v0.31.0 2020-07-14T08:57:12+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for newtalk.tw
- Add a site-specific extractor for talk.ltn.com.tw
v0.30.0 2020-07-12T17:10:32+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for focustaiwan.tw
- Improve extraction of dateline and journailst for a few existing news sites.
v0.29.0 2020-07-11T18:33:51+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for news.cctv.com
v0.28.0 2020-07-09T23:28:40+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.xinhuanet.com
- Add a site-specific extractor for hk.on.cc
v0.27.0 2020-07-06T22:17:57+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for new.ctv.com.tw
- Add a site-specific extractor for hk.crntt.com
v0.26.0 2020-07-03T18:13:05+0800
- Adjust the dateline output
v0.25.0 2020-07-02T21:40:30+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.twreporter.org
- Convert extracted dateline to iso8601 format (pts)
v0.24.0 2020-06-29T08:46:10+0800
- Convert extracted dateline to iso8601 format (peopo, fountmedia)
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on SETN
- Handle an error when parsing dateline on www.idn.com.tw
v0.23.0 2020-05-15T23:10:02+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on CNA, ETToday, turnnewsapp.com
v0.22.0 2020-05-11T23:40:22+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names
v0.21.0 2020-05-10T07:53:41+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on news.tnn.tw
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on NTDTV
v0.20.0 2020-05-05T21:22:48+0800
- CTS: rewritten for quicker extraction.
v0.19.0 2020-05-04T14:01:50+0800
- UDN: Update the CSS ruleset for udn.com
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.idn.com.tw
- Niusnews: Extract journalist name
- SETN: Non-human journalist names are now extracted too.
- Properly handle non-article pages.
v0.18.0 2020-05-03T19:53:12+0800
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.ttv.com.tw
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.hkcnews.com
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.thestandnews.com
- Add a site-specific extractor for www.epochtimes.com
v0.17.0 2020-05-03T09:15:32+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on cnews, EBC, CTEE and SETN
- Add a site-specific extractor for newnet.tw
v0.16.0 2020-04-26T21:36:41+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on CTS, CTEE and rti.fr
v0.15.0 2020-04-23T09:17:50+0800
- Reduce the amount of warnings.
v0.14.0 2020-04-08T00:00:54+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on ETToday and CNA
v0.13.0 2020-03-22T16:20:13+0800
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on www.setn.com
v0.12.0 2020-03-09T09:57:13+0900
- Improve the extraction of www.upmedia.mg
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on www.setn.com
v0.11.0 2020-02-15T09:54:00+0900
- Improve the accuracy of extracting www.taiwannews.com.tw
- Improve the extraction of news.cts.com.tw
- Add a site-specific extractor for estate.ltn.com.tw
v0.10.0 2020-02-04T09:01:00+0900
- Improve the extraction of turnnewsapp.com
- Improve coverage for various cases.
v0.9.0 2020-02-04T01:21:00+0900
- Improve the extraction of news.tnn.tw
- Improve the extraction of www.setn.com
v0.8.0 2020-02-03T09:52:00+0900
- Improve the extraction of www.rti.org.tw
- Improve the extraction of www.bcc.com.tw
v0.7.0 2020-02-02T10:28:00+0900
- Improve the extraction of www.taipeitimes.com
- Improve the extraction of udn.com
- Improve the extraction of money.udn.com
- Improve the extraction of stars.udn.com
- Improve the extraction of house.udn.com
v0.6.0 2020-02-01T19:51:00+0900
- Reject the extracted journalist name if it happens to be one of the known newspaper name.
- Improve the extraction of https://www.storm.mg
v0.5.0 2020-01-29T10:30:00+0900
- Improve the extraction of a few news site.
0.4.0 2020-01-26T01:51:45+0900
- Improve the extraction of a few news site.
0.3.0 2020-01-26T01:51:45+0900
- Improve the extraction of a few news site.
0.2.0 2020-01-25T23:23:39+0900
- Improve the extraction of a specific news site.
0.1.1 2020-01-24T11:13:11+0900
- Fix an fat-finger mistake.
0.1.0 2020-01-24T09:16:11+0900
- Improve the extraction of a few news sites.
- Improve the recall of a specific news site.
0.0.8 2020-01-20T22:08:39+0900
- Improve the extraction of journalist names on a few more news sites.
- Remove a bunch of wastes.
- Handle "utf-8" charset correctly.
- GenericExtractor can now extract directly from HTML file.
- Introduce JSONLD-based extractor.
- Introduce CSS-based site-specific extractors.
- Improvements on error-handling.
- Inital Release