Revision history for Perl extension XML::Simple

1.04  Apr ?? 2000
	- added (optional) OO interface for changing default options
	- added 'keeproot' option (requested by Mark D. Anderson - MDA)
	- added 'contentkey' option (also requested by MDA)
	- incorporated 'forcearray' as arrayref patch from Andrew McNaughton

1.03  Mar 05 2000
	- added 'maketest' script for make impaired platforms
	- yet more cross platform robustness added to test scripts incl workaround
	  for Win32 problem where writing to file changed contents but not timestamp(!)
	- backed out one overzealous use of File::Spec in test script
	- POD updates including XML::Twig description contributed by Michel Rodriguez

1.02b Feb 16 2000 - limited distribution beta
	- reinstated locking with new backwards compatibility code
	- fixed platform dependant pathname handling to use File::Basename & File::Spec
	  in and test scripts
	- fixed bug causing XMLout() to incorrectly barf on what it thought was a
	  recursive data structure
	- removed spurious checking code which stopped XMLout unfolding a single
	  nested hash
	- fixed t/4_MemShare.t to gracefully cope with the absense of utime()
	- changed t/3_Storable.t and t/5_MemCopy.t to skip gracefully if no
	- removed superflous eval blocks around requires

1.01  Dec  1 1999
	- removed faulty locking code pending a fix

1.00  Nov 25 1999
	- added escaping feature + noescape option
	- added xmldecl option
	- further tidy ups for thread safing
	- more POD revisions (incl: pointers to other modules)

0.95  Nov  2 1999
	- added rootname option
	- added outputfile option
	- lots of internal tidy ups for thread safing
	- fixed bug in check for XML string to XMLin()
	- extra tests (esp option handling)

0.90  Oct 14 1999 (first beta release)
	- module renamed to XML::Simple ready for CPAN upload
	- XMLToOpt() renamed to XMLin()
	- OptToXML() renamed to XMLout()
	- added 'convert' script

0.05  Sep 18 1999
	- fixed location of in distribution (make install didn't work)
	- added tests for MemCopy
        - fixed ABSTRACT_FROM in Makefile.PL
	- fixed PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL

0.04  Aug 10 1999
	- added caching using
        - updated MANIFEST to include missing test files

0.03  Jun 20 1999
        - rewrite of OptToXML
	- anonymous array support
	- more and better test routines
	- POD updates

0.02  Jun 10 1999
	- added support for OptToXML
	- fixed searchpath inconsistencies
	- added 'forcearray' option
	- POD improvements
	- much improved test routines

0.01  May 27 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
	- module called 'Getopt::XML'
	- included basic XMLToOpt routine