Revision history for POE::Component::Generic.
0.0902 Tue May 2 2006
- In child, dup STDOUT to talk to parent and dup STDERR to STDOUT so
that user code can't mess up the output.
Thanks to Jeremy Palmer for pushing me into this idea.
0.0901 Tue Apr 18 2006
- Fix alt_fork for MSWin32. Reported working by BinGOs, thank you.
0.09 Tue Apr 18 2006
- Fix Ext::MM::Coverage->ignore in Makefile.PL
- Use Win32::LoginName on MSWin32 in Makefile.PL
- Tests now check delay within one second
0.08 Thu Apr 13 2006
- New vs spawn in the examples
- Work around in PoCo::Generic::Net::SSH2 so that the PAUSE indexer
doesn't complain
- PoCo::Generic::Net::SSH2 now works with alt_fork=>1
0.07 Wed Apr 12 2006
- Added documentation
- Added __callback_argument and __postback_arguement
- Use Scalar::Util::reftype instead of ref()
- Added __package_register
- Added PoCo::Generic::Net::SSH2->exec and ->cmd
- Fixed PoCo::Generic::Object->DESTROY
- Added test cases to improve test coverage
0.06 Tue Apr 11 2006
- Added PoCo::Generic::Net::SSH2
- Added t/91_ssh2.t which tests the above
- Added t/90_ssh.t which tests Net::SSH::Perl
- Added options to Makefile.PL to config the above 2 tests
- Added Generic->package_register
- Added Generic->new options :
- packages to configure factory generated packages
- child_package so we can overload the Child process behaviour
- Object IDs now get incremented properly
- Child now uses get_requests to fetch the next requests
0.05 Mon Apr 10 2006
- Major refactoring
- Added factory methods
- Split spawn() and new() apart
0.04 Thu Apr 6 2006
- Added callbacks
- Renamed all the wheel_* events to __wheel_* so that the only
method name that can't be called on an object is 'shutdown'.
0.03 Thu Apr 6 2006
- Added callbacks -- still need postbacks
0.02 Thu Apr 6 2006
- Brown paper bag edition
- Removed Data::Denter usage from test cases
- Updated README
0.01 Wed Apr 5 2006
- first version based on my module poco client daap