Revision history for Perl extension Convert::IBM390.

0.01  Tue Jan 12 12:36:20 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
	- Geoffrey Rommel (

0.02  Mon Apr 12 13:11:16 1999
	- made compatible with 5.004 and earlier releases
	- Original version had a bug when char was unsigned, but it
	  was not revealed by 'make test'.  Squished the bug; smoothed
	  out the signed/unsigned business; added test for the buggy

0.03  Wed Jun  9 14:34:17 1999
	- Added unpackeb(), ":all" tag.
	- Eliminated the superfluous IBM390lib subdirectory.
	- Smoothed out the signed/unsigned business some more.
	- Corrected the package name in IBM390.xs.

0.04  Wed Jun 23 08:11:54 1999
	- Made $warninv global.
	- Further (final?) signed/unsigned improvements.
	- Added validity checking and 'x' option to unpackeb.
	- Added debugging option.

0.05  Tue Jul 20 14:43:17 1999
	- Transitional release.
	- pdi and pdo renamed to packed2num and num2packed.
	- Added zoned2num and num2zoned functions.
	- Added packeb function.
	- Added zoned support to unpackeb.

0.06  Wed Jul 28 07:45:05 1999
	- Removed separate functions for packed and zoned conversions.
	- Removed $warninv.
	- Diverged from IBM390p.

0.07  Tue Sep  7 13:16:47 1999
	- Merged Perl and Perl/XS versions into one distribution
	  with identical functions.
	- Added packeb() and unpackeb() to Perl-only version.

0.08  Tue Sep  7 13:16:47 1999
	- Added a dummy to the top directory so that CPAN
	  could find it.  It includes the POD for the use of

0.10  Tue Oct 17 10:29:35 2000
	- Changed 'sv_undef' to 'PL_sv_undef' to conform with current
	  perl5 lingo.  Otherwise identical to 0.09.

0.11  Fri Dec 15 12:45:21 2000
	- Added "#include <stdio.h>" to IBM390lib.ccc (don't know how
	  I missed that one!).
	- Small cosmetic changes.

0.12  Mon Jan 15 08:51:47 2001
	- Redesigned XS version to correct a bad memory leak.  Thanks
	  to Barry Roomberg ( and another user
	  for pointing this out and providing test code.  Unfortunately,
	  I had to put a limit on the number of values returned by
	  unpackeb, but it's fairly generous (4400).
	- New e-mail address for yours truly.

0.14  Mon Mar 12 14:41:31 2001
	- Modified Makefile.PL to see whether Perl is using sv_undef
	  or PL_sv_undef and adjust things automatically.
	- Small cosmetic changes.