Revision history for Perl extension File-Globstar.

0.6  2019-05-25
    - enable
    - removed unused code
    - issues fixed:

0.5  2017-12-03
    - removed Pod::Coverage::TrustPod and Test::Perl::Critic as test
      requirements as they are only needed for author tests

0.4  2017-12-02
    - "/**" is not truly optional
    - trailing "dir/**" not matches "dir/inside" and "dir/" and "dir"; this
      is intentionally different from git's behavior

0.3  2017-11-08
    - do not use "package" with version (breaks older Perls)
    - run author tests on Travis CI

0.2  2017-11-05
    - new function pnmatchstar()
    - minor bug fixes for edge cases
    - German translation
    - Bulgarian translation
    - Auto generate META.json using dzil plugin [MetaJSON]

0.1 2017-10-31
    - Initial release