=head1 NAME

HTML::FormHandler::Manual::Templates - using templates


Documentation on templates to use with L<HTML::FormHandler>

In progress...

=head1 Using templates

=head1 Sample templates

=head2 Text input field

   <label class="label" for="[% f.name %]">[% f.label %]</label>
   <input type="text" name="[% f.name %]" id="[% f.name %]" value="[% f.fif %]">

=head2 Select field

Single select:

   <label class="label" for="[% f.name %]">[% f.label %]</label>
   <select name="[% f.name %]">
     [% FOR option IN f.options %]
       <option value="[% option.value %]" 
       [% IF option.value == f.fif %]
       [% END %]>
       [% option.label %]</option>
     [% END %] 

Multiple select:

   <label class="label" for="[% f.name %]">[% f.label || f.name %]</label>
   <select name="[% f.name %]" multiple="multiple" size="5">
     [% FOR option IN f.options %]
       <option value="[% option.value %]" 
       [% FOREACH optval IN f.value %]
          [% IF optval == option.value %]
          [% END %]
       [% END %]>
       [% option.label %]</option>
     [% END %] 

=head2 Checkbox

  <input type="checkbox" name="[% f.name %]" value="1"
      [% IF f.fif == 1 %] checked="checked"[% END %] />

=head1 AUTHOR

Gerda Shank, gshank@cpan.org


This library is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
