package BookDB::Form::BookM2M;

use Moose;
extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC';

=head1 NAME

Form object for the Book Controller


Form used for book/add and book/edit actions


Catalyst Form.


has '+item_class' => ( default => 'Book' );

sub field_list {
	my $self = shift;

	return {
		fields => {
			title   => {
				type => 'Text',
				required => 1,
				required_message => 'A book must have a title.',
				label => 'Title',
				order => '1',
			author  => {
				type => 'Text',
				label => 'Author:',
				order => '2',
            # has_many relationship pointing to mapping table
			genres    => {
				type => 'Multiple',
				label => 'Genres:',
                label_column => 'name',
			    order => '3',
			isbn         => {
				type => 'Text',
				label => 'ISBN:',
            order => '5',
            unique => 1,
			publisher    => {
				type => 'Text',
				label => 'Publisher:',
			    order => '4',
			format       => {
				type => 'Select',
				label => 'Format:',
			    order => '6',
			year         => {
				type => 'Integer',
				range_start => '1900',
				range_end => '2020',
				label => 'Year:',
				order => '7',
			pages        => {
				type => 'Integer',
				label => 'Pages:',
				order => '8',
         comment      => {
            type => 'Text',
            order => 9,

# The following subroutine makes the same select list as
# the one that's created by accessing the database
#sub options_format {
#	return (
#        1 => 'Paperback',
#        2 => 'Hardcover',
#		 3 => 'Comic',
#	);

sub validate_year {
	my ( $self, $field ) = @_;
	$field->add_error('Invalid year')
	     if (($field->value > 3000) || ($field->value < 1600));

=head1 AUTHOR

Gerda Shank


This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>.

