Revision history for Map::Tube::Plugin::FuzzyFind

0.81.1 2024-11-20
  - Relaxed overy zealous tests.

0.81.0 2024-11-13
  - Adapted for use with Map::Tube 3.77 and Map::Tube::London 1.39
  - Bumped Perl version to 5.10.0
  - Use semantic versioning
  - Added algorithms Phonix, Phonem, Koeln Phonetics, DoubleMetaphone,
    Levenshtein-Damerau, Daitch-Mokotoff, Jaro-Winkler
  - BREAKING CHANGE: By default, limit Metaphone encoding to 4 characters
    (as per the original Metaphone definition). Use new argument maxcodelen
    with an explicit value or 0 for unlimited (which was used up to v0.08).
  - BREAKING CHANGE: Specifying an unknown method will croak (instead of silently
    using exact matching).

0.08 2015-03-25
  - Upgraded test 07 to work properly with Map::Tube 2.93

0.07 2015-03-24
  - Removed "internal use only" remark in POD left over from test version
  - Adapted test 05 to changed diagnostics as of v0.06
  - Upgraded test 07 to work properly with Map::Tube 2.92 and M::T::London 0.71
    (Thanks to Slaven for pointing this one out!)

0.06 2015-03-12
  - Catch broken installations of Text::Soundex, as reported by some
    CPAN testers. (Big thanks to Mohammad (MANWAR) for research into
    the why and how of this bug.)

0.05 2015-03-10
  - fixed MANIFEST.SKIP and tests to cope with ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.05+
    (thanks to Slaven's tireless research)

0.04  2015-02-25
  - added pod coverage test.
  - reworked Makefile.PL (based on hints from Slaven)

0.03  2015-02-23
  - rewrote tests to cope with missing optional modules. (Thanks Slaven!)
  - added ngram fuzzy matching.

0.02  2015-02-18
  - tidied code as per perltidy and perlcritic.
  - fixed file permissions in tar ball. (Thanks Slaven!)
  - added Soundex and Metaphone fizzy matching.

0.01  2015-02-14
  - first public release.