Revision history for Bible::Reference

1.06      2021-01-12 09:25:43-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Migrate to Test2::V0
        - Improve .gitignore file
        - License migrate to Artistic 2.0
        - Migrate Travis CI and Coveralls to GitHub Actions and Codecov
        - Update copyright year

1.05      2020-10-10 12:06:43-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Major input parsing code rewrite to handle a broader set of edge cases
        - Add boolean setting: add_detail
        - Add method: expand_ranges
        - Patches to Bible book defintions

1.04      2020-07-09 08:10:08-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Remove subroutine signatures to allow operation back to Perl 5.14

1.03      2020-07-08 18:13:37-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Remove Moose dependency; replace with exact and exact::class
        - Update Travis YAML

1.02      2017-08-21 18:13:34-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Add as_chapters() and as_runs() methods
        - Fix as_books() grouping logic (to fix an edge-case bug)
        - Removed redundant code 'use strict; use warnings;' -- Thank you: Mohammad S Anwar
        - Add ability to set own Bible data

1.01      2017-08-16 20:27:42-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world.