Revision history for WWW-CDBaby

0.07    2008-08-29
        - Fixed Regex in get_dd_sales that caused no data to print
          in previous version.

0.06    2008-08-29
        - Fixed Regex in get_dd_sales due to change in CD Baby output.
          Change would cause subtotal field to be missed, causing
          rotation of data through remaining fields.

0.05    2008-01-19
        - Removed Mac-specific files that snuck into the distribution
          causing pod tests to fail.
        - Fixed version number in pod

0.04    2008-01-14
        - Added field names to get_cd_sales docs
        - Corrected get_dd_method to return "quantity" instead of "no", as the
          docs say.

0.03    2007-08-01
        - Added get_dd_sales method
        - get_cd_sales and get_dd_sales will croak if not passed an
        - Updated feature list in README

0.02    2007-07-031
        - Added login_form_no to site_info for compatibility with
          WWW::Sitebase::Navigator 0.03.

0.01    2007-07-31
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
        - get_cd_sales method
        - Added get_cd_sales sample script in samples_script directory.
        - Updated README, Changes, MANIFEST, docs in