- Use the proxy set in $ENV{http_proxy} if available.
- Bypasses '-U' option to to configure. Thanks to chromatic++
- Conf file + CPAN mirror support
- Strip invalid dependency lines out of the makefile in older perl versions, to make them work with newer gcc versions
- Add rudimentary pure-perl introspection, jrockway++
- Documentation, castaway++
- Document about PERLBREW_ROOT and the issue installing it with CPAN.
- Handle an edge case whn the tarball is not found on the http server. Thanks to sekimura++
- Improves 'switch' and 'off' command message. Thanks to Justin Davis.
- PERL5OPT PERL5LIB are removed while configuring and testing a new perl. Thanks to Andrew Rodland.
- fix a expression precedence bug. Thanks to Jesse Luehrs.
- Fix -as option. Thanks to doy++ and jasonmay++
- Now it brews from git. jasonmay++
- Fix the uses of mkpath on various versions of perls.
- Support the building of 5.13, and future developement versions
- Use File::Path::mkpath instead of make_path to make in runnable with older versions of Perl
- a few document typo fixes.
- Fixed a bug that switch fail after 'off'
- Officially prepare a standalone program for quick download.
- license changed to "Same as Perl" due to the fact HTTP::Lite is included
- The 'installed' command now also lists all the 'perl' found in your PATH
- The 'switch' command can take an executable like /usr/bin/perl
- Various program options by Chris Prather
- Fixes from Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
- First release. Installs perl-5.11.[12345] on my mac.