use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't/lib'; BEGIN { eval "use DBIx::Class"; plan skip_all => 'DBIX::Class required' if $@; plan tests => 13; } use_ok( 'HTML::FormHandler' ); use_ok( 'BookDB::Schema::DB'); my $schema = BookDB::Schema::DB->connect('dbi:SQLite:t/db/book.db'); ok($schema, 'get db schema'); use_ok( 'BookDB::Form::BookHTML' ); my $form = BookDB::Form::BookHTML->new(item_id => undef, schema => $schema); ok( !$form->validate, 'Empty data' ); $form->clear_state; # This is munging up the equivalent of param data from a form my $good = { 'book.title' => 'How to Test Perl Form Processors', '' => 'I.M. Author', 'book.isbn' => '123-02345-0502-2' , 'book.publisher' => 'EreWhon Publishing', }; ok( $form->validate( $good ), 'Good data' ); ok( $form->update_model, 'Update validated data'); my $book = $form->item; ok ($book, 'get book object from form'); ok ( $book->title eq 'How to Test Perl Form Processors', 'get title'); # clean up book db & form $book->delete; $form->clear_state; my $bad_1 = { 'book.notitle' => 'not req', 'book.silly_field' => 4, }; ok( !$form->validate( $bad_1 ), 'bad 1' ); $form->clear_state; my $bad_2 = { 'book.title' => "Another Silly Test Book", '' => "C. Foolish", 'book.year' => '1590', 'book.pages' => 'too few', 'book.format' => '22', }; ok( !$form->validate( $bad_2 ), 'bad 2'); ok( $form->field('pages')->has_errors, 'pages has error' ); ok( !$form->field('author')->has_errors, 'author has no error' ); $form->clear_state;