,
##    format    => [
##       {
##          "FONT_NO" => $index,
##          "FORM_NO" => $index,
##          "H_ALIGN" => "l"|"c"|"r"|"j";	# default: "l" == "left"
##          "V_ALIGN" => "t"|"c"|"b"|"j";	# default: "t" == "top"
##       }
##    ],
##    font      => {
##    },
##    precision =>
##    sheet     => {
##       row e {1..maxrow} => {
##          col e {1..maxcol} => {
##             "text"    => $text,
##             "formula" => $formula,
##          }
##       }
##    },
## }

sub _member { my $S=shift; my $n=shift if @_; $S->{$n}=shift if @_; $S->{$n}}

sub Buf              { shift->_member("DOC_BUF", @_); }
sub Doc              { shift->_member("DOC_DOC", @_); }
sub DocPath          { shift->_member("DOC_DOCPATH", @_); }
sub Startup          { shift->_member("DOC_STARTUP", @_); }
sub Var              { shift->_member("DOC_VAR", @_); }

sub biff_version     { shift->_member("BIFF_VERSION", @_); }
sub biff_type        { shift->_member("BIFF_TYPE", @_); }

sub authress         { shift->_member("DOC_AUTHRESS", @_); }
sub default_fg_color { shift->_member("DOC_DEFCOL", @_); }
sub maxrow           { shift->_member("DOC_MAXROW", @_); }
sub maxcol           { shift->_member("DOC_MAXCOL", @_); }
sub precision        { shift->_member("DOC_PRECISION", @_); }
sub color            { shift->_member("DOC_COLOR", @_); }
sub font             { shift->_member("DOC_FONT", @_); }
sub format           { shift->_member("DOC_FORMAT", @_); }
sub sst              { shift->_member("DOC_SST", @_); }
sub xf               { shift->_member("DOC_XF", @_); }
sub num_of_fonts     { shift->_member("DOC_FONT_NUM", @_); }
sub num_of_formats   { shift->_member("DOC_FORMAT_NUM", @_); }
sub num_of_xfs       { shift->_member("DOC_XF_NUM", @_); }
sub sheet            { shift->_member("DOC_SHEET0", @_); }
sub Table_Name       { shift->_member("DOC_TABLE0_NAME", @_); }
sub _table           { shift->_member("DOC_TABLE", @_); }
sub _num_of_tables   { shift->_member("DOC_TABLE_NUM", @_); }

sub open_document {
   #my ($proto, $Par) = @_; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
   my ($Par) = @_; my $class = "herbert"; 
   my $S = bless ({}, $class);

   return 0 unless $Par;

   my @colors = ();

   $S -> Startup      ( $Par->{"STARTUP"} );
   $S -> DocPath      ( $Par->{"PATH"} );
   $S -> Buf          ( $Par->{"BUF"} );

   $S -> Doc          ( undef );
   $S -> Var          ( $Var  );
   $S -> num_of_fonts ( -1 );
   $S -> num_of_xfs   ( -1 );
   $S -> sheet        ( {} );
   $S -> font         ( [] );
   $S -> format       ( [] );
   $S -> xf           ( [] );
   $S -> sst          ( [] );
   $S -> _table       ( [] );
   $S -> color        ( \@colors );
   $S -> maxrow       ( 1 );
   $S -> maxcol       ( 1 );

   my $Doc;
   if ($S->Buf) {
      $Doc = OLE::Storage->open ($Startup, $Var, $S->DocPath, 2**4, \$S->Buf)
   } else {
      $Doc = OLE::Storage->open ($Startup, $Var, $S->DocPath);

   if ($Doc) {
      $S -> Doc ($Doc);
      return 0 unless $S -> _load_book_stream();
   } else {
      if (!$S->Buf) {
         my $buf = "";
         my $BIFF = gensym;
         my $status = 0;
            last unless open ($BIFF, $S->DocPath);
            last unless binmode ($BIFF);
            $status = (read ($BIFF, $buf, -s $S->DocPath) == -s $S->DocPath);
         close ($BIFF);
         return $S->Startup->error("Read error!") if !$status;
      if (substr($S->Buf, 0, 1) ne "\x09") {
         # Very probable:
         return $S->Startup->error("Document is no Excel file!");


sub close_document {
   my ($S) = @_;
   $S->Doc->close() if $S->Doc;
sub _load_book_stream {
   my ($S, $dir) = @_;
   $dir = 0 if !$dir;

   if ($S -> Doc) {
      my %dir = (); 
      return 0 unless $S->Doc->directory($dir, \%dir, "string");
      return $S->Startup->error("Not an Excel file!")
         unless my $pps = $dir{"Book"} || $dir{"Workbook"}
      my $buf = "";
      return 0 unless $S->Doc->read($pps, \$buf);
      $S -> Buf ($buf);
   } else {
      return $S->Startup->error("Not yet implemented!");

## Colormap
## Just a table of colors

sub load_colormap {
   my ($S, $colorA) = @_;
   my @map = map {($_&0xff)<<16 | ($_&0xff00) | ($_&0xff0000)>>16} @$colorA;

sub dump_colormap {
   my ($S) = @_;
   for (0..$#{$S->color}) {
      printf("  Color %02x: #%06x\n", $_, $S->color->[$_]);

## FORMAT = {
##    STR = $string,
## }

sub add_format {
   my ($S, $idx, $str) = @_;
   my $num = $S->num_of_formats ($S->num_of_formats +1);
   $S -> format -> [$idx] -> {"STR"} = $str;
   # $S -> dump_format ($idx);

sub dump_format {
   my ($S, $num) = @_;
   printf ("Format %02x: ", $num);
   if (defined $S->format->[$num]) {
      printf ("'%s'\n", $S->format->[$num]->{STR});
   } else {
      print "Not defined!\n";
   $S -> format -> [$num];

## XF = {
##    BG_COL_NO => $color_index
##    H_ALIGN	=> "l"||"c"||"r"||"j",
##    V_ALIGN   => "t"|"c"|"b"|"j",
##    FONT_NO	=> $font_index,
##    FORM_NO	=> $form_index,
## }

sub add_xf {
# $S,
# 0 font#, 1 format#, 2 unkown, 3 align, 4 bgcolor, 5, 6, 7 unknown
   my $S = shift;
   my $num = $S->num_of_xfs ($S->num_of_xfs +1);

   my $halign = "";
      my $num = $_[3] & 7;
      if      ($num == 0) { # default, here set to "l"
         # $halign = "l"
      } elsif ($num == 1) { # left, set to default
         # $halign = "l";
      } elsif ($num == 2) { # center
         $halign = "c";
      } elsif ($num == 3) { # right
         $halign = "r";
      } elsif ($num == 4) { # fill
      } elsif ($num == 5) { # justify
         $halign = "j";
      } elsif ($num == 6) { # center
      } else {
         $halign = "";

   my $valign = "";
      my $num = ($_[3]>>4) & 7;
      if      ($num == 0) {	# top
         $valign = "t";
      } elsif ($num == 1) {	# center
         $valign = "c";
      } elsif ($num == 2) {	# default: bottom
         # $valign = "b";
      } elsif ($num == 3) {	# justify
         $valign = "j";

   $S -> xf -> [$num] = {
      "BG_COL_NO" => $_[4]&0x7f,
      "FONT_NO"   => $_[0],
      "FORM_NO"   => $_[1],
      "H_ALIGN"   => $halign,
      "V_ALIGN"   => $valign,

sub dump_xf {
   my ($S, $num) = @_;
   printf ("XF number %02x:\n", $num);
   if (defined $S->xf->[$num]) {
      printf ("   Background color index: %02x\n", 
      printf ("   Font number:            %02x\n", 
      printf ("   Format number:          %02x\n", 
      printf ("   Horizontal alignment:   '%s'\n", 
      printf ("   Vertical alignment:     '%s'\n", 
   } else {
      printf ("   Not defined!\n");
   print "\n";

## Font = {
##   "ATTRIB"    => "b i outline shadow strike sub sup u",
##   "FG_COL_NO" => $index,
##   "HEIGHT"    => $size,
##   "NAME"      => $fontname,
## }

sub add_font {
# $S, 
# 0 $height, 1 $attrib, 2 $color, 3 $bold, 4 $super, 5 $underline, 6 $family, 
# 7 $charset, 8 $unknown, 9 $name
   my $S = shift;
   my $num = $S->num_of_fonts;
   $num++; $num++ if $num==4;

   my %font = ();

   { # height
      $font{"HEIGHT"} = $_[0] / 20;

   my $attrib = "";
   { # attrib
      $attrib .= "i "       if $_[1] & 2**1;	# italic
      $attrib .= "strike "  if $_[1] & 2**3;	# strike through
      $attrib .= "outline " if $_[1] & 2**4;	# outline
      $attrib .= "shadow "  if $_[1] & 2**5;	# shadow

   { # color
      $font{"FG_COL_NO"} = $_[2];

   { # bold
      $attrib .= "b "       if $_[3] >= 600;	# bold

   { # super
      $attrib .= "sup "      if $_[4] == 1;	# superscript
      $attrib .= "sub "      if $_[4] == 2;	# subscript
   { # underline
      $attrib .= "u "        if $_[5] & 3;	# single or double underline

   $font{"ATTRIB"} = $attrib;

   # family  
   # charset
   # unknown

   { # Fontname
      $font{"NAME"} = $_[9];

   $S->font->[$num] = \%font;

sub dump_font {
   my ($S, $num) = @_;
   printf ("Font number %02x:\n", $num);
   if (defined $S->font->[$num]) {
      printf ("   Name        = '%s'\n", $S->font->[$num]->{"NAME"});
      printf ("   Height      = '%s'\n", $S->font->[$num]->{"HEIGHT"});
      printf ("   Attrib      = '%s'\n", $S->font->[$num]->{"ATTRIB"});
      printf ("   Color index = %02x\n", $S->font->[$num]->{"FG_COL_NO"});
   } else {
      printf ("   Not defined!\n");
   print "\n";

sub cell {
   my ($S, $row, $col) = @_;
   $S -> maxrow ($row) if $row > $S -> maxrow();
   $S -> maxcol ($col) if $col > $S -> maxcol();
   unless (defined $S -> sheet -> {$row} -> {$col}) {
      my $Cell = {};
      $S -> sheet -> {$row} -> {$col} = $Cell;
   $S -> sheet -> {$row} -> {$col};

sub _Cell {
   my ($S, $thing, $row, $col, $buf) = @_;
   my $cell = $S -> cell($row, $col);
   if (defined $buf) {
      $cell -> {$thing} = $buf;
   $cell -> {$thing};

sub Cell_Formula { shift -> _Cell("for", @_) }
sub Cell_XF      { shift -> _Cell("xf",  @_) }
sub Cell_Text    { shift -> _Cell("tex", @_) }
sub Cell_Not     { shift -> _Cell("not", @_) }
sub Cell_Combine { shift -> _Cell("com", @_) }

sub rows { my ($S)       = @_; [sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$S -> sheet}]; }
sub cols { my ($S, $row) = @_; [sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$S -> sheet -> {$row}}]; }

sub XF_all {
   my ($S, $XF) = @_;
   if (defined $XF) {
   } else {
         # no bgcolor => transparent (default)

sub parse {
## debug: 1,2
   my ($S, $debug_level) = @_;

   my $buf = $S -> Buf;

   my ($fsize, $l, $o, $type);
   my ($row, $col, $style, $len, $num);
   my ($xdebug);


   $o = 0;
   while ($o<$fsize) {
      # 00 word  type of entry
      # 02 word  len of entry
      ($type, $l) = get_nword(2, \$buf, $o); $o+=4;

      if (0x0000 == $type) {
      } elsif (0x0006 == $type) { # Cell: Formula
         # ...
         # 14 word  strlen
         # 16 char* math
         ($dest_row, $dest_col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, $o);
         my $math = substr($buf, $o+0x16, get_word(\$buf, $o+0x14));

         $S -> Cell_XF      ($dest_row+1, $dest_col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Formula ($dest_row+1, $dest_col+1, $math);
      } elsif (0x0009 == $type) { # Doc: New Table
         $S -> biff_version (2);
      } elsif (0x000e == $type) { # Doc: Default number precision
         # 00 word  precision
         $S -> precision (get_word(\$buf, $o)+1);
      } elsif (0x0014 == $type) { # Doc: Page header
         # 00 byte  strlen
         # 01 char* Format-text
      } elsif (0x0015 == $type) { # Doc: Page footer
         # 00 byte  strlen
         # 01 char* Format-text
      } elsif (0x0031 == $type) { # Doc: Font
         # 00 word  height     (twips)
         # 02 word  attrib     Bit 1:italic, 3:strikeout, 4:outline, 5:shadow
         # 04 word  color      index 
         # 06 word  bold       (0x0190==standard_plain, 0x02bc==standard_bold)
         # 08 word  super      0:none 1:superscript 2:subscript
         # 0a byte  underline  0:none 1:single 2:double +0x20:accounting
         # 0b byte  family  
         # 0c byte  charset
         # 0d byte  unknown
         # 0e byte  strlen
         # 0f char* Fontname
         $S -> add_font (
            get_struct("WWWWWBBBB", \$buf, $o),
            substr($buf, $o+0x0f, get_byte(\$buf, $o+0xe))
      } elsif (0x0042 == $type) { # Doc: Codepage
         # 00 word  codepage
      } elsif (0x004d == $type) { # Doc: Printer Info
         # printer info
      } elsif (0x005c == $type) { # Doc: Authress
         # authress?
         # 00 byte  strlen	00 byte strlen
         # 01 char* 		01 word ?
         #                      03 char*
         if ($S->biff_version<8) {
            $S -> authress ( substr($buf, $o+1, get_byte(\$buf, $o)) );
         } elsif ($S->biff_version>=8) {
            $S -> authress ( substr($buf, $o+3, get_byte(\$buf, $o)) );
      } elsif (0x007d == $type) { # Cell: width of column
         # 00 word  row
         # 02 word  column
         # 04 word  width of column (1366 =^ 1 cm)
         # 06 byte[5] unknown
      } elsif (0x007e == $type) { # Cell: RK number
         # 00 word   row
         # 02 word   column
         # 04 word   style #
         # 06 long   RK number (Intel format)
         ($row, $col, $style, $RK) = get_struct("WWWL", \$buf, $o);
         $S -> Cell_XF   ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text ($row+1, $col+1+$_-1, ""._RK_to_num($RK));
      } elsif (0x0085 == $type) { # Doc: Table
         # 00 long        offset    Table starts at this offset
         # 04 word        unknown
         # 06 (byte|word) strlen
         # 0x char*       Name of table
         # Can defines several tables, here I just take the first...
         if (!defined $S -> Table_Name) {
            if ($S->biff_version<=8) {
               my ($to, $q, $strlen) = get_struct("LWB", \$buf, $o);
               $S -> Table_Name (substr($buf, $o+7, $strlen));  
            } elsif ($S->biff_version>=8) {
               my ($to, $q, $strlen) = get_struct("LWW", \$buf, $o);
               $S -> Table_Name (substr($buf, $o+8, $strlen));  
         #} else { $S -> Table_Name ("");
      } elsif (0x0092 == $type) { # Document: Color Table
         my $num = get_word(\$buf, $o);
         my @colors = get_nlong($num, \$buf, $o+2);
         $S -> load_colormap (\@colors);
      } elsif (0x00bd == $type) { # Cell: Multiple RK
         # 00 word   row
         # 02 word   column begin
         # 04 RK[]
         # n  word   column end
         # RK
         # 00 word   style #
         # 02 long   RK number (Intel format)
         ($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, $o);
         my $n = ($l - 6) / 6;
         for (1..$n) {
            ($style, $RK) = get_struct("WL", \$buf, $o+4+($_-1)*6);
            $S -> Cell_XF   ($row+1, $col+1+$_-1, $style);
            $S -> Cell_Text ($row+1, $col+1+$_-1, ""._RK_to_num($RK));
      } elsif (0x00be == $type) { # Cell: multiple empty
         ($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$buf, $o);
         my $n = ($l - 6) / 2;
         my @style = get_nword($n, \$buf, $o+4);
         for (1..$n) {
            $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1+$_-1, $style[$_-1]);
            $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1+$_-1, "");
      } elsif (0x00e0 == $type) { # Document: Extended Format
         # 00 word    font index
         # 02 word    format index
         # 04 word    something
         # 06 word    alignment
         # 08 word    bgcolor
         # 0a word[3] something
         $S -> add_xf (get_struct("WWWWWWWW", \$buf, $o));
      } elsif (0x00e5 == $type) { # Document: Combinated Cells
         # 00 word    n
         # 02 area[n]
         # area: 4 words: row1, row2, col1, col2
         my $num = get_word(\$buf, $o);
         my ($row2, $col2);
         for (0..$num-1) {
            ($row, $row2, $col, $col2) = get_nword(4, \$buf, $o+$_*8+2);
            foreach $r ($row..$row2) {
               foreach $c ($col..$col2) {
                  $S -> Cell_Not ($r+1, $c+1, 1);
            $S -> Cell_Not ($row+1, $col+1, 0);
            $S -> Cell_Combine ($row+1, $col+1, 
               [$row+1, $row2+1, $col+1, $col2+1]
      } elsif (0x0fc == $type) { # Sheet: Extended String Table
         # 00 dword   n?
         # 04 dword   n?
         # 08 es[0..n]
         my @counts = (); 
         my @strings = (); 
         my $n = get_long(\$buf, $o);
         my $o = $o+8; 
         my $c; my $l; my $s;
         for (0..$n-1) {
            $l = get_word(\$buf, $o);
            $c = get_byte(\$buf, $o+2); 
            push(@counts, $c);
            push(@strings, substr($buf, $o+3, $l));
         # Don't care about counts...
         $S -> sst (\@strings);
      } elsif (0x0fd == $type) { # cell value, string constant/sst
         ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, $o);
         my $i = get_long(\$buf, $o+6);
         $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1, $S->sst->[$i]);
      } elsif (0x0201 == $type) { # Cell: empty
         ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, $o);
         $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1, "");
      } elsif (0x0203 == $type) { # Cell: Real
         # 00 word    row
         # 02 word    column
         # 04 word    style #
         # 06 double  (Intel format)
         ($row, $col, $style, $float) = get_struct("WWWD", \$buf, $o);
         $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1, "$float");
      } elsif (0x0204 == $type) { # Cell: Text
         # 00 word  row
         # 02 word  column
         # 04 word  style #
         # 06 word  strlen
         # 08 char* 
         ($row, $col, $style, $len) = get_nword(4, \$buf, $o);
         $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1, substr($buf, $o+8, $len));
      } elsif (0x0208 == $type) { # Row
      } elsif (0x0209 == $type) { # Doc: New Table
         $S -> biff_version (3);
      } elsif (0x027e == $type) { # Datum
         ($row, $col, $style) = get_nword(3, \$buf, $o);
         $float = "\0\0\0\0".substr($buf, $o+6, 4);
         $float = get_double(\$float, 0);
         $S -> Cell_XF    ($row+1, $col+1, $style);
         $S -> Cell_Text  ($row+1, $col+1, "$float");
      } elsif (0x0293 == $type) { # Doc: Style
         # 00 byte  number?
         # 01 byte  0x80
         # 02 byte  number?
         # 03 byte  0xff
      } elsif (0x0409 == $type) { # Doc: New Table
         $S -> biff_version (4);
      } elsif (0x041e == $type) { # Doc: Formatstring
         # 00 word  format number
         # 02 byte  strlen
         # 03 char* formatstring
         $num = get_word(\$buf, $o+0);
         $len = get_byte(\$buf, $o+2);
         $S -> add_format ($num, substr($buf, $o+3, $len));
      } elsif (0x0809 == $type) { # Doc: New Table
         # 00 word  version
         # 02 word  type
         # ..
         my ($v, $t) = get_nword(2, \$buf, $o);
         if ($v == 0x500) {
            $S -> biff_version (5);
         } elsif ($v == 0x600) {
            $S -> biff_version (8);
      } else {
         $xdebug = 1;

      if ($debug_level==1 && $xdebug || $debug_level==2) {
         printf("type = %04x (o=%06x, l=%04x):\n", $type, $o-4, $l);
         my @list = (); my $str = substr($buf, $o, $l);
         while($str) {
            push(@list, substr($str, 0, 16)); 
            substr($str, 0, 16)="";
         for (@list) {
            my $s = "   "; my $l = length($_); next if !$l;
            $s .= sprintf("%02x " x $l, unpack("C$l", $_));
            $s .= " " x (55 - length($s));
            s/[^0-9a-zA-Z äöüÄÖÜ_;,:.#@<>\|\^\°\'\~\+\*\-\!\"\§\$\%\&\/\(\)\]]/./g;
            $s .= $_;
            print "$s\n";

      $o += $l;
   foreach $row (@{$S->rows}) {
      foreach $col (@{$S->cols($row)}) {
         $S->calculate($row, $col);
      0  # assume color 0 to be default... 

sub _RK_to_num {
   my ($RK) = @_;
   my $type = $RK & 0x3; 
   my $val = ($type & 2) ?
      : unpack(OLE::Storage::Std::D, "\0\0\0\0".long($RK ^ $type))
   $val /= 100.0 if $type &1;

sub _float_to_date { # F
   my ($date) = @_;

   my @monsum = (
      0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334,
      -1, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335

   my ($day, $month, $year, $switch, $i);

   $year = int( $date/365.2425 ) + 1900;
   $switch = !($year%4) && 12 || 0;

   $date -= int($year-1900)*365 + int(($year-1900)/4);

   for($i=11; $i && ($date <= $monsum[$switch+$i]); $i--) {}
   $month = $i+1;
   $day   = $date - $monsum[$switch+$i];

   $date = sprintf("%02d.%02d.%02d", $day, $month, $year);

sub calculate {
# updates cell ($row, $col)
   my ($S, $dest_row, $dest_col) = @_;
   my $math = $S->Cell_Formula($dest_row, $dest_col);
   return 0 if !$math;

   my $o = 0; my $l = length($math);
   my ($col, $col2, $c, $c2, $float, $n, $row, $row2, $tok);
   my @stack=(); my $error=0;
   my ($val, $val2);

   while ($o < $l) {
      $tok = get_byte(\$math, \$o);
      if ($tok == 0x01) {
         ($row, $col) = get_nword(2, \$math, \$o);
         $val = $S-> Cell_Text($row+1, $col+1);
      } elsif ($tok == 0x03) {
         $val = pop(@stack); $val = pop(@stack) + $val;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x04) {
         $val = pop(@stack); $val = pop(@stack) - $val;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x05) {
         $val = pop(@stack); $val = pop(@stack) * $val;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x06) {
         $val = pop(@stack); 
         if ($val == 0) { 
            @stack=(); $error="Division by zero"; last;
         $val = pop(@stack) / $val;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x0b) {
         $val = pop(@stack); $val2 = pop(@stack);
         if ($val eq $val2) {
            $val = 1;
         } elsif ("$val" eq "$val2") {
            $val = 1;
         } else {
            $val = 0;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x17) {
         $val = get_str(\$math, \$o, get_byte(\$math, \$o));
      } elsif ($tok == 0x19) {
         # ??
         $o+=3; next;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x1c) {
         @stack=(); $error="dummy"; last;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x1f) {
         $val = get_double(\$math, \$o);
      } elsif ($tok == 0x24) {
         ($row, $c, $col) = get_nbyte(3, \$math, \$o);
         if ($c != 0xc0) {
            @stack=(); $error=2; last;
         $val = $S -> Cell_Text($row+1, $col+1);
      } elsif ($tok == 0x25) {
         ($row, $c, $row2, $c2, $col, $col2) = get_nbyte(6, \$math, \$o);
         my @list=();
         if ($c!=0xc0 || $c2!=0xc0) {
            @stack=(); $error=3; last;
         foreach $r ($row..$row2) {
            foreach $c ($col..$col2) {
               push(@list, $S -> Cell_Text($r+1, $c+1));
         $val = \@list;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x41) {
         $c = get_word(\$math, \$o);
         if ($c==0x0f) { 		# sin
         } elsif ($c==0x10) { 	# cos
         } elsif ($c==0x11) { 	# tan
         } elsif ($c==0x12) { 	# arctan
         } elsif ($c==0x13) { 	# pi
         } elsif ($c==0x14) { 	# wurzel
         } elsif ($c==0x15) { 	# exp
         } elsif ($c==0x16) { 	# ln
         } elsif ($c==0x18) { 	# abs
         } elsif ($c==0x19) { 	# ganzzahl
         } elsif ($c==0x1a) { 	# vorzeichen
            $val=pop(@stack); $val>=0 ? 0 : -1; 
         } elsif ($c==0x1b) { 	# runden
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val = sprintf(("%.".$val."f"), $val2);
         } elsif ($c==0x26) { 	# nicht
            $val=pop(@stack); $val = $val ? 0 : 1; 
         } elsif ($c==0x27) { 	# rest
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val = $val2 - int($val2/$val) * $val;
         } elsif ($c==0x3f) { 	# zufallszahl
         #} elsif ($c==0x61) { 	# arctan2
         } elsif ($c==0x62) { 	# arcsin
         } elsif ($c==0x63) { 	# arccos
         } elsif ($c==0xb8) { 	# fakultät
            $val2=pop(@stack); $val=1;
            for(1..$val2) { $val *= $_; }
         } elsif ($c==0xd4) { 	# aufrunden
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val2 += 0.49/10**$val;
            $val = sprintf(("%.".$val."f"), $val2);
         } elsif ($c==0xd5) { 	# abrunden
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val2 -= 0.49/10**$val;
            $val = sprintf(("%.".$val."f"), $val2);
         } elsif ($c==0xe5) { 	# sinhyp
         } elsif ($c==0xe6) { 	# coshyp
         } elsif ($c==0xe7) { 	# tanhyp
         } elsif ($c==0xe8) { 	# arcsinhyp
         } elsif ($c==0xe9) { 	# arccoshyp
         } elsif ($c==0xea) { 	# arctanhyp
         } elsif ($c==0x117) { 	# gerade
            $val += ($val %2);
         } elsif ($c==0x11d) { 	# untergrenze
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val = int($val2/$val)*$val;
         } elsif ($c==0x120) { 	# obergrenze
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val = (int($val2/$val)+1)*$val;
         } elsif ($c==0x12a) { 	# ungerade
            $val += 1 - ($val %2);
         } elsif ($c==0x151) { 	# potenz
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack);
            $val = $val2**$val;
         } elsif ($c==0x156) { 	# deg
         } elsif ($c==0x157) { 	# rad
         } else { 
            @stack=(); $error=sprintf("41: %04x", $c); last;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x42) {
         $n = get_byte(\$math, \$o);
         $c = get_word(\$math, \$o);
         if ($c==0x01) {	# wenn
            if ($n!=3) {
               @stack=(); $error=5; last;
            $val=pop(@stack); $val2=pop(@stack); $val3=pop(@stack);
            if ($val3) {
               $val = $val2;
            } else {
               $val = $val;
         } else {
            my @list = ();
            for (1..$n) {
               $val = pop(@stack);
               push (@list, ref($val) ? @$val : $val);
            $val = undef;
            for (@list) {
               if ($c==0x04) {		# summe
                  if (!defined $val) { $val = $_ } else { $val += $_; }
               } elsif ($c==0x24) {    	# und
                  $val = $_ ? 1 : 0; last if !$val;
               } elsif ($c==0x25) {    	# oder
                  $val = $_ ? 1 : 0; last if $val;
               } elsif ($c==0xb7) {	# produkt
                  if (!defined $val) {$val=$_} else { $val *= $_; }
               } elsif ($c==0x141) {	# quadratesumme
                  if (!defined $val) {$val=$_**2} else { $val += $_**2; }
               } else {
                  @stack=(); $error=sprintf("42: %04x", $c); last;
      } elsif ($tok == 0x44) {
         ($row, $c, $col) = get_nbyte(3, \$math, \$o);
         if ($c != 0xc0) {
            @stack=(); last;
         $val = $S -> Cell_Text($row+1, $col+1);
      } else {
         @stack=(); $error=sprintf("token: %02x", $tok); last;
      push(@stack, $val);
   push (@stack, "") if (!$err && !@stack);
   if (@stack) {
      $val = $stack[0];
      $val = ' 0' if !$val;
   } else {
      $val = "#ERR ($error)";
   $S -> Cell_Text ($dest_row, $dest_col, "$val");

"Atomkraft? Nein, danke!"


=head1 NAME

Herbert - converts Excel files

- ALPHA release -

Converts simple MS Excel documents to HTML. 



herbert expenses.xls --noinfo


 Herbert V1.38 (1998/03/23) - ALPHA - converts Excel-Sheets to HTML
 usage: Herbert {--option [arg]} file(s)
    --colorframe s  Outer frame will get color #s (9999bf)
    --colorsheet s  Worksheet will get color #s (dfdfdf)
    --dest_base  s  Store output files based at this directory.
    --dirmode    s  New directories get access mode s (0700)
    --filemode   s  New files get access mode s (0600)
    --from_stdin    Take input from stdin.
    --herbert       Very short info about Herbert Baum.
    --log           Write a logfile.
    --nocellcolor   Cell text gets no special color.
    --nocolor       No colors will be used.
    --noframe       Spreadsheet will not get an outer frame.
    --nogrid        Spreadsheet will have no grid.
    --noinfo        Do not include info about original document.
    --nopack        Empty leading lines will be displayed.
    --overwrite     Overwrite existing files.
    --recurse       Operate recursively on directories.
    --relative      Store files relatively to destdir when in recurse mode.
    --src_base   s  Regard this as start directory in relative mode.
    --suffix     s  Output files shall get suffix s (.html)
    --to_stdout     Write output to stdout.
    --usefonts      Use the font faces defined in excel book

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<OLE::Storage>, L<Startup>

=head1 BUGS

=over 4

=item -

Math doesn't work for processors, that doesn't use the number format used 
by Intel.

=item -

Cell formats are not resolved yet. This means especially, that days and
currencies are not represented correctly.

=item -

No graphics, no embedded objects.

=item -

Some functions are missing, even some mathematical functions.

=item -

Lots more is missing.


=head1 ABOUT

This program is dedicated to Herbert Baum and the anti Nazi group with him. 
Most of the group was killed 1942 after attacking a propaganda exhibition.
1984 students tried to name the main building of TU Berlin after him.

If german language is ok for you, just have a look at:


=head1 AUTHOR

Martin Schwartz E<lt>F<schwartz@cs.tu-berlin.de>E<gt>.
