package Geo::GoogleEarth::AutoTour; # ABSTRACT: Generate Google Earth Camera Tours from Tracks and Paths use 5.012; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Exporter'; use Carp 'croak'; use IO::Uncompress::Unzip qw( unzip $UnzipError ); use IO::Compress::Zip qw(zip $ZipError); use XML::LibXML; use Date::Parse 'str2time'; use Math::Trig 1.23 qw( deg2rad rad2deg great_circle_distance great_circle_bearing ); our $VERSION = '1.07'; # VERSION our @EXPORT_OK = qw( tour kmz_to_xml xml_to_kmz load_kml read_path gather_points build_tour ); sub tour { my ( $input, $settings, $output ) = @_; croak('Input not defined') unless ( defined $input ); my $xc = load_kml( ( ref $input ) ? kmz_to_xml($input) : $input ); $settings //= {}; my $doc_name = $xc->findvalue('//g:Document/g:name'); $settings->{doc_name} //= $doc_name; if ( $xc->findnodes('//g:Placemark[@id="tour"]/gx:MultiTrack/gx:Track')->size ) { $settings->{points} = gather_points($xc); } elsif ( length $xc->findvalue('//g:Document/g:Placemark/g:LineString/g:coordinates') > 0 ) { $settings->{points} = read_path($xc); } else { croak('Input appears not to be either a track or path KML/KMZ'); } my $xml = build_tour($settings); if ( ref $output eq 'SCALAR' ) { $$output = $xml; } elsif ( ref $output ) { xml_to_kmz( $xml, $output, $doc_name ); } return $xml; } sub kmz_to_xml { my ($kmz_file_handle) = @_; my $buffer; unzip( $kmz_file_handle, \$buffer ) or die $UnzipError; return $buffer; } sub xml_to_kmz { my ( $xml, $kmz_file_handle ) = @_; zip( \$xml, $kmz_file_handle, 'Name' => 'doc.kml' ) or die $ZipError; } sub load_kml { my ($xml_input) = @_; my $xc; eval { $xc = XML::LibXML::XPathContext->new( XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $xml_input )->documentElement ); }; croak('Unable to parse KML XML input') if ($@); $xc->registerNs( g => '' ); return $xc; } sub read_path { my ($xc) = @_; ( my $coords = $xc->findvalue('//g:Document/g:Placemark/g:LineString/g:coordinates') ) =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my ( $time, $last_lat, $last_long ) = ( time, undef, undef ); my @coords = map { my ( $longitude, $latitude, $altitude ) = split( /,/, $_ ); { latitude => $latitude, longitude => $longitude, altitude => $altitude, }; } split( /\s/, $coords ); $coords[0]{time} = time; for ( my $i = 1; $i < @coords; $i++ ) { my @points = ( deg2rad( $coords[ $i - 1 ]->{longitude} ), deg2rad( 90 - $coords[ $i - 1 ]->{latitude} ), deg2rad( $coords[$i]->{longitude} ), deg2rad( 90 - $coords[$i]->{latitude} ), ); $coords[$i]{duration} = great_circle_distance( @points, 3956 ) / 140 * 60 * 60; $coords[$i]{heading} = $coords[ $i - 1 ]{heading} = rad2deg( great_circle_bearing( @points, 3956 ) ); $coords[$i]{time} = $coords[ $i - 1 ]{time} + $coords[$i]{duration}; } return \@coords; } sub gather_points { my ($xc) = @_; my $last_time; return [ map { my $when = $xc->findnodes( 'g:when', $_ ); my $coord = $xc->findnodes( 'gx:coord', $_ ); my $bearing = $xc->findnodes( 'g:ExtendedData/g:SchemaData/gx:SimpleArrayData[@name="bearing"]/gx:value', $_, ); $when->map( sub { my ( $longitude, $latitude, $altitude) = split( ' ', $coord->shift->to_literal ); my $time = str2time( $_->to_literal ); my $duration = ($last_time) ? $time - $last_time : undef; $last_time = $time; { latitude => $latitude, longitude => $longitude, altitude => $altitude, heading => $bearing->shift->to_literal, duration => $duration, time => $time, }; } ); } $xc->findnodes('//g:Placemark[@id="tour"]/gx:MultiTrack/gx:Track') ]; } sub build_tour { my $settings; eval { $settings = ( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) ? $_[0] : { @{ $_[0] } }; }; croak($@) if ($@); croak('Points not defined properly') unless ( $settings->{points} and ref $settings->{points} eq 'ARRAY' and ref $settings->{points}[0] eq 'HASH' ); $settings->{doc_name} //= 'Tour'; $settings->{tour_name} //= 'Tour'; $settings->{tilt} //= 80; # lower = deeper; higher = higher; 90 = flat $settings->{gap_duration} //= 20; # seconds $settings->{play_speed} //= 20; # higher = faster; 1 = normal $settings->{initial_move} //= 2; # seconds $settings->{initial_wait} //= 5; # seconds $settings->{start_trim} //= 0; # seconds $settings->{end_trim} //= 0; # seconds $settings->{altitude_adjustment} //= 100; # feet $settings->{altitude_mode} //= 'absolute'; # absolute, relativeToGround $settings->{altitude_mode} = 'absolute' if ( lc( $settings->{altitude_mode} ) eq 'msl' ); $settings->{altitude_mode} = 'relativeToGround' if ( lc( $settings->{altitude_mode} ) eq 'agl' ); $settings->{altitude_mode} = 'relativeToGround' if ( lc( $settings->{altitude_mode} ) eq 'relative' ); $settings->{altitude_adjustment} /= 3.28084; # convert feet into meters for use in Google Earth KML my $xml = XML::LibXML::Document->new( '1.0', 'UTF-8' ); my $kml = $xml->createElement('kml'); $kml->setAttribute( 'xmlns' => '' ); $kml->setAttribute( 'xmlns:gx' => '' ); my $doc = $xml->createElement('Document'); my $name = $xml->createElement('name'); $name->appendTextNode( $settings->{doc_name} ); $doc->appendChild($name); my $tour = $xml->createElement('gx:Tour'); my $tour_name = $xml->createElement('name'); $tour_name->appendTextNode( $settings->{tour_name} ); $tour->appendChild($tour_name); my $playlist = $xml->createElement('gx:Playlist'); my ( $wait, $total_duration ) = ( 0, 0 ); for my $point ( @{ $settings->{points} } ) { next if ( $point->{time} < $settings->{points}[0]->{time} + $settings->{start_trim} or $point->{time} > $settings->{points}[-1]->{time} - $settings->{end_trim} ); $total_duration += $point->{duration} || 0; next if ( $total_duration < $settings->{gap_duration} ); my $flyto = $xml->createElement('gx:FlyTo'); my $duration = $xml->createElement('gx:duration'); $duration->appendTextNode( ( defined $point->{duration} ) ? $total_duration / $settings->{play_speed} : $settings->{initial_move} ); $flyto->appendChild($duration); $total_duration = 0; my $mode = $xml->createElement('gx:flyToMode'); $mode->appendTextNode('smooth'); $flyto->appendChild($mode); my $camera = $xml->createElement('Camera'); for my $node_name ( qw( latitude longitude altitude heading tilt ) ) { my $element = $xml->createElement($node_name); $element->appendTextNode( ( $node_name eq 'tilt' ) ? $settings->{tilt} : ( $node_name eq 'altitude' ) ? $point->{$node_name} + $settings->{altitude_adjustment} : $point->{$node_name} ); $camera->appendChild($element); } my $a_mode = $xml->createElement('altitudeMode'); $a_mode->appendTextNode( $settings->{altitude_mode} ); $camera->appendChild($a_mode); $flyto->appendChild($camera); $playlist->appendChild($flyto); unless ($wait) { my $gx_wait = $xml->createElement('gx:Wait'); my $element = $xml->createElement('gx:duration'); $element->appendTextNode( $settings->{initial_wait} ); $gx_wait->appendChild($element); $playlist->appendChild($gx_wait); $wait = 1; } } $tour->appendChild($playlist); $doc->appendChild($tour); $kml->appendChild($doc); $xml->setDocumentElement($kml); return $xml->toString(1); } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Geo::GoogleEarth::AutoTour - Generate Google Earth Camera Tours from Tracks and Paths =head1 VERSION version 1.07 =for markdown []( []( =for test_synopsis my( $input, $output ); =head1 SYNOPSIS use Geo::GoogleEarth::AutoTour 'tour'; my $kml = tour($input); tour( $input, { doc_name => 'Tour', tour_name => 'Tour', tilt => 80, gap_duration => 20, play_speed => 20, initial_move => 2, initial_wait => 5, start_trim => 0, end_trim => 0, altitude_adjustment => 100, altitude_mode => 'absolute', }, $output ); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module takes input expected to be a Track or Path export data from Google Earth and produces a Tour. The expected typical case is that you start with a Track or Path exported from Google Earth as a KMZ or KML file, and you'll get as output a KMZ file suitable for loading in Google Earth. =head2 INSPIRATION AND PURPOSE I'm a pilot, and I enjoy recording flights using a cell phone and a GPS logger. I can export that data as a KMZ/KML file and view it in Google Earth, which is all nice and whatever; but I wanted to make Google Earth fly what I flew. =head1 FUNCTIONS This module allows for exporting of several functions, but typical usage will only require "tour" to be exported. use Geo::GoogleEarth::AutoTour 'tour'; =head2 tour This function should do everything you need. It expects some input, which can be KML XML as a string, or a filehandle of a KML or KMZ file or stream. You can optionally provide settings as a hashref. Any setting not defined gets set as the default, which are values I find to be mostly reasonable for the typical case. You can also optionally provide as a third parameter what should be used as output: a filehandle or reference to a scalar. The function will always return the generated tour KML XML, but if an output filehandle is provided, it'll try to write to that filehandle a KMZ file. my $input = IO::File->new( 'track.kmz', '<' ) or die $!; my $output = IO::File->new( 'tour.kmz', '>' ) or die $!; my $kml_xml = tour( $input, { doc_name => 'Moutains Tour from Track', altitude_adjustment => 1500, altitude_mode => 'agl', }, $output, ); See the settings section below for information about the settings. =head2 kmz_to_xml, xml_to_kmz As you might guess, these two functions will take a KMZ filehandle and return KML XML as a string, or will take KML XML as a string and a KMZ filehandle to output. my $input = IO::File->new( 'track.kmz', '<' ) or die $!; my $kml_xml = kmz_to_xml($input); my $output = IO::File->new( 'tour.kmz', '>' ) or die $!; xml_to_kmz( $kml_xml, $output ); =head2 load_kml This is a helper function. It takes KML XML as a string and returns an L<XML::LibXML::XPathContext> object with the OpenGIS namespace (which is the default XMLNS) set to "g". my $xc = load_kml($kml_xml); my $coords = $xc->findvalue('//g:Placemark/g:LineString/g:coordinates'); =head2 read_path This function expects an L<XML::LibXML::XPathContext> object built by C<load_kml> based on KML XML that contains a Path. It returns an arrayref of points suitable for use with the C<build_tour> function. my @points = @{ read_path( load_kml($kml_xml) ) }; =head2 gather_points This function expects an L<XML::LibXML::XPathContext> object built by C<load_kml()> based on KML XML that contains a Track. It returns an arrayref of points suitable for use with the C<build_tour> function. my @points = @{ gather_points( load_kml($kml_xml) ) }; =head2 build_tour This function expects settings passed in as either a list or a hashref. The settings are described below, but there needs to also be a "points" key with the value being an arrayref of hashrefs created by C<read_path> or C<gather_points>. The function returns KML XML of the generated tour. my $kml_xml_0 = build_tour( points => read_path( load_kml($kml_xml) ) ); my $kml_xml_1 = build_tour({ points => read_path( load_kml($kml_xml) ), altitude_adjustment => 1500, altitude_mode => 'agl', }); =head1 SETTINGS Settings are required by C<tour> and C<build_tour>, although you'll likely never need to use the latter function. Any settings not provided get defaulted to what I think are reasonable values to produce a Tour that looks reasonable well for most cases. doc_name => 'Tour', tour_name => 'Tour', tilt => 80, gap_duration => 20, play_speed => 20, initial_move => 2, initial_wait => 5, start_trim => 0, end_trim => 0, altitude_adjustment => 100, altitude_mode => 'absolute', =over =item doc_name, tour_name These are labels used for the document name and tour name (contained within the document). =item tilt This is the camera angle in degrees. A tilt of 0 is pointing straight down, and a tilt of 90 is perfectly level. Generally, a tilt of 80 seems to produce good tours most of the time. =item gap_duration If you're recording a lot of GPS positions with your GPS recording application, especially if your GPS hardware is on an old cell phone, you can get a whole lot of noise and really, really tight readings fractions of a second apart. This isn't useful for tour generation, and in fact, it can sometimes be problematic. So the C<gap_duration> is a number of seconds of minimum time between each GPS record getting included in tour generation. For example, a value of 20 means that the GPS records used for tour generation will not be closer than 20 seconds apart. This has the effect of making the tour a bit more flight-view realistic. =item play_speed This is how fast you want a Track to run. The default is 20, which means the tour plays at about 20 times as fast as it would at a value of 0. Larger numbers mean faster playback. A value of 0.5 would mean the playback is at half speed. =item initial_move When Google Earth first loads up a Tour, it tries to move you to the origin point of the Tour. The C<initial_move> is the number of seconds you want to tell Google Earth to do that move. Typically 2 works well. =item initial_wait After moving to the origin point, C<initial_wait> instructs Google Earth to pause for a number of seconds before beginning movement. Generally, a value of 5 seconds seems to work well, but this will be highly dependent on your network speed and hardware capabilities. =item start_trim, end_trim When I record a GPS Track for a flight, I tend to do it while I'm parked on the ground before I taxi out to the runway. Similarly, I don't shutdown the recorder until I'm parked again at the destination airport. To trim out that time, you can use C<start_trim> and C<end_trim> to trim off a certain number of seconds from the start or end of the Track. =item altitude_adjustment Some GPS hardware (mine included) isn't consistently accurate about altitude. I've noticed I end up recording Tracks about 200 to 300 feet too low. So C<altitude_adjustment> is the number of feet to adjust the altitude by. Note that if you're converting a Path instead of a Track, you really ought to set C<altitude_adjustment> since a Path is always recorded as being on ground level. =item altitude_mode By default, C<altitude_mode> is set to absolute altitude, or MSL in pilot-speak. However, sometimes you want altitude to be AGL or relative to ground level. C<altitude_mode> can be set to absolute, MSL, relative, or AGL. =back =head1 SEE ALSO You can look for additional information at: =over 4 =item * L<GitHub|> =item * L<MetaCPAN|> =item * L<GitHub Actions|> =item * L<Codecov|> =item * L<CPANTS|> =item * L<CPAN Testers|> =back =head1 AUTHOR Gryphon Shafer <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by Gryphon Shafer. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =cut