Revision history for JSON-MaybeXS

1.003010 - 2018-01-28
 - use bundled ExtUtils::HasCompiler rather than ExtUtils::CBuilder to detect
   compiler availability.
 - clarify exported JSON in documentation

1.003009 - 2017-02-27
 - fix tests to no longer rely on . being in @INC (RT#120404)

1.003008 - 2016-10-03
 - added an INSTALLATION section to documentation, to clarify the use of
   dynamic prerequisites in Makefile.PL
 - minimize prereqs listed in META.json to avoid giving the appearance of XS
   prerequisites, and confusing static inspection tools such as

1.003007 - 2016-09-11
 - no changes since 1.003006_001

1.003006_001 - 2016-06-28
 - bump prereq on JSON::PP, to ensure we get the fix for parsing utf8-encoded
   values (in JSON::PP 2.27300)
 - we now always upgrade JSON::XS if it is installed and below version 3.0,
   due to changes in handling booleans
 - remove test dependency on Test::Without::Module (RT#115394)

1.003005 - 2015-03-22
 - fix x_contributors metadata that was killing metacpan (see

1.003004 - 2015-03-14
 - caveat added to documentation about type checking the object returned by
   new() (John SJ Anderson, RT#102733)

1.003003 - 2014-12-06
 - ensure an old Cpanel::JSON::XS is upgraded if it is too old, as it will
   always be used in preference to JSON::XS
 - avoid "JSON::XS::Boolean::* redefined" warnings caused by an old JSON::XS
   loaded at the same time as a newer Cpanel::JSON::XS

1.003002 - 2014-11-16
 - correctly fix boolean interoperability with older Cpanel::JSON::MaybeXS

1.003001 - 2014-11-13
 - fix boolean interoperability with older Cpanel::JSON::MaybeXS

1.003_000 - 2014-10-30
 - add :legacy tag to support legacy apps

1.002006 - 2014-10-22
 - add some additional test diagnostics, to help find bad version combinations
   of JSON backends

1.002005 - 2014-10-12
 - fix "can I haz XS?" logic precedence in Makefile.PL
 - added the ':all' export tag
 - removed dependency on Safe::Isa
 - repository moved to git://

1.002004 - 2014-10-11
 - support use of PUREPERL_ONLY in Makefile.PL to avoid adding an XS
 - new is_bool() interface

1.002003 - 2014-10-07
 - document how to use booleans

1.002002 - 2014-04-23
 - more metadata fiddling, to remove the Cpanel::JSON::XS dependency visible
   to static analyzers (the prequisites at install time remain unchanged)

1.002001 - 2014-04-23
 - fix installation on older perls with an older ExtUtils::MakeMaker

1.002000 - 2014-04-22
 - Now also supports JSON::XS, when available: Cpanel::JSON::XS will only be
   installed when there is no XS backend already installed; Cpanel::JSON::XS
   will be used over JSON::XS when both are installed.

1.001000 - 2013-12-11
  - Add a constructor for people who want to forget how silly the JSON API is

1.000000 - 2013-05-22
  - Released on an unsuspecting world.