Revision history for Geo-Coder-Bing

0.11  Tue Mar 29 23:55:21 UTC 2011
    - Required newer LWP with better HTTPS support.

0.10  Wed Jun 23 01:28:42 UTC 2010
    - Enabled compressed responses by default.
    - Added method to get the HTTP::Response for the last request.
    - Added Pod reference to the new Geo::Coder::Bing::Bulk module.

0.09  Wed Jun 16 16:20:39 UTC 2010
    - Added https option.

0.08  Tue Jun 15 11:32:54 UTC 2010
    - Migrated from the AJAX API to the new REST API.
    - Maintained backwards compatibility, but issued a warning to encourage
      users to migrate.

0.07  Wed May 5 15:35:36 UTC 2010
    - RT #57149: Properly decoded character encoding of response.

0.06  Tue Dec 15 07:06:22 UTC 2009
    - RT #52769: Added fix for changes to returned JSON data.
    - Added debug option for HTTP requests and responses.

0.05  Wed Sep 30 12:53:25 UTC 2009
    - RT #47688: Location is no longer limited to only unicode-flagged
      strings or UTF-8 bytes.

0.04  Fri Sep 18 02:13:44 UTC 2009
    - Added file portability author test.
    - Renamed files for better portability.
    - Added authortest Makefile target and added it to the disttest target.

0.03  Wed Jul 8 14:42:46 UTC 2009
    - Specified a minimum required version for URI.
    - Added a note about non-ASCII locations.

0.02  Tue Jul 7 19:01:23 UTC 2009
    - Fixed prereqs.
    - Added example for custom useragent.
    - Added live tests (for author).
    - Moved author tests into separate directory.

0.01  Mon Jul 6 10:07:59 UTC 2009
    - Initial distribution.