package Util::Medley::Logger; $Util::Medley::Logger::VERSION = '0.029'; use Modern::Perl; use Moose; use namespace::autoclean; use Kavorka '-all'; use Carp; use Data::Printer alias => 'pdump'; use FileHandle; use Fcntl ":flock"; # in order to prevent circular deps between this and, use the # originals... use File::Path 'make_path'; use File::Basename; with 'Util::Medley::Roles::Attributes::DateTime'; with 'Util::Medley::Roles::Attributes::String'; =head1 NAME Util::Medley::Logger - Yet another class for logging. =head1 VERSION version 0.029 =cut =head1 SYNOPSIS my $log = Util::Medley::Logger->new; $log->fatal($msg); $log->error($msg); $log->warn($msg); $log->info($msg); $log->verbose(Smsg); $log->debug($msg); $log->deprecated("old()", "new()"); =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION A simple logging class. By default all logs are written to stderr. =cut ######################################################################################### use constant LOG_LEVELS => 'debug', 'verbose', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal'; use constant LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT => 'info'; use constant LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEFAULT => 3; use constant LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_MIN => 1; use constant LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_MAX => 6; use constant LOG_FRAMES_DEFAULT => 2; ######################################################################################### =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 disableStderr If provided and true, will disable logging messages to stderr. You should use the 'filename' attribute if you provide true. =over =item type: Bool =item default: 0 =back =cut has disableStderr => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, ); =head2 filename If provided, indicates where to write log messages. This will not disable stderr. To do that use disableStderr(). Note that file locking is used when writing to a file. This allows you to have multiple processes writing to the same log file without stomping on each other. =over =item type: Str =item default: undef =back =cut has filename => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str' ); =head2 logDetailLevel (<int>) Used to indicate how much detail to output with each message. Here is a breakdown: 1 - <msg> 2 - [level] <msg> 3 - [level] [date] <msg> 4 - [level] [date] [pid] <msg> 5 - [level] [date] [pid] [caller($frames)] <msg> =over =item type: Bool =item default: 3 =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL =back =cut has logDetailLevel => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', lazy => 1, builder => '_getLogDetailLevel', ); =head2 logDetailLevelDebug Get or set the logDetailLevelDebug value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEBUG =back =cut has logDetailLevelDebug => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelDebug', ); =head2 logDetailLevelVerbose Get or set the logDetailLevelVerbose value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_VERBOSE =back =cut has logDetailLevelVerbose => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelVerbose', ); =head2 logDetailLevelInfo Get or set the logDetailLevelInfo value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_INFO =back =cut has logDetailLevelInfo => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelInfo', ); =head2 logDetailLevelWarn Get or set the logDetailLevelWarn value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_WARN =back =cut has logDetailLevelWarn => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelWarn', ); =head2 logDetailLevelError Get or set the logDetailLevelError value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_ERROR =back =cut has logDetailLevelError => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelError', ); =head2 logDetailLevelFatal Get or set the logDetailLevelFatal value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_FATAL =back =cut has logDetailLevelFatal => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelFatal', ); =head2 logDetailLevelDeprecated Get or set the logDetailLevelDeprecated value. This overrides the logDetailLevel. =over =item type: Int =item default: undef =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEPRECATED =back =cut has logDetailLevelDeprecated => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int|Undef', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogDetailLevelDeprecated', ); =head2 logFrames Used to indicate how many frames to go back when logDetailLevel invokes the caller() function. In most cases you shouldn't have to bother with this. =over =item type: Int =item default: 2 =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_FRAMES =back =cut has logFrames => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int', lazy => 1, builder => '_getLogFrames', ); =head2 logLevel Indicates what level of log detail you want. Levels (in order of severity): - debug - verbose - info - warn - error - fatal =over =item type: Str =item default: info =item env var: MEDLEY_LOG_LEVEL =back =cut has logLevel => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Str', lazy => 1, builder => '_getLogLevel', ); =head2 utf8 Flag to toggle utf8 mode. =over =item type: Bool =item default: 0 =back =cut has utf8 => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Bool', default => 0, ); ######################################################################################### has _fh => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildFh', ); has _logLevelMap => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[Int]', lazy => 1, builder => '_buildLogLevelMap', ); ######################################################################################### =head1 METHODS =cut ######################################################################################### =head2 debug Writes a debug message to the log. =over =item usage: $util->debug($msg); $util->debug(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method debug (Str $msg) { my $type = 'debug'; if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled($type) ) { my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, detailLevel => $self->logDetailLevelDebug, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method debug (Str :$msg!) { return $self->debug($msg); } =head2 deprecated Writes a deprecated message to the log. First arg is the original method/sub. Second arg is the new method/sub. =over =item usage: $util->deprecated($orig, $new); $util->deprecated(orig => $orig, new => $new); =item args: =over =item orig [Str] Name of the deprecated method. =item new [Str] Name of the new method. =back =back =cut multi method deprecated (Str $orig, Str $new) { if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled('warn') ) { my $msg = sprintf "%s is deprecated by %s.\n", $orig, $new; my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => 'deprecated', msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method deprecated (Str :$orig!, Str :$new!) { return $self->deprecated($orig, $new); } =head2 error Writes an error message to the log. =over =item usage: $util->error($msg); $util->error(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method error (Str $msg) { my $type = 'error'; if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled($type) ) { my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method error (Str :$msg!) { return $self->error($msg); } =head2 fatal Writes a fatal message to the log and exits with 1. =over =item usage: $util->fatal($msg); $util->fatal(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method fatal (Str $msg) { my $type = 'fatal'; my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); exit 1; } multi method fatal (Str :$msg!) { $self->fatal($msg); } =head2 getLogLevels Returns an array of all possible levels in severity order. =over =item usage: @levels = $util->getLogLevels; =back =cut method getLogLevels { return LOG_LEVELS(); } =head2 info Writes an info message to the log. =over =item usage: $util->info($msg); $util->info(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method info (Str $msg) { my $type = 'info'; if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled($type) ) { my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method info (Str :$msg!) { return $self->info($msg); } =head2 verbose Writes a verbose message to the log. =over =item usage: $util->verbose($msg); $util->verbose(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method verbose (Str $msg) { my $type = 'verbose'; if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled($type) ) { my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method verbose (Str :$msg!) { return $self->verbose($msg); } =head2 warn Writes a warn message to the log. =over =item usage: $util->warn($msg); $util->warn(msg => $msg); =item args: =over =item msg [Str] The message to log. =back =back =cut multi method warn (Str $msg) { my $type = 'warn'; if ( $self->_isLogLevelEnabled($type) ) { my $line = $self->_assembleMsg( type => $type, msg => $msg, ); $self->_printMsg($line); return 1; } return 0; } multi method warn (Str :$msg!) { return $self->warn($msg); } ###################################################################### method _printMsg (Str $line) { if (!$self->disableStderr) { print STDERR "$line\n"; } if ($self->filename) { my $fh = $self->_fh; flock($fh, LOCK_EX); print $fh "$line\n"; flock($fh, LOCK_UN); } } method _assembleMsg (Str :$type!, Str :$msg!, Int|Undef :$detailLevel) { my $frames = $self->logFrames; my $detail = $self->logDetailLevel if !$detailLevel; my @msg; if ( $detail > 1 ) { push @msg, uc "[$type]"; } if ( $detail > 2 ) { push @msg, sprintf '[%s]', $self->DateTime->localDateTime(); } if ( $detail > 3 ) { push @msg, sprintf '[%d]', $$; } if ( $detail > 4 ) { push @msg, sprintf '[%s]', ( caller($frames) )[3]; } if ( $detail > 5 ) { push @msg, sprintf '[line %d]', ( caller($frames) )[2]; } push @msg, $self->String->trim($msg); return join( ' ', @msg ); } method _getLogDetailLevel () { my $detail; if ( $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL} ) { $detail = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL}; } else { $detail = LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEFAULT(); } $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($detail); return $detail; } method _getLogLevel () { my $level; if ( $ENV{MEDLEY_DEBUG} ) { $level = 'debug'; } elsif ( $ENV{MEDLEY_VERBOSE} ) { $level = 'verbose'; } elsif ( $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_LEVEL} ) { $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_LEVEL}; } else { $level = LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT(); } if ( !$self->_isLogLevelValid($level) ) { confess "log level $level is invalid"; } return $level; } method _isLogLevelValid (Str $level) { if ( $self->_logLevelMap->{$level} ) { return 1; } return 0; } method _isLogDetailLevelValid (Int $detail) { if ( $detail >= LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_MIN() ) { if ( $detail <= LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_MAX() ) { return 1; } } confess "invalid logDetailLevel $detail"; } method _isLogLevelEnabled (Str $level) { my $cutoff = $self->_logLevelToInt( $self->logLevel ); my $want = $self->_logLevelToInt($level); if ( $cutoff <= $want ) { return 1; } return 0; } method _logLevelToInt (Str $level) { if(defined $self->_logLevelMap->{$level} ) { return $self->_logLevelMap->{$level} } confess "unknown log level: $level"; } method _getLogFrames { my $frames = LOG_FRAMES_DEFAULT() => 1; if ( $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_FRAMES} ) { $frames = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_FRAMES}; } return $frames; } method _buildLogLevelMap { my $i = 0; my %map; foreach my $level ( LOG_LEVELS() ) { $map{$level} = $i; $i++; } return \%map; } method _buildFh { if ($self->filename) { my $filename = $self->filename; make_path(dirname($filename)); # append - all writes automatically go to the end of the file when # writing my $fh = FileHandle->new(">>$filename") or confess "could not open $filename: $!"; $fh->autoflush(1); if( $self->utf8 ){ binmode( $fh, ":utf8" ); } return $fh; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelDebug { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEBUG}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEBUG}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelVerbose { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_VERBOSE}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_VERBOSE}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelInfo { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_INFO}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_INFO}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelWarn { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_WARN}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_WARN}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelError { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_ERROR}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_ERROR}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelFatal { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_FATAL}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_FATAL}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } method _buildLogDetailLevelDeprecated { if ($ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEPRECATED}) { my $level = $ENV{MEDLEY_LOG_DETAIL_LEVEL_DEPRECATED}; $self->_isLogDetailLevelValid($level); return $level; } } 1;