package Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple; use strict; use MIME::Base64; use Exporter 'import'; use Safe; our $VERSION = '0.74'; our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( localStorage => [ qw( $localStorage $localStorageOptions $refLocalStorage ) ], globalStorage => [ qw( $globalStorage $globalStorageOptions ) ], locationRules => [ qw( $locationCondition $defaultCondition $locationCount $locationRegexp $apacheRequest $datas $safe ) ], import => [ qw( import @EXPORT_OK @EXPORT %EXPORT_TAGS ) ], headers => [ qw( $forgeHeaders lmHeaderIn lmSetHeaderIn lmHeaderOut lmSetHeaderOut lmSetErrHeaderOut ) ], traces => [ qw( $whatToTrace ) ], apache => [ qw( MP lmLog OK REDIRECT FORBIDDEN DONE DECLINED SERVER_ERROR ) ], ); our @EXPORT_OK = (); push( @EXPORT_OK, @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{$_} } ) foreach ( qw( localStorage globalStorage locationRules import headers traces apache ) ); $EXPORT_TAGS{all} = \@EXPORT_OK; our @EXPORT = (); # Shared variables our ( $locationRegexp, $locationCondition, $defaultCondition, $forgeHeaders, $apacheRequest, $locationCount, $cookieName, $portal, $datas, $globalStorage, $globalStorageOptions, $localStorage, $localStorageOptions, $whatToTrace, $https, $refLocalStorage, $safe, ); ########################################## # COMPATIBILITY WITH APACHE AND APACHE 2 # ########################################## BEGIN { if ( exists $ENV{MOD_PERL} ) { if ( $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} and $ENV{MOD_PERL_API_VERSION} >= 2 ) { *MP = sub { 2 }; } else { *MP = sub { 1 }; } } else { *MP = sub { 0 }; } if ( MP() == 2 ) { require Apache2::RequestRec; Apache2::RequestRec->import(); #require Apache2::RequestIO; require Apache2::Log; require Apache2::Const; #Apache2::Const->import('-compile', 'FORBIDDEN'); Apache2::Const->import( '-compile', qw(:common :log) ); *FORBIDDEN = \&Apache2::Const::FORBIDDEN; *REDIRECT = \&Apache2::Const::REDIRECT; *OK = \&Apache2::Const::OK; *DECLINED = \&Apache2::Const::DECLINED; *DONE = \&Apache2::Const::DONE; *SERVER_ERROR = \&Apache2::Const::SERVER_ERROR; require Apache2::compat; Apache2::compat->import(); eval { require threads::shared; threads::shared::share($locationRegexp); threads::shared::share($locationCondition); threads::shared::share($defaultCondition); threads::shared::share($forgeHeaders); threads::shared::share($locationCount); threads::shared::share($cookieName); threads::shared::share($portal); threads::shared::share($globalStorage); threads::shared::share($globalStorageOptions); threads::shared::share($localStorage); threads::shared::share($localStorageOptions); threads::shared::share($whatToTrace); threads::shared::share($https); threads::shared::share($refLocalStorage); }; } elsif ( MP() == 1 ) { require Apache; require Apache::Log; require Apache::Constants; Apache::Constants->import(':common'); Apache::Constants->import(':response'); } else { # For Test only eval ' sub FORBIDDEN {1} sub REDIRECT {1} sub OK {1} sub DECLINED {1} sub DONE {1} sub SERVER_ERROR {1} '; } *handler = ( MP() == 2 ) ? \&handler_mp2 : \&handler_mp1; } sub handler_mp1 ($$) { shift->run(@_) } sub handler_mp2 : method { shift->run(@_); } sub lmLog($$$) { my ( $class, $mess, $level ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { Apache2::ServerRec->log->$level($mess); } else { Apache->server->log->$level($mess); } } sub regRemoteIp { my ( $class, $str ) = @_; $str =~ s/\$datas->\{ip\}/\$apacheRequest->connection->remote_ip/g; return $str; } sub lmSetHeaderIn { my ( $r, $h, $v ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { return $r->headers_in->set( $h => $v ); } else { return $r->header_in( $h => $v ); } } sub lmHeaderIn { my ( $r, $h, $v ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { return $r->headers_in->{$h}; } else { return $r->header_in($h); } } sub lmSetErrHeaderOut { my ( $r, $h, $v ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { return $r->err_headers_out->set( $h => $v ); } else { return $r->header_out( $h => $v ); } } sub lmSetHeaderOut { my ( $r, $h, $v ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { return $r->headers_out->set( $h => $v ); } else { return $r->header_out( $h => $v ); } } sub lmHeaderOut { my ( $r, $h, $v ) = @_; if ( MP() == 2 ) { return $r->headers_out->{$h}; } else { return $r->header_out($h); } } ############################## # Initialization subroutines # ############################## # Security jail $safe = new Safe; $safe->share( '&encode_base64', '$datas', '&lmSetHeaderIn', '$apacheRequest' ); # init() : by default, it calls localInit and globalInit, but with # a shared configuration, init() is overloaded to call only # localInit; globalInit is called later when the configuration # is loaded. sub init($$) { my $class = shift; $class->localInit(@_); $class->globalInit(@_); } # Local storage initialization sub localInit($$) { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; if ( $localStorage = $args->{localStorage} ) { $localStorageOptions = $args->{localStorageOptions}; $localStorageOptions->{namespace} ||= "lemonldap"; $localStorageOptions->{default_expires_in} ||= 600; eval "use $localStorage;"; die("Unable to load $localStorage") if ($@); # At each Apache (re)start, we've to clear the cache to avoid living # with old datas eval '$refLocalStorage = new ' . $localStorage . '($localStorageOptions);'; if ( defined $refLocalStorage ) { $refLocalStorage->clear(); } else { $class->lmLog( "Unable to clear local cache: $@", 'error' ); } } # We don't initialise local storage in the "init" subroutine because it can # be used at the starting of Apache and so with the "root" privileges. Local # Storage is also initialized just after Apache's fork and privilege lost. # Local storage is cleaned after giving the content of the page to increase # performances. no strict; if ( MP() == 2 ) { Apache->push_handlers( PerlChildInitHandler => sub { return $class->initLocalStorage( $_[1], $_[0] ); } ); Apache->push_handlers( PerlCleanupHandler => sub { return $class->cleanLocalStorage(@_); } ); } else { Apache->push_handlers( PerlChildInitHandler => sub { return $class->initLocalStorage(@_); } ); Apache->push_handlers( PerlCleanupHandler => sub { return $class->cleanLocalStorage(@_); } ); } } # Global initialization process : sub globalInit { my $class = shift; $class->locationRulesInit(@_); $class->defaultValuesInit(@_); $class->portalInit(@_); $class->globalStorageInit(@_); $class->forgeHeadersInit(@_); } # locationRulesInit : used to pre-compile rules : # - rules are stored in a hash containing regexp=>test expressions where : # - regexp is used to test URIs # - test contains an expression used to grant the user sub locationRulesInit { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; $locationCount = 0; # Pre compilation : both regexp and conditions foreach ( keys %{ $args->{locationRules} } ) { if ( $_ eq 'default' ) { $defaultCondition = $class->conditionSub( $args->{locationRules}->{$_} ); } else { $locationCondition->[$locationCount] = $class->conditionSub( $args->{locationRules}->{$_} ); $locationRegexp->[$locationCount] = qr/$_/; $locationCount++; } } # Default police: all authenticated users are accepted $defaultCondition = $class->conditionSub('accept') unless ($defaultCondition); } # conditionSub returns a pre-compiled subroutine used to grant users (used by # locationRulesInit(). sub conditionSub { my ( $class, $cond ) = @_; return sub { 1 } if ( $cond =~ /^accept$/i ); return sub { 0 } if ( $cond =~ /^deny$/i ); $cond =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g; my $sub; $sub = $safe->reval("sub {return ( $cond )}"); return $sub; } # defaultValuesInit : set default values for non-customized variables sub defaultValuesInit { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; # Other values $cookieName = $args->{cookieName} || 'lemon'; $whatToTrace = $args->{whatToTrace} || '$uid'; $whatToTrace =~ s/\$//g; $https = $args->{https} unless defined($https); $https = 1 unless defined($https); } # portalInit : verify that portal variable exists sub portalInit { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; $portal = $args->{portal} or die("portal parameter required"); } # globalStorageInit : initialize the Apache::Session::* package used to # share user's variables sub globalStorageInit { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; $globalStorage = $args->{globalStorage} or die "globalStorage required"; eval "use $globalStorage;"; die($@) if ($@); $globalStorageOptions = $args->{globalStorageOptions}; } # forgeHeadersInit : create the &$forgeHeaders subroutine used to insert # headers into the HTTP request (which are used for accounting by the # application) sub forgeHeadersInit { my ( $class, $args ) = @_; # Creation of the subroutine who will generate headers my %tmp; if ( $args->{exportedHeaders} ) { %tmp = %{ $args->{exportedHeaders} }; } else { %tmp = ( 'User-Auth' => '$uid' ); } foreach ( keys %tmp ) { $tmp{$_} =~ s/\$(\w+)/\$datas->{$1}/g; $tmp{$_} = $class->regRemoteIp( $tmp{$_} ); } my $sub; foreach ( keys %tmp ) { $sub .= "lmSetHeaderIn(\$apacheRequest,'$_' => join('',split(/[\\r\\n]+/," . $tmp{$_} . ")));"; } #$sub = "\$forgeHeaders = sub {$sub};"; #eval "$sub"; $forgeHeaders = $safe->reval("sub {$sub};"); $class->lmLog( "$class: Unable to forge headers: $@: sub {$sub}", 'error' ) if ($@); } ################ # MAIN PROCESS # ################ # grant : grant or refuse client sub grant { my ( $class, $uri ) = @_; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $locationCount ; $i++ ) { return &{ $locationCondition->[$i] }($datas) if ( $uri =~ $locationRegexp->[$i] ); } return &$defaultCondition; } # forbidden : used to reject non authorizated requests sub forbidden { my $class = shift; # We use Apache::Log here $class->lmLog( 'The user "' . $datas->{$whatToTrace} . '" was reject when he tried to access to ' . shift, 'notice' ); return FORBIDDEN; } # hideCookie : hide Lemonldap cookie to the protected application sub hideCookie { my $class = shift; $class->lmLog( "$class: removing cookie", 'debug' ); my $tmp = lmHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, 'Cookie' ); $tmp =~ s/$cookieName[^;]*;?//o; lmSetHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, 'Cookie' => $tmp ); } # Redirect non-authenticated users to the portal sub goToPortal() { my ( $class, $url ) = @_; my $urlc_init = encode_base64( "http" . ( $https ? "s" : "" ) . "://" . $apacheRequest->get_server_name() . $url ); $urlc_init =~ s/[\n\s]//g; $class->lmLog( "Redirect " . $apacheRequest->connection->remote_ip . " to portal (url was $url)", 'debug' ); $apacheRequest->headers_out->set( 'Location' => "$portal?url=$urlc_init" ); return REDIRECT; } # MAIN SUBROUTINE called by Apache (using PerlHeaderParserHandler option) sub run ($$) { my $class; ( $class, $apacheRequest ) = @_; return DECLINED unless ( $apacheRequest->is_initial_req ); my $uri = $apacheRequest->uri . ( $apacheRequest->args ? "?" . $apacheRequest->args : "" ); # AUTHENTICATION # I - recover the cookie my $id; unless ( ($id) = ( lmHeaderIn( $apacheRequest, 'Cookie' ) =~ /$cookieName=([^; ]+);?/o ) ) { $class->lmLog( "$class: No cookie found", 'info' ); return $class->goToPortal($uri); } # II - recover the user datas # 2.1 search if the user was the same as previous (very efficient in # persistent connection). unless ( $id eq $datas->{_session_id} ) { # 2.2 search in the local cache if exists unless ( $refLocalStorage and $datas = $refLocalStorage->get($id) ) { # 2.3 search in the central cache my %h; eval { tie %h, $globalStorage, $id, $globalStorageOptions; }; if ($@) { # The cookie isn't yet available $class->lmLog( "The cookie $id isn't yet available: $@", 'info' ); return $class->goToPortal($uri); } $datas->{$_} = $h{$_} foreach ( keys %h ); # Store now the user in the local storage if ($refLocalStorage) { $refLocalStorage->set( $id, $datas, "10 minutes" ); } untie %h; } } # ACCOUNTING # 1 - Inform Apache $apacheRequest->connection->user( $datas->{$whatToTrace} ); # AUTHORIZATION return $class->forbidden($uri) unless ( $class->grant($uri) ); $class->lmLog( "User " . $datas->{$whatToTrace} . " was authorizated to access to $uri", 'debug' ); # ACCOUNTING # 2 - Inform remote application $class->sendHeaders; # SECURITY # Hide Lemonldap cookie $class->hideCookie; OK; } sub sendHeaders { &$forgeHeaders; } sub initLocalStorage { my ( $class, $r ) = @_; if ( $localStorage and not $refLocalStorage ) { eval '$refLocalStorage = new ' . $localStorage . '($localStorageOptions);'; } $class->lmLog( "Local cache initialization failed: $@", 'error' ) unless ( defined $refLocalStorage ); return DECLINED; } sub cleanLocalStorage { $refLocalStorage->purge() if ($refLocalStorage); return DECLINED; } sub unprotect { DONE; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple - Perl base extension for building Lemonldap::NG compatible handler. =head1 SYNOPSIS Create your own package: package My::Package; use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple; our @ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple); __PACKAGE__->init ({locationRules => { 'default' => '$ou =~ /brh/'}, globalStorage => 'Apache::Session::MySQL', globalStorageOptions => { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', UserName => 'db_user', Password => 'db_password', TableName => 'sessions', LockDataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', LockUserName => 'db_user', LockPassword => 'db_password', }, localStorage => 'Cache::DBFile', localStorageOptions => {}, portal => 'https://portal/', }); More complete example package My::Package; use Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple; our @ISA = qw(Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple); __PACKAGE__->init ( { locationRules => { '^/pj/.*$' => q($qualif="opj"), '^/rh/.*$' => q($ou=~/brh/), '^/rh_or_opj.*$' => q($qualif="opj or $ou=~/brh/), default => 'accept', # means that all authenticated users are greanted }, globalStorage => 'Apache::Session::MySQL', globalStorageOptions => { DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', UserName => 'db_user', Password => 'db_password', TableName => 'sessions', LockDataSource => 'dbi:mysql:database=dbname;host=', LockUserName => 'db_user', LockPassword => 'db_password', }, localStorage => 'Cache::DBFile', localStorageOptions => {}, cookieName => 'lemon', portal => 'https://portal/', whatToTrace => '$uid', exportedHeaders => { 'Auth-User' => '$uid', 'Unit' => '$ou', https => 1, } ); Call your package in <apache-directory>/conf/httpd.conf PerlRequire MyFile # TOTAL PROTECTION PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package # OR SELECTED AREA <Location /protected-area> PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package </Location> You can also unprotect an URI <Files "*.gif"> PerlHeaderParserHandler My::Package->unprotect </Files> =head1 DESCRIPTION Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple is designed to be overloaded. See L<Lemonldap::NG::Handler> for more. =head2 INITIALISATION PARAMETERS This section presents the C<init> method parameters. =over =item B<locationRules> (required) Reference to a hash that contains "url-regexp => perl-expression" entries to manage authorizations. =over =item * "url-regexp" can be a perl regexp or the keyword 'default' which corresponds to the default police (accept by default). =item * "perl-expression" can be a perl condition or the keyword "accept" or the keyword "deny". All the variables announced by $<name of the variable> are replaced by the values resulting from the global session store. =back =item B<globalStorage> E<amp> B<globalStorageOptions> (required) Name and parameters of the Apache::Session::* module used by the portal to store user's datas. See L<Lemonldap::NG::Portal(3)> for more explanations. =item B<localStorage> E<amp> B<localStorageOptions> Name and parameters of the optional but recommanded Cache::* module used to share user's datas between Apache processes. There is no need to set expires options since L<Lemonldap::NG::Handler::Simple> call the Cache::*::purge method itself. =item B<cookieName> (default: lemon) Name of the cookie used by the Lemonldap infrastructure. =item B<portal> (required) Url of the portal used to authenticate users. =item B<whatToTrace> (default: uid) Stored user variable to use in Apache logs. =item B<exportedHeaders> Reference to a hash that contains "Name => value" entries. Those headers are calculated for each user by replacing the variables announced by "$" by their values resulting from the global session store. =item B<https> (default: 1) Indicates if the protected server is protected by SSL. It is used to build redirections, so you have to set it to avoid bad redirections after authentication. =back =head2 EXPORT None by default. You can import the following tags for inheritance: =over =item * B<:localStorage> : variables used to manage local storage =item * B<:globalStorage> : variables used to manage global storage =item * B<:locationRules> : variables used to manage area protection =item * B<:import> : import function inherited from L<Exporter> and related variables =item * B<:headers> : functions and variables used to manage custom HTTP headers exported to the applications =item * B<apache> : functions and variables used to dialog with mod_perl. This is done to be compatible both with Apache 1 and 2. =back =head1 SEE ALSO =over L<Lemonldap::NG::Handler>, L<Lemonldap::NG::Portal> =head1 AUTHOR Xavier Guimard, E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2005 by Xavier Guimard E<lt>x.guimard@free.frE<gt> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut