#!/usr/bin/perl # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 16; use Test::Dpkg qw(:paths); use_ok('Dpkg::Path', 'canonpath', 'resolve_symlink', 'check_files_are_the_same', 'get_pkg_root_dir', 'guess_pkg_root_dir', 'relative_to_pkg_root'); my $tmpdir = test_get_temp_path(); mkdir "$tmpdir/a"; mkdir "$tmpdir/a/b"; mkdir "$tmpdir/a/b/c"; mkdir "$tmpdir/a/DEBIAN"; mkdir "$tmpdir/debian"; mkdir "$tmpdir/debian/a"; mkdir "$tmpdir/debian/a/b"; mkdir "$tmpdir/debian/a/b/c"; symlink 'a/b/c', "$tmpdir/cbis"; symlink '/this/does/not/exist', "$tmpdir/tmp"; symlink '.', "$tmpdir/here"; is(canonpath("$tmpdir/./a///b/c"), "$tmpdir/a/b/c", 'canonpath basic test'); is(canonpath("$tmpdir/a/b/../../a/b/c"), "$tmpdir/a/b/c", 'canonpath and ..'); is(canonpath("$tmpdir/a/b/c/../../"), "$tmpdir/a", 'canonpath .. at end'); is(canonpath("$tmpdir/cbis/../"), "$tmpdir/cbis/..", 'canonpath .. after symlink'); is(resolve_symlink("$tmpdir/here/cbis"), "$tmpdir/here/a/b/c", 'resolve_symlink'); is(resolve_symlink("$tmpdir/tmp"), '/this/does/not/exist', 'resolve_symlink absolute'); is(resolve_symlink("$tmpdir/here"), $tmpdir, 'resolve_symlink .'); ok(!check_files_are_the_same("$tmpdir/here", $tmpdir), 'Symlink is not the same!'); ok(check_files_are_the_same("$tmpdir/here/a", "$tmpdir/a"), 'Same directory'); is(get_pkg_root_dir("$tmpdir/a/b/c"), "$tmpdir/a", 'get_pkg_root_dir'); is(guess_pkg_root_dir("$tmpdir/a/b/c"), "$tmpdir/a", 'guess_pkg_root_dir'); is(relative_to_pkg_root("$tmpdir/a/b/c"), 'b/c', 'relative_to_pkg_root'); chdir($tmpdir); is(get_pkg_root_dir('debian/a/b/c'), undef, 'get_pkg_root_dir undef'); is(relative_to_pkg_root('debian/a/b/c'), undef, 'relative_to_pkg_root undef'); is(guess_pkg_root_dir('debian/a/b/c'), 'debian/a', 'guess_pkg_root_dir fallback');