package Util::Medley::Linux::Yum;
$Util::Medley::Linux::Yum::VERSION = '0.046';
use Modern::Perl;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Data::Printer alias => 'pdump';
use Kavorka 'method', 'multi';


=head1 NAME

Util::Medley::Linux::Yum - Class for interacting with YUM

=head1 VERSION

version 0.046



  my $yum = Util::Medley::Yum->new;
  # positional  
  $aref = $yum->repoList([$enabled], [$disabled]);
  # named pair
  $aref = $yum->repoList([enabled  => 0|1],
                         [disabled => 0|1]); 
  $aref = $yum->repoQuery ([all       => 0|1],
                           [installed => 0|1],
                           [repoId    => $repoId]);



A simple wrapper library for YUM on Linux.  





=head1 METHODS

=head2 repoList

Generates a list of configured YUM repositories.

Returns: ArrayRef[HashRef]

Example HashRef:

    repoBaseurl   " (9 more)",
    repoExpire    "21,600 second(s) (last: Tue Oct 13 12:14:28 2020)",
    repoId        "updates/7/x86_64",
    repoMirrors   "",
    repoName      "CentOS-7 - Updates",
    repoPkgs      "1,104",
    repoSize      "5.4 G",
    repoStatus    "enabled",
    repoUpdated   "Mon Sep 14 08:18:15 2020"


=item usage:

 $aref = $yum->repoList([$enabled], [$disabled]);

 $aref = $yum->repoList([enabled => 1],
                        [disabled => 0]);
=item args:


=item enabled [Bool] (optional)

Flag indicating the returned list should include enabled repos.

Default: 1

=item disabled [Bool] (optional)

Flag indicating the returned list should include disabled repos.

Default: 0




multi method repoList (Bool :$enabled = 1,
                       Bool :$disabled = 0) {

	my @cmd = ( 'yum', 'repolist', '-v', 'all' );

	my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) =
	  $self->Spawn->capture( cmd => \@cmd, wantArrayRef => 1 );
	if ($exit) {
		confess $stderr;

	my @repos;
	my $repoHref;

	foreach my $line (@$stdout) {

		next if $self->String->isBlank($line);

		if ( $line =~ /^Repo-\w+\s/ ) {
			my ( $key, $value ) = $self->_repoListParseLine($line);
			if ( $key eq 'repoId' ) {
				if ($repoHref) {
					push @repos, $repoHref;

				$repoHref = {};

			$repoHref->{$key} = $value;

	if ($repoHref) {
		push @repos, $repoHref;

	my $reposAref = [];
	foreach my $repo (@repos) {
		my $status = $repo->{repoStatus};
		if ( $status eq 'enabled' ) {
			if ($enabled) {
				push @$reposAref, $repo;
		elsif ( $status eq 'disabled' ) {
			if ($disabled) {
				push @$reposAref, $repo;
		else {
			confess "unhandled repoStatus: $status";

	return $reposAref;

multi method repoList (Bool $enabled,
                       Bool $disabled) {

    my %a;
    $a{enabled} = $enabled if defined $enabled;
    $a{disabled} = $disabled if defined $disabled;
    return $self->repoList(%a);

=head2 repoQuery

Captures the output from the 'repoquery' command.

Returns: ArrayRef[Str]


=item usage:

  $aref = $yum->repoQuery ([all       => 0|1],
                           [installed => 0|1],
                           [repoId    => $repoId]);

 Positional params not supported for this method due to
 the volume of options.
=item args:


=item all [Bool] (optional)

Equivalent to the --all flag on the cli.

Default: 0

=item installed [Bool] (optional)

Equivalent to the --installed flag on the cli.

Default: 0

=item repoId [Str] (optional) 

Equivalent to the --repoid option on the cli.




method repoQuery (Bool :$all,
                  Bool :$installed,
                  Str  :$repoId) {
    my @cmd = ( 'repoquery' );
    push @cmd, '--all' if $all;
    push @cmd, '--installed' if $installed;
    push @cmd, '--repoid', $repoId if $repoId;                         	

    my ( $stdout, $stderr, $exit ) =
      $self->Spawn->capture( cmd => \@cmd, wantArrayRef => 1 );
    if ($exit) {
        confess $stderr;
    return $stdout;    


method _repoListParseLine (Str $line) {

	my ( $key, @value ) = split( /:/, $line );

	$key = $self->String->trim($key);
	$key = $self->String->camelize($key);

	my $value = join ':', @value;
	$value = $self->String->trim($value);

	return ( $key, $value );
