package Authen::NZRealMe::AuthenRequest; { $Authen::NZRealMe::AuthenRequest::VERSION = '1.14'; } use strict; use warnings; require XML::Generator; use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64); use URI::Escape qw(uri_escape uri_unescape); use IO::Uncompress::RawInflate qw(rawinflate $RawInflateError); use IO::Compress::RawDeflate qw(rawdeflate $RawDeflateError); my $ns_saml = [ saml => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion' ]; my $ns_samlp = [ samlp => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol' ]; sub new { my $class = shift; my $sp = shift; my $self = bless { allow_create => 'false', force_auth => 'true', auth_strength => 'low', @_, }, $class; return $self->_init($sp); } sub _init { my($self, $sp) = @_; $self->{service_type} = $sp->type; $self->{request_id} = $sp->generate_saml_id('AuthnRequest'); $self->{entity_id} = $sp->entity_id; $self->{destination_url} = $sp->idp->single_signon_location; $self->{request_time} = $sp->now_as_iso(); $self->{nameid_format} = $sp->nameid_format(); my $strength_class = Authen::NZRealMe->class_for('logon_strength'); $self->{auth_strength} = $strength_class->new($self->{auth_strength}); my $xml = $self->_generate_authn_request_doc(); $self->{query_string} = $sp->sign_query_string($self->_raw_query_string); return $self; } sub service_type { shift->{service_type}; } sub request_id { shift->{request_id}; } sub entity_id { shift->{entity_id}; } sub request_time { shift->{request_time}; } sub destination_url { shift->{destination_url}; } sub saml_request { shift->{saml_request}; } sub relay_state { shift->{relay_state}; } sub allow_create { shift->_bool('allow_create'); } sub force_auth { shift->_bool('force_auth'); } sub auth_strength { shift->{auth_strength}; } sub _query_string { shift->{query_string}; } sub _nameid_format { shift->{nameid_format}; } sub _x { shift->{x}; } sub _bool { my($self, $flag) = @_; my $value = shift->{$flag}; return (defined($value) && lc($value) =~ /^(1|true)$/) ? 'true' : 'false'; } sub as_url { my $self = shift; return $self->destination_url . '?' . $self->_query_string; } sub _raw_query_string { my $self = shift; my $qs = 'SAMLRequest=' . uri_escape( $self->encoded_saml_request() ); if(my $rs = $self->relay_state) { $qs .= '&RelayState=' . uri_escape($rs); } return $qs; } sub _generate_authn_request_doc { my $self = shift; my $x = XML::Generator->new(#':pretty', namespace => [ @$ns_saml, @$ns_samlp ], ); $self->{x} = $x; $self->{saml_request} = $x->AuthnRequest($ns_samlp, { Version => '2.0', ID => $self->request_id(), IssueInstant => $self->request_time(), Destination => $self->destination_url(), $self->service_type eq 'login' ? (ForceAuthn => $self->force_auth() ) : (), AssertionConsumerServiceIndex => '0', }, $self->_issuer(), $self->_nameid_policy(), $self->service_type eq 'login' ? $self->_authen_context() : (), ) . ''; # ensure result is stringified } sub _issuer { my $self = shift; my $x = $self->_x; return $x->Issuer($ns_saml, $self->entity_id ); } sub _nameid_policy { my $self = shift; return $self->_login_nameid_policy() if $self->service_type eq 'login'; return $self->_assertion_nameid_policy() if $self->service_type eq 'assertion'; } sub _login_nameid_policy { my $self = shift; my $x = $self->_x; return $x->NameIDPolicy($ns_samlp, { Format => $self->_nameid_format(), AllowCreate => $self->allow_create(), }, ); } sub _assertion_nameid_policy { my $self = shift; my $x = $self->_x; return $x->NameIDPolicy($ns_samlp, { Format => $self->_nameid_format(), }, ); } sub _authen_context { my $self = shift; my $x = $self->_x; my $strength = $self->auth_strength(); return $x->RequestedAuthnContext($ns_samlp, $x->AuthnContextClassRef($ns_saml, $strength->urn()), ); } sub encoded_saml_request { my($self) = @_; my $xml = $self->saml_request(); my $data = ''; my $status = rawdeflate \$xml => \$data, Append => 0 or die "Can't compress request data: $RawDeflateError\n"; $data = encode_base64($data); $data =~ s{[\r\n]}{}g; return $data; } sub dump_request { my $class = shift; # Get data from commandline or slurp from standard input my $data = @_ ? shift : do { local($/) = undef; <STDIN>; }; my $xml = $data =~ m{^https?:} ? $class->_request_from_uri($data) : $class->_request_from_uri_param($data); print $xml, "\n"; } sub _request_from_uri { my($class, $uri) = @_; my($data) = $uri =~ m{\bSAMLRequest=(.*?)(?:&|$)} or die "Can't find 'SAMLRequest' parameter in query string"; return $class->_request_from_uri_param($data); } sub _request_from_uri_param { my($class, $data) = @_; $data = uri_unescape($data); $data = decode_base64($data); my($xml, $status); $status = rawinflate \$data => \$xml or die "Can't decompress request data: $RawInflateError\n"; return $xml; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Authen::NZRealMe::AuthenRequest - Generate a SAML2 AuthenRequest message =head1 DESCRIPTION This package is used by the L<Authen::NZRealMe::ServiceProvider> to generate a SAML2 AuthnRequest message and send it to the NZ RealMe Login service IdP (Identity Provider) using the HTTP-Redirect binding. =head1 METHODS =head2 new Constructor. Should not be called directly. Instead, call the C<new_request> method on the service provider object. The following named parameters are recognised: allow_create boolean (default: false) force_auth boolean (default: true) relay_state short string (default: none) auth_strength see below (default: 'low') =head2 service_type Accessor for the type of service ("login" or "assertion") this request is intended for. =head2 request_id Accessor for the generated unique ID for this request. =head2 entity_id Accessor for the entity ID of the Service Provider which generated the request. =head2 request_time Accessor for the request creation time formatted as an ISO date/time string. =head2 destination_url Accessor for the URL of the Identity Provider's single signon service, to which this request will be sent. =head2 saml_request Accessor for the XML document containing the SAML2 AuthenRequest. =head2 relay_state Accessor for the C<relay_state> parameter optionally passed to the constructor. If not provided, no relay state will be passed to the Identity Provider. =head2 allow_create Accessor for the C<allow_create> parameter optionally passed to the constructor. If not provided, this parameter will default to 'false'. =head2 force_auth Accessor for the C<force_auth> parameter optionally passed to the constructor. If not provided, this parameter will default to 'true'. =head2 auth_strength Accessor for the C<auth_strength> parameter optionally passed to the constructor. If a value is provided, it will be passed to the constructor for L<Authen::NZRealMe::LogonStrength>. If not provided, this parameter will default to the URN for low strength logons. =head2 as_url Accessor for the URL to be used in the redirect. The URL will be constructed from the URL of the Identity Provider's single signon service and a query string containing the SAML2 AuthnRequest message an optional relay state parameter and a digital signature. =head2 encoded_saml_request Accessor for the XML SAML AuthnRequest message after deflate compression and MIME Base64 encoding have been applied. =head2 dump_request This method is used by the C<< nzrealme dump-req >> command to decode and decompress the SAMLRequest parameter from a generated URL. It is provided as a diagnostic aid. =head1 SEE ALSO See L<Authen::NZRealMe> for documentation index. =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Enrolment Services, New Zealand Electoral Commission Written by Grant McLean E<lt><gt> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut