Revision history for Bot::IRC

1.05      2016-11-08 11:39:57-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Improve error reporting on loading plugins
        - Don't reply to un-evaluated math expressions

1.04      2016-11-08 10:45:07-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Added "Infobot" plugin
        - Added "Greeting" plugin
        - Added "Functions" plugin

1.03      2016-11-07 17:39:07-08:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Removed "priority" concept (because it be dumb and redundant redundant)
        - Error trapping and clean-up in parent process
        - Added list() helper
        - Added reply_to() method to core and used it where appropriate
        - Stored channels with Join plugin
        - Added "Seen" plugin
        - Plugin "Karma" added
        - Plugin "Math" added
        - Plugin "Convert" added

1.02      2016-11-04 13:48:17-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - Load all core plugins set with ":core"
        - Join plugin
        - Store::SQLite plugin
        - Change precedence order of loading plugins to favor private and extension overrides
        - Quick matching of ::X:: and ::Y:: sub-namespace plugins

1.01      2016-11-03 17:08:15-07:00 America/Los_Angeles
        - First version, released on an unsuspecting world