Revision history for Perl extension Convert::IBM390.

0.01  Tue Jan 12 12:36:20 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
	- Geoffrey Rommel (

0.02  Mon Apr 12 13:11:16 1999
	- made compatible with 5.004 and earlier releases
	- Original version had a bug when char was unsigned, but it
	  was not revealed by 'make test'.  Squished the bug; smoothed
	  out the signed/unsigned business; added test for the buggy

0.03  Wed Jun  9 14:34:17 1999
	- Added unpackeb(), ":all" tag.
	- Eliminated the superfluous IBM390lib subdirectory.
	- Smoothed out the signed/unsigned business some more.
	- Corrected the package name in IBM390.xs.