## Changes for RDF-Endpoint ################################################


Created:      2010-06-19
Home page:    <http://search.cpan.org/dist/RDF-Endpoint/>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=RDF-Endpoint>
Maintainer:   Gregory Todd Williams <mailto:gwilliams@cpan.org>

0.02 [2011-04-16]
 - (Update) Service description is now cached in the RDF::Endpoint object.
 - (Update) Changes to align with SPARQL Protocol 1.1.
 - (Update) Moved endpoint-specific configuration variables into top-level
   'endpoint' hash.
 - (Update) Fixed caching bug in which browsers would use cached results
   across endpoint instantiations.
 - (Addition) Added support for POSTing queries and updates directly using
   the appropriate media types.
 - (Addition) Added ETag support for query results, varying based on Accept
   and Accept-Encoding headers, and query string.
 - (Update) Updated endpoint.psgi to move config parsing and endpoint
   object construction outside of the request handler.
 - (Update) Updated RDF::Endpoint to use a persistent model object across
   run() calls.
 - (Update) Updated content negotiation quality values.
 - (Addition) Added CodeMirror files for syntax highlighting SPARQL query
   form markup.
 - (Update) Updated tests to test functionality directly via PSGI.

0.01 [2010-07-14]
 - (Addition) First release.