2.4 [2005-09-20]

  * Adapt to yet another round of changes to the USPS Zip Lookup
    web site, courtesy of Eric Parker <>.

  * Copyright date updates.

2.3 [2004-10-15]

  * Be a little more flexible about zip code format, per an email
    from Michael S. Muegel <> (although the example
    he gave of an adress returning XXXXX-YY where XXXXX was a good
    looking zip code but YY was some oddball text like "ND" didn't
    work that way for me).

  * Adapted to latest USPS changes, including new welcome page URL
    and new format of results. RT ticket submitted 2004-09-28 by
    <>, and email notice to me from:

    Also reported by Chris Johnson <>
    and John Baker <> via personal emails on

2.2 [2004-07-02]

  * Updated start URL for first page fetch to match new operation of
    USPS site.

  * Updated the form ID used to refer to the form, since the site has
    been changed to use a named form

  * Now under verbose output, you get to the the result of fetching
    the start URL.

  * Copyright date updates.

  * NOTE: It appears that the service is *significantly slower than
    it used to be. This may be on purpose to dissuade you from using
    the service inappropriately. Consider this a reminder that you
    should not be using this module for purposes not allowed by the
    USPS usage policy posted on their site.

2.1 [2003-12-15]

  * Fixed documentation's sample program

  * Prevent a warning about a filehandle being used only once (when
    in reality it isn't).

2.0 [2003-12-13]

  * Works with recently changed USPS web site.

  * Uses WWW::Mechanize to interact with the USPS web application.

  * New script/stdaddr program to demonstrate usage.

  * New test.html HTML file to show minimal interaction with the USPS

1.1 [2002-07-13]

  * Now uses instead of

  * Fixed a documentation markup bug related to turning on debuggin.

  * Fixed a documentation bug in Scrape::USPS::ZipLookup regarding
    how to call verbose().

  * Fixed Scrape::USPS::ZipLookup::Address' logic to use isa().

  * Fixed one of the standardize.t tests.


  * Renamed to Scrape::USPS::ZipLookup from Data::Address::Standardize.
    (based on version 0.003 of Data::Address::Standardize).