Revision history for Perl extension POE::Component::IKC.

0.18 21 June 2005
    - ClientLite was looking for freeze before nfreeze, which broke 
        cross-platform usage (Thank you Philip Dobranski)
    - Channels weren't being shut down properly after X connections
    - Channels couldn't be shut down from a Client

0.16 - 0.17 Internal releases

0.1501 23 Mar 2005
    - Fixup some of the DEBUG messages
    - Changed from use of internal {pending} to wheel->get_driver_out_octets
    - Added WORK AROUND for wheel leak issue
    - LocalKernel now removes it's alias, to be tidy
    - Removed myself element of Responder's heap.  What was it going to be
        used for?
    - Responder's {monitors} wasn't being cleaned up, fixed
    - Server _select_define now uses {pause,resume}_select, which
        is better behaved then the internal hackery previous
    - Slight reworking of pre-forking code
    - All tests pass

0.15 26 May 2004
    - Added on_error, which is automatically deprecated for the monitor stuff
    - Fixed some of the test
     13 May 2004
    - Moved to signal_handled

0.14 17 Oct 2002
    - Nothing changed

0.14pre3 18 Oct 2002
    - Uses sig_handled() where appropriate

0.14pre2 16 Oct 2002
    - Now uses *Event rather then *State

0.14pre1 2 may 2002
    - inform_monitor is now an event
    - IKC::Proxy post()s to inform_monitor in _start
    - IKC::Proxy call()s inform_monitor in _stop
    - Merged up alias listing in publish/retract

0.1303 26 Oct 2001
    - IKC::Responder->spawn returns true on success
    - IKC::Responder->spawn documented
    - Checking to make sure a publishing session has an alias.  if not, use ID
    - First babysitting happens at startup, doesn't wait
    - check_kernel brought in line w/ new kernel internals

0.1302 6 Sept 2001
    - Meaningless version change

0.1301 24 July 2001
    - unix domain paths in kernel names now have / and \ turned into _
    - Local kernel gets many names
    - Make sure sockets are open before syswrite during neg phase of 
        ClientLite, allowing better error handling
    - IKC::Responder::spawn now checks that only one responder exists
    - alias_list is only supported after 0.15
    - Added win32 support (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT)
    - IKC::Responder has better state dumping
    - Better specifier matching
    - Added test for ClientLite

0.13  13 July 2001
    - Added and repaired serializer selection for clients
    - Added doco for ClientLite
    - Sungo is happy with this release... onto CPAN it goes.

0.13pre9  5 July 2001
    - Doco fixes

0.13pre8  4 July 2001
    - Fixed the deprecated use of defined(@array) in IKC/
    - Added doco about SENDER
    - create_ikc_channel now takes an arrayref of aliases, 
      so that IKC::Client and IKC::Server can accept a longer list of
      pre-defined names.
    - IKC/post2 now expects SENDER to come before [state, args]
    - Added doco to the effect that callback states are temporarily published
    - Updated code that turned off the socket_factory... Dngor had
      changed SocketFactory's implementation on me!  This is what you get
      for doing bad stuff.

0.13pre7  20 June 2001
    - Added IKC/published, for sungo
    - Fixed doco a bit
    - Added a prereq for POE 0.1403

0.13pre6  6 June 2001
        Woot woot!  Now make test verifies something meaningful.
    - No longer thunking sessions that don't publish any states
    - Finally did unsubscribe... turns out retract was available all along
    - Added IKC::{Client,Proxy,Responder,Server}->spawn method, to 
        be used in favour of create_ikc_*mumble*
    - Added IKC/post2 .... internal use only
    - Added FlushedState handler to IKC::Channel.  This way, wheel isn't
        destroyed until all data is flushed.  This means you can post
        events to remote kernels and then IKC/shutdown right away.  I hope.

0.13pre5  4 June 2001
    - Added IKC/shutdown and attendant bouffonery (see shut-{server,client})
    - IKC::Proxy for 'poe://somekernel/somesession' is now also aliased
      as 'somesession'
    - Added unix-domain sockets... don't know if i've got this right
        see u{server,client}

0.13pre2-4  May 2001
    - Fixed doco and monitor stuff

0.13pre1 19 Apr 2001
    - Added the IKC/monitor stuff
    - Added some doco
    - ikc-use.txt is now IKC.pod

0.12  March 2001
    - Updated Changes, README.  Added FUTUR
    - Improved warning messages
    - IKC::ClientLite::disconnect no longer calls IKC/unregister to remote
      (doing it was unneed, server does it automatically when socket dies)

0.11  Nov 16 2000
    - IKC/ClientLite now sets $/ and $\ to "\r\n"
    - wantarray() now gets propagated... is this tested?
    - babysitting now knows of "defunct" children
    - children now turn off SIGCHLD and SIGINT... dunce :)
    - check_kernel debuging subroutine

0.10  May 26 2000
    - Added $$ to all the warnings to help isolate problems
    - Converted IKC::Server to package methods
    - Split signals into sig_INT, sig_CHLD...
    - Improved babysitting code (rogues)

0.09  24 May 2000
    - Fixed things that POE 0.0906 broke
    - Added more babysitting code to pre-forking server.  Will document soon.
0.08  24 Jan 2000
    - Fixed non-forking server code :)
    - 0.0808 changed Wheel::SocketFactory internals

0.07  Dec 1999
    - Added pre-forking server
    - Added IKC::ClientLite::post_respond

0.06  Saturday Dec 18 1999
    - Fixed some warning conditions

0.05  Saturday Nov 06 1999
    - Chanels are now being closed when a remote kernel unregisters
      (this was a TODO, but previously only EPIPE or socket errors
      would cause this to happen and it was leaking ram)
    - Small cosmetic changes

0.04  Sep 23 1999
    - IKC::ClientLite
    - Some changes :)

0.03  Thr May 20 22:32 1999
    - Added the object interface
    - Documented the publish/subscribe
    - Added access restrictions so that only published
      states may be posted

0.02  Wed May 19 xxxx 1999
    - Added publish/subscribe 

0.01  Tue May 11 21:18:04 1999
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.18