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0.35005 Sat Oct 8, 2011
    Fix bug repeatable result not returned for num_when_empty
    Fix bug repeatable required flag not propagated
    Fix bug building nested compound fields
    Allow html attributes on radio group elements
    Undefined string warning in select rendering
    Add Japanese message file

0.35004 Wed Oct 5, 2011
    Fix bug setting multiple selects with init_object
    Provide html_attr for form attributes
    Use Moose type for field_name_space and widget_name_space

0.35003 Wed Sep 7, 2011
    Fix bug constructing classes for Class::Load, revealed by Class::Load 0.10

0.35002 Mon Aug 8, 2011
    Change to use Class::Load due to speed.

0.35001 Mon Jul 25, 2011
    Undid setting processed flag when building result in BUILD. Breaks
    existing apps. Re-thinking that part for now.

0.35000 Thu Jul 21, 2011
    Add support for tabindex attribute.
    Generic html attribute setting (html_attr)
    Set 'processed' flag when building results in BUILD to fix problem
        with garbage collected results.
    *** it's possible that this may break code if field values were being
        set outside of FormHandler, or params were set on new. Pass params
        on process. Set fields inside FormHandler, or run clear first, then
        set values. In general, it works best to update fields inside a
        FormHandler class, in a method or method modifier.
        Building results in 'new' happened originally because people expected
        to be able to do $form->render after new, without process. But you're
        better off always running 'process'.
    Add flag 'no_preload' to skip building results in new (BUILD) if not needed
    Add flag 'no_widgets' to skip applying widgets to fields if not needed
    Fix for Date fields in compounds.
    Types Printable & SingleWord use class messages
    Add link to the bug tracker into the HELP section in the Pod.
    Change how field_traits work: apply traits to field objects, add
      new class method apply_traits (Stephen Thirlwall)

0.34001 Mon May 16, 2011
    Fiz another memory cycle using Select field
    Tweak code creating results for Field testing

0.34000 Mon May 16, 2011
    Fixed memory cycles; 1 in HFH code, others by requiring Moose 2.0007
    Localize value of a button
    Allow limited use of has_many multiple select
    Add SimpleInline & TableInline widgets to not wrap compound fields

0.33002 Tues Feb 22, 2011
    Accidentally left off compatibility for 'required_message' attribute
        messages => { required => '...' } is new style and worked

0.33001 Mon Feb 21, 2011
    Remove unnecessary with of HFH::Validate::Actions

0.33000 Mon Feb 21, 2011
    bug - empty_select check defined
    Add button field, widget, template
    Check html attributes for definedness not truth
    Add ability to set field inactive on new & process
       in addition to setting active
    Move 'no_render_label' into Field
    Use form's language_handle in fields
    Improve PrimaryKey doc
    Return empty hashref from $form->value instead of undef
    Merge experimental Wizard into master
    Render disabled select options
    Repeatable contains rendering incorrectly, skipping empty elements
    Add rendering of form_errors to widgets and Render::Simple
       *** If you were using form_errors (there are none by default)
       and were using HFH rendering, check for compatibility
    Allow specifying full class for widget with '+'
    Document removing wrapper div from Simple wrapper
    Re-do how field messages are stored and accessed. Use messages => {...}
        instead of various _message attributes
    Add utilities in util to pull out class messages and check I18N
    Update I18N messages files (those that were provided by translators)
    Change render_filter Coderef setting because of leak;
       *** Possible incompatibility: if you have a form render_filter,
       change to function instead of method
    Change _localize to a Coderef to allow easier changing.
       *** If you have a custom _localize method, check for compatibility

0.32005 Wed Oct 20, 2010
    Removed '//'; incompatible with earlier versions of Perl

0.32004 Wed Oct 20, 2010
    Minor doc cleanup
    Switch away from MooseX::Traits; memory leak because of non-cached
        composed classes
0.32003 Sun Oct 3, 2010
    Fix syntax for 'with', excludes => -excludes
    Use labels in radio group widgets
    Add 'is_active' and 'is_inactive' convenience methods in Field
    Select options - check defined instead of truth
    Misc minor doc and test improvements
    Coderef allowed for messages in apply actions
    Limit removing of numbers when constructing method names
    Use html_filter when rendering labels
    Allow undefining min_size and max_size in upload field
    Return in render_filter if string is not defined
    Change rendering of repeatable subfields
0.32002 Thu July 29, 2010
    Update to handle newer Moose (error msg with Moose::Util::MetaRole API)
    Swich to Dist::Zilla
    Add customization of form tag attributes
    Add test prereqs

0.32001 Fri June 25, 2010
    Add prereqs for DateTime::Format::Strptime and Email::Valid

0.32000 Fri June 25, 2010
    Accept arrayref messages in add_error
    Add initial fieldset wrapper
    Flag (localize_labels) in Select field for rendering; localize empty_select
    Add posted flag for forms containing only fields with no params when unselected
    Add 'update_fields' methods and 'update_field_list' for preference-type field updates
    Fix incorrect error message in duration field
    Use LANGUAGE_HANDLE instead of LANG in tests
    Add 'input_class' for class attribute on input fields
    Allow deflation in fif, flag 'deflate_to' => 'value'/'fif'
    Fix bug with unselected Select field (move input_without_param & not_nullable into field)
    Add resultset example to cookbook
    Doc to look at input for multiple submit fields
    Fix bug in _set_dependency; use 'has_some_value' to determine emptiness
    Add form_errors for non-field errors
    Remove deprecated 'min_length' attribute ('minlength' is supported)
    Allow upload field to be passed a file handle
    Pass values to Display field (for display-only db fields)
    Change I18N to allow duck_type classes; add test for Data::Localize
    Added 'peek' diagnostic function for viewing field & result trees
    Fix bug with extra results in repeatable elements
    Strip empty pks and empty elements from repeatable values (avoid DB errors)
    Localize value of submit button
    Make '+' unnecessary in front of field name space types
0.31003 Fri May 7, 2010
    Change precedence of defaults over item/init_object; add 'default_over_obj' for
       cases where that behavior is desired.
    Fix errors in filtering HTML in rendering
    Call deflation in InitResult::_result_from_obj
    Split localization of labels into separate 'loc_label' method
       Call loc_label where label is used in error messages
    Enable empty strings for wrapper_start and wrapper_end
    Set locale to en_us where needed in test
    Fix widget_name_space use in fields

0.31002 Wed Apr 21, 2010
    Remove unused HTML::Entities from Simple form widget
    Move locale test file into xt because of env variable issues in test

0.31001 Tues Apr 20, 2010
    Use full length version number
    Updates to translated messages & messages in Validate::Actions

0.31 Fri Apr 16, 2010
    Remove use of HTML::Entities for filtering. New render_filter coderef for filering.
    Minor doc fixes for typos
    Use _html_attributes in widgets (for disabled, readonly, javascript)
    Localize default required field message
    Add 'render_upload' to Render::Simple
    Fix allowing array for field_name_space
    Selected_option for select lists
    Add example to cookbook and tests for setting a coderef for validation
    Checkbox group use 'eq' instead of '=='
    Fixes to tutorial to match Catalyst tutorial
    Allow arrayref for 'has_field' (like Moose 'has')
    Die on maketext errors
    Move deflation from fif to get_value called by '_result_from_object'.
       Possible incompatibility, except it was probably not working to start with...
0.30003 Sun Feb 21, 2010
    Partial fix for lack of defaults for compound fields
    Support for using model_fields roles (DBICFields)
    Use 'eq' instead of '==' when constructing html for multiple selects
    Remove deprecated 'auto' syntax

0.30002 Thu Feb 11, 2010
    Don't convert widget names that contain uppercase
    Better error messages for missing field classes
    Field attribute 'input_param' to allow input names different than field names
    Make field 'default' rw
    Clean up doc on init_object

0.30001 Fri Feb 5, 2009
    Remove unnecessary IO::All use causing dep problems
    Changes to Turkish messages
    Russian and Urkainian message files
    Use HTML::FormHandlerX namespace for fields and widgets
    Fix bug with defaults set to 0

0.30 Mon Feb 1, 2010
    Improve Display Field, adding more ways to set html
    Add initial pass at more automatic TT rendering
    Change readonly, html attributes to 'rw'
    Set widget in Reset field
    Fix bugs and oddities in HFH::types
    Fix bug allowing hashref to be passed to constructor
    Improve doc on 'trim'
    Add more doc on dynamic form creation
    Allow 'options_<field_name>' attributes in form
    Add Turkish message file
    Add 'empty_select' to Select field
    Fix bug displaying empty repeatable element if no values from object
    Improvements in I18N factoring
0.29002 Wed Dec 16, 2009
    Remove locale.t from dist until issues solved

0.29001 Tues Dec 15, 2009
    Fix bug with passing widget_wrapper to fields
    Fix bug with generated method names for form methods

0.29 Wed Dec 2, 2009
    Add CheckboxGroup widget, add MooseX::Traits to Form & Field class
    Fix bug where defaults were not being used with an initial object
    Fix DateTime field to trap DateTime errors, pass hash in value
    Use build_label for field labels
    Remove use of Class::Load, instead use Class::MOP::load_class()
    Add set_active and make switching fields to active simpler
    Fix bug when options lists from db are empty
    Add encode_entities to rendering widgets
    Switch from init_value_<fieldname> to default_<fieldname>
    Change upload field.
    Improve setting of method defaults for set_default, set_validate, set_options

    Switched to using native traits
    Add Widget roles
    Major refactor to support result classes
    Reformatting source to more Perl standard
    Fix bug generating CSS classes in Render::Simple (mazpe)
    Fix POD example in ::Intro (mazpe)

0.27006 Mon Aug 17, 2009
    Add ability to set params class and arguments

0.27005 Wed Aug 12, 2009
    DateTime::Format::Strptime dep again

0.27004 Tues Aug 11, 2009
    Date inherits from Text. Fix loading compound fields from related.
    Call load_options for forms with no init_obj & params

0.27003 Sat Aug 2, 2009
    Indexing failure missing version in Date

0.27002 Sat Aug 2, 2009
    Fix missing dependency on DateTime::Format::Strptime
    Doc tweaks

0.27001 Fri July 31, 2009
    Doc fixes, fix Date field.

0.27 Sat July 25, 2009
    Split HTML::FormHandler::Model::DBIC into separate distribution
    Add 'inactive' flag. Cleanup Makefile.PL. 'size' split into 'size' and
    'maxlength'. 'min_length' renamed to 'minlength'. Add Catalyst pod.
    'html_name' used for field 'id'. Fix DateMDY field.

0.26 Tues June 23, 2009
    Fix dependency test failures on UNIVERSAL::require and version

0.25 Sat June 20, 2009
    Add dependency for DateTime::Format::SQLite

0.24 Sat June 20, 2009 
    Refactor validation processing for api consistency
    Skip empty undef array elements. Update Password and PrimaryKey fields.
    Fix bugs: calling validate_ method, recognizing errors in repeatable fields,
    handling empty repeatable elements,
    incorrect cloning in Repeatable, rendering fixes/updates.

0.23 Fri May 22, 2009
    Refactor HTH to use only 'process'. Deprecate 'validate' and 'update'
    Add field_list array, deprecate other usages. 
    Clean up documentation
    Add Repeatable field to support has_many relationships

0.22 Fri May 1, 2009, 17:00
    Removed development only test from distribution
    Expanded apply documentation.

0.21 Thu Apr 30, 2009, 20:00
    Removed podcoverage, added skip to generator.t test, added
    'apply' sugar for adding actions, doc for compound field

0.20 Thu Apr 23, 2009, 17:00
    Added apply constraints, transforms, checks. Refactored code for future
    use of nested fields. Improvements to compound fields. Bug fix for
    checkboxes. Added ability to redefine attributes of existing fields
    with '+fieldname'. 

0.19 Thu Mar 05, 2009, 17:00
    Fix problem with empty values from form. Add Compound field.

0.18 Sun Feb 22 2009, 15:00
    Add missing test prereq DateTime::Format::MySQL.
    Add 'values' method to form. Add 'accessor' attribute
    to field.

0.17 Thurs Feb 19 2009, 17:30
    Refactor validate, adding validate_form method

0.16 Thurs Feb 19 2009, 17:00 
    Add ability to use arrayrefs for primary key
    Clear 'fif' for non-db forms. Allow init_object for non-db forms.

0.15 Mon Feb 16 2009, 19:00 
    Fix inheritance of has_field. Add ability to use has_field
    in roles. Some refactoring of 'clear'. If a field is not
    in params, don't touch in db.

0.14 Fri Feb 06 2009, 18:00
    Wrong version in META.yml. Fix fif for password fields.

0.13 Wed Feb 04 2009, 23:00
    Fix validate to set params if hash

0.12 Wed Feb 04 2009, 18:00
    Fix 'dump_fields'. Add more output for verbose. Change so
    that 'validate' doesn't require a separate 'clear' for 
    persistent forms. The controller test will only execute
    with an environment variable.

0.11 Mon Feb 02 2009, 17:00
    Change to use BEGIN block in controllers for Catalyst 5.80.

0.10 Thu Jan 29 2009, 07:00
    Remove unnecessary 'use' from Render::Simple to eliminate install
    failures. Change handling of 'has_field'.

0.09 Sun Jan 25 2009, 17:00
    Minor changes.

0.08 Sat Jan 24 2009, 11:00
    Remove controller and role. Refactor to support persistent
    forms. Remove update_from_form method. Add 'process', and
    'update' methods. Update documentation to match. Update tutorial.

0.07 Thurs Jan 22 2009, 04:00
    Add prereq of DateTime. Minor doc changes.

0.06 Wed Jan 21 2009, 04:00
    Add prereq skip tests to controller test. Clean up Makefile.PL.
    Convert test controller to use chained. Support empty

0.05 Mon Jan 19 2009, 15:00
    Add skip test to htmlarea test. Add action, http_method, & submit to form.
    Add javascript to field. Create widget directory for templates.

0.04 Fri Jan 16 2009, 19:00
    Move example to test directory. Change controller; add controller
    test. Add use for HashRefInflator. Add more documentation.

0.03 Tues Jan 12 2009, 16:00
    Pod fix, remove failing test from htmlarea

0.02 Tues Jan 12 2009, 03:00
    Fixed pod formatting, naming of files

0.01 Mon Jan 12 2009, 17:00
    Released on an unsuspecting world
    Conversion of Form::Processor to Moose, including
    renaming many attributes and methods and refactoring