Revision history for MetaCPAN-Pod-XHTML

0.002000 - 2018-06-19
  - split behavior into roles
    - Pod::Simple::Role::XHTML::WithLinkMappings adds the link_mappings
      attribute to adjust module link destinations.
    - Pod::Simple::Role::XHTML::WithAccurateTargets adds additional link
      targets for headings and items based on the full unfiltered name,
      and the first word.
    - Pod::Simple::Role::XHTML::WithErrata adds an errata section to the
      HTML as is used by MetaCPAN.
    - Pod::Simple::Role::StripVerbatimIndent strips indentation from
      verbatim blocks, while not breaking tab indents.  This is a new

  - added tests
  - added documentation

0.001002 - 2017-12-06
  - list HTML::Entities as a prerequisite
  - use more accurate Pod::Simple::XHTML prereq

0.001001 - 2017-12-02
  - Initial release extracted from MetaCPAN Server