package Porting::updateAUTHORS;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Encode qw(encode_utf8 decode_utf8 decode);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_base64);
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
use Unicode::Collate;
use Cwd qw(getcwd);
use feature 'fc';
$Text::Wrap::columns= 80;

# The style of this file is determined by:
# perltidy -w -ple -bbb -bbc -bbs -nolq -l=80 -noll -nola -nwls='=' \
#   -isbc -nolc -otr -kis -ci=4 -se -sot -sct -nsbl -pt=2 -fs  \
#   -fsb='#start-no-tidy' -fse='#end-no-tidy'

# Info and config for passing to git log.
#   %an: author name
#   %aN: author name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
#   %ae: author email
#   %aE: author email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
#   %cn: committer name
#   %cN: committer name (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
#   %ce: committer email
#   %cE: committer email (respecting .mailmap, see git-shortlog(1) or git-blame(1))
#   %H: commit hash
#   %h: abbreviated commit hash
#   %s: subject
#   %x00: print a byte from a hex code

my %field_spec= (
    "an" => "author_name",
    "aN" => "author_name_mm",
    "ae" => "author_email",
    "aE" => "author_email_mm",
    "cn" => "committer_name",
    "cN" => "committer_name_mm",
    "ce" => "committer_email",
    "cE" => "committer_email_mm",
    "H"  => "commit_hash",
    "h"  => "abbrev_hash",
    "s"  => "commit_subject",

my $Collate= Unicode::Collate->new(level => 1, indentical => 1);
my @field_codes= sort keys %field_spec;
my @field_names= map { $field_spec{$_} } @field_codes;
my $tformat= "=" . join "%x09", map { "%" . $_ } @field_codes;

sub _make_name_author_info {
    my ($self, $commit_info, $name_key)= @_;
    my $author_info= $self->{author_info};
    (my $email_key= $name_key) =~ s/name/email/;
    my $email= $commit_info->{$email_key};
    my $name= $commit_info->{$name_key};

    my $line= $author_info->{"email2line"}{$email}
        // $author_info->{"name2line"}{ lc($name) };

    $line //= sprintf "%-31s<%s>",
        $commit_info->{$name_key}, $commit_info->{$email_key};
    $commit_info->{ $name_key . "_canon" }= $line;
    return $line;

sub _make_name_simple {
    my ($self, $commit_info, $key)= @_;
    my $name_key= $key . "_name";
    my $email_key= $key . "_email";
    return sprintf "%s <%s>", $commit_info->{$name_key},

sub __fold_trim_ws {
    my ($munged)= @_;
    $munged =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    $munged =~ s/\A\s+//;
    $munged =~ s/\s+\z//;
    return $munged;

sub _register_author {
    my ($self, $name, $type)= @_;

    return if $self->_logical_exclude_author($name);

    my $digest= $self->_keeper_digest($name)
        or return;


        and return;

    my $munged= __fold_trim_ws($name);
    if ($self->{exclude_missing}) {
        $self->_exclude_contrib($name, $digest);
    else {

        my $munged= __fold_trim_ws($name);
        warn encode_utf8 sprintf
            "New %s '%s' (%s) will be added to AUTHORS file.\n",
            $type, $munged, $digest
            if $self->{verbose};

sub git_conf_get {
    my ($self, $setting)= @_;
    chomp(my $value= `git config --get $setting`);
    return decode_utf8 $value;

sub current_git_user_name {
    my ($self)= @_;
    return $self->git_conf_get("");

sub current_git_user_email {
    my ($self)= @_;
    return $self->git_conf_get("");

sub current_git_name_email {
    my ($self, $type)= @_;
    my $name=
        || $self->git_conf_get("\L$type\")
        || $self->current_git_user_name();
    my $email=
        || $self->git_conf_get("\L$type\")
        || $self->current_git_user_email();
    return $name, $email;

sub format_name_email {
    my ($self, $name, $email)= @_;
    return sprintf "%s <%s>", $name, $email;

sub current_committer_name_email {
    my ($self, $full)= @_;
    my ($n,    $e)= $self->current_git_name_email("committer");
    return $full ? $self->format_name_email($n, $e) : ($n, $e);

sub current_author_name_email {
    my ($self, $full)= @_;
    my ($n,    $e)= $self->current_git_name_email("author");
    return $full ? $self->format_name_email($n, $e) : ($n, $e);

sub git_status_porcelain {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $status= `git status --porcelain`;
    return $status // "";

sub finalize_commit_info {
    my ($self, $commit_info)= @_;
    my $author= $commit_info->{author_name_mm_canon};
    my $author_stats= $self->{who_stats}{$author} ||= {};

    my $file_info= $commit_info->{files} ||= {};
    foreach my $file (keys %{$file_info}) {
        if (!$self->{file_stats}{$file}) {
        my $fs= $self->{file_stats}{$file}          ||= {};
        my $afs= $author_stats->{file_stats}{$file} ||= {};
        my $added= $file_info->{$file}{lines_added};
        my $removed= $file_info->{$file}{lines_removed};
        my $delta= $file_info->{$file}{lines_delta};
        defined $_ and $_ eq "-" and undef $_ for $added, $removed;

        if (defined $added) {
            for my $h ($author_stats, $fs, $afs) {
                $h->{lines_delta}   += $delta;
                $h->{lines_added}   += $added;
                $h->{lines_removed} += $removed;
        else {
            or $author_stats->{num_files}++;

            or $self->{summary_stats}{num_files}++;

            or $self->{summary_stats}{authors}++;

sub read_commit_log {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $author_info= $self->{author_info}   ||= {};
    my $mailmap_info= $self->{mailmap_info} ||= {};

    my $commits_read= 0;
    my @args= ("--pretty='format:$tformat'");
    push @args, "--numstat" if $self->{numstat};
    push @args, "'$self->{commit_range}'" if $self->{commit_range};

    my $last_commit_info;
    my $cmd= qq(git -c diff.algorithm=myers log @args);
    $cmd =~ s/'/"/g if $^O =~ /Win/;

    # If we run under -Dmksymlinks git might not have access to the
    # .mailmap unless we chdir into the git working tree. Ideally we
    # would prefer to pass in the location of the .mailmap file to git,
    # but it doesn't support that as a command line option. We can't
    # just chdir into the source_dir as that would break scalar PerlIO
    # layer operations which are loaded late. So we chdir before we
    # read the git log, and then chdir right back after we have opened
    # the handle. Note there is related code in read_mailmap_file(),
    # if you change this also change that.

    my $cwd = getcwd();
    if ($self->{source_dir}) {
        chdir $self->{source_dir};

    open my $fh, "-|", $cmd
        or die "Failed to open git log pipe: $!";

    chdir $cwd;

    while (defined(my $line= <$fh>)) {
        chomp $line;
        $line= decode_utf8($line);
        if ($line =~ s/^=//) {
                if $last_commit_info;
        elsif ($line =~ /\S/) {
            my ($added, $removed, $file)= split /\s+/, $line;
            if ($added ne "-") {
                $last_commit_info->{files}{$file}= {
                    lines_added   => $added,
                    lines_removed => $removed,
                    lines_delta   => $added - $removed,
            else {
        else {
            # whitspace only or empty line
        my $commit_info= {};
        $last_commit_info= $commit_info;
        @{$commit_info}{@field_names}= split /\t/, $line, 0 + @field_names;

        my $author_name_mm_canon=
            $self->_make_name_author_info($commit_info, "author_name_mm");

        my $committer_name_mm_canon=
            $self->_make_name_author_info($commit_info, "committer_name_mm");

        my $author_name_real= $self->_make_name_simple($commit_info, "author");

        my $committer_name_real=
            $self->_make_name_simple($commit_info, "committer");

        my ($author_good, $committer_good);

        if (   $self->_keeper_digest($author_name_mm_canon)
            && $self->_keeper_digest($author_name_real))
            $self->_check_name_mailmap($author_name_mm_canon, $author_name_real,
                $commit_info, "author name");
            $self->_register_author($author_name_mm_canon, "author");
            $author_good= 1;

        if (   $self->_keeper_digest($committer_name_mm_canon)
            && $self->_keeper_digest($committer_name_real))
                $committer_name_real, $commit_info, "committer name");
            $self->_register_author($committer_name_mm_canon, "committer");
            $committer_good= 1;
        if (    $author_good
            and $committer_good
            and $committer_name_mm_canon ne $author_name_mm_canon)
    $self->finalize_commit_info($last_commit_info) if $last_commit_info;
    if (!$commits_read) {
        if ($self->{commit_range}) {
            die "No commits in range '$self->{commit_range}'\n";
        else {
            die "Panic! There are no commits!\n";
    return $author_info;

sub dupe_info {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $msg= "";
    foreach my $type (sort keys %{ $self->{dupe} || {} }) {
        $msg .= "Duplicate \u$type in $self->{authors_file}:\n";
        foreach my $key (sort keys %{ $self->{dupe}{$type} }) {
            $msg .= "  \u$type '$key'\n";
            foreach my $line (sort keys %{ $self->{dupe}{$type}{$key} }) {
                $msg .= "    $line\n";
    return $msg;

sub read_authors_file {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $authors_file= $self->{authors_file};

    my @authors_preamble;
    open my $in_fh, "<", $authors_file
        or die "Failed to open for read '$authors_file': $!";
    my $raw_text= "";
    my $found_sep= 0;
    while (defined(my $line= <$in_fh>)) {
        $raw_text .= $line;
        $line= decode_utf8($line);
        chomp $line;
        push @authors_preamble, $line;
        if ($line =~ /^--/) {
            $found_sep= 1;
    if (!$found_sep) {
        die sprintf <<'EOFMT', $authors_file;
Possibly corrupted authors file '%s'.

There should be a big '#' comment block at the start of the file
followed by "--" followed by a list of names and email/contact
details. We couldn't find the separator. Where did it go?

Cowardly refusing to continue until this is fixed.
    my %author_info;
    while (defined(my $line= <$in_fh>)) {
        $raw_text .= $line;
        $line= decode_utf8($line);
        chomp $line;
        my ($name, $email);
        my $copy= $line;
        $copy =~ s/\s+\z//;
        if ($copy =~ s/<([^<>]*)>//) {
            $email= $1;
        elsif ($copy =~ s/\s+(\@\w+)\z//) {
            $email= $1;
        $copy =~ s/\s+\z//;
        $name= $copy;
        $email //= "unknown";
        my $orig_name= $name;
        my $orig_email= $email;
        if (my $new_name= $self->{change_name_for_name}{$orig_name}) {
            $name= $new_name;
        if (my $new_name= $self->{change_name_for_email}{$orig_email}) {
            $name= $new_name;
        if (my $new_email= $self->{change_email_for_name}{$orig_name}) {
            $email= $new_email;
        if (my $new_email= $self->{change_email_for_email}{$orig_email}) {
            $email= $new_email;
        $line= sprintf "%-31s%s", $name, $email =~ /^\@/ ? $email : "<$email>";
        $line =~ s/\s+<unknown>\z//;
        $email= lc($email);

        $line =~ s/\s+\z//;
        if ($email and $email ne "unknown") {
            if (my $other= $author_info{"email2line"}{$email}) {
                $self->{dupe}{email}{$email}{$other}= 1;
                $self->{dupe}{email}{$email}{$line}= 1;
            else {
                $author_info{"email2line"}{$email}= $line;
        if ($name and $name ne "unknown") {
            if (my $other= $author_info{"name2line"}{ lc($name) }) {
                $self->{dupe}{name}{$name}{$other}= 1;
                $self->{dupe}{name}{$name}{$line}= 1;
            else {
                $author_info{"name2line"}{ lc($name) }= $line;
        $author_info{"email2name"}{$email} //= $name
            if $email
            and $name
            and $email ne "unknown";
        $author_info{"name2email"}{$name} //= $email
            if $name and $name ne "unknown";
        $author_info{"clean_full"}{ __fold_trim_ws($line) }= $line;
    close $in_fh
        or die "Failed to close '$authors_file': $!";

    $self->{author_info}= \%author_info;
    $self->{authors_preamble}= \@authors_preamble;
    $self->{authors_raw_text}= $raw_text;
    return (\%author_info, \@authors_preamble, $raw_text);

sub update_authors_file {
    my ($self)= @_;

    my $author_info= $self->{author_info};
    my $authors_preamble= $self->{authors_preamble};
    my $authors_file= $self->{authors_file};
    my $old_raw_text= $self->{authors_raw_text};

    my $authors_file_new= $authors_file . ".new";
    my $new_raw_text= "";
        open my $out_fh, ">", \$new_raw_text
            or die "Failed to open scalar buffer for write: $!";
        foreach my $line (@$authors_preamble) {
            print $out_fh encode_utf8($line), "\n"
                or die "Failed to print to scalar buffer handle: $!";
        foreach my $author (__sorted_hash_keys($author_info->{"lines"})) {
            next if $self->_logical_exclude_author($author);
            my $author_mm= $self->_author_to_mailmap($author);
            if (!$self->_keeper_digest($author_mm)) {
            print $out_fh encode_utf8($author), "\n"
                or die "Failed to print to scalar buffer handle: $!";
        close $out_fh
            or die "Failed to close scalar buffer handle: $!";
    if ($new_raw_text ne $old_raw_text) {
            $old_raw_text, $new_raw_text);

        if ($self->{no_update}) {
            return 1;

        warn "Updating '$authors_file'\n" if $self->{verbose};

        open my $out_fh, ">", $authors_file_new
            or die "Failed to open for write '$authors_file_new': $!";
        binmode $out_fh;
        print $out_fh $new_raw_text;
        close $out_fh
            or die "Failed to close '$authors_file_new': $!";
        rename $authors_file_new, $authors_file
            or die
            "Failed to rename '$authors_file_new' to '$authors_file': $!";
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

sub read_mailmap_file {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $mailmap_file= $self->{mailmap_file};

    # If we run under -Dmksymlinks the .mailmap might actually be
    # located in a different directory than the one we are running from.
    # We could munge the $mailmap_file to be relative to source_dir if
    # it was not already an absolute path, but that would require
    # loading File::Spec, and doing THAT wouldn't help us when we read
    # the git log (see the related code for doing that in the
    # read_commit_log() sub), so we use the same strategy of remembering
    # our current working directory, chdir'ing into the source dir,
    # opening the file, and then chdir'ing back in both cases.

    my $cwd = getcwd();
    if ($self->{source_dir}) {
        chdir $self->{source_dir};
    open my $in, "<", $mailmap_file
        or die "Failed to read '$mailmap_file': $!";
    chdir $cwd;
    my %mailmap_hash;
    my @mailmap_preamble;
    my $line_num= 0;
    my $raw_text= "";
    while (defined(my $line= <$in>)) {
        $raw_text .= $line;
        $line= decode_utf8($line);
        next unless $line =~ /\S/;
        if ($line =~ /^#/) {
            if (!keys %mailmap_hash) {
                push @mailmap_preamble, $line;
            else {
                die encode_utf8 "Not expecting comments after header ",
                    "finished at line $line_num!\nLine: $line\n";
        else {
            $mailmap_hash{$line}= $line_num;
    close $in
        or die "Failed to close '$mailmap_file' after reading: $!";
    if (!@mailmap_preamble) {
        die sprintf <<'EOFMT', $mailmap_file;
Possibly corrupted mailmap file '%s'.

This file should have a preamble of '#' comments in it.

Where did they go?

Cowardly refusing to continue until this is fixed.
    $self->{orig_mailmap_hash}= \%mailmap_hash;
    $self->{mailmap_preamble}= \@mailmap_preamble;
    $self->{mailmap_raw_text}= $raw_text;
    return (\%mailmap_hash, \@mailmap_preamble, $raw_text);

sub __sorted_hash_keys {
    my ($hash)= @_;
    return __sort_names(keys %$hash);

sub __sort_names {
    my @sorted= sort { fc($a) cmp fc($b) || $a cmp $b } @_;
    return @sorted;

# Returns 0 if the file needed to be changed, Return 1 if it does not.
sub update_mailmap_file {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $mailmap_hash= $self->{new_mailmap_hash};
    my $mailmap_preamble= $self->{mailmap_preamble};
    my $mailmap_file= $self->{mailmap_file};
    my $old_raw_text= $self->{mailmap_raw_text};

    my $new_raw_text= "";
        my $cwd = getcwd();
        open my $out, ">", \$new_raw_text
            or die "Failed to open scalar buffer for write: $!";
            my $line (@$mailmap_preamble, __sorted_hash_keys($mailmap_hash),)
            next if $line =~ m!\A(.*) \1\z!;
            print $out encode_utf8($line), "\n"
                or die "Failed to print to scalar buffer handle: $!";
        close $out
            or die "Failed to close scalar buffer handle: $!";
    if ($new_raw_text ne $old_raw_text) {
            $old_raw_text, $new_raw_text);

        if ($self->{no_update}) {
            return 1;

        warn "Updating '$mailmap_file'\n"
            if $self->{verbose};

        my $mailmap_file_new= $mailmap_file . ".new";
        open my $out, ">", $mailmap_file_new
            or die "Failed to write '$mailmap_file_new': $!";
        binmode $out
            or die "Failed to binmode '$mailmap_file_new': $!";
        print $out $new_raw_text
            or die "Failed to print to '$mailmap_file_new': $!";
        close $out
            or die "Failed to close '$mailmap_file_new' after writing: $!";
        rename $mailmap_file_new, $mailmap_file
            or die
            "Failed to rename '$mailmap_file_new' to '$mailmap_file': $!";
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

sub parse_orig_mailmap_hash {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $mailmap_hash= $self->{orig_mailmap_hash};

    my @recs;
    foreach my $line (__sorted_hash_keys($mailmap_hash)) {
        my $line_num= $mailmap_hash->{$line};
        $line =~ /^ \s* (?: ( [^<>]*? ) \s+ )? <([^<>]*)>
                (?: \s+ (?: ( [^<>]*? ) \s+ )? <([^<>]*)> )? \s* \z /x
            or die encode_utf8
            "Failed to parse '$self->{mailmap_file}' line num $line_num: '$line'\n";
        if (!$1 or !$2) {
            die encode_utf8 "Both preferred name and email are mandatory ",
                "in line num $line_num: '$line'";
        my ($name, $email, $other_name, $other_email)= ($1, $2, $3, $4);
        my ($orig_name, $orig_email)= ($1, $2);
        if (my $new_name= $self->{change_name_for_name}{$orig_name}) {
            $name= $new_name;
        if (my $new_name= $self->{change_name_for_email}{$orig_email}) {
            $name= $new_name;
        if (my $new_email= $self->{change_email_for_name}{$orig_name}) {
            $email= $new_email;
        if (my $new_email= $self->{change_email_for_email}{$orig_email}) {
            $email= $new_email;

        push @recs, [ $name, $email, $other_name, $other_email, $line_num ];
    return \@recs;

sub _safe_set_key {
    my ($self, $hash, $root_key, $key, $val, $pretty_name)= @_;
    $hash->{$root_key}{$key} //= $val;
    my $prev= $hash->{$root_key}{$key};
    if ($prev ne $val) {
        die encode_utf8 "Collision on mapping $root_key: "
            . " '$key' maps to '$prev' and '$val'\n";

my $O2P= "other2preferred";
my $O2PN= "other2preferred_name";
my $O2PE= "other2preferred_email";
my $P2O= "preferred2other";
my $N2P= "name2preferred";
my $E2P= "email2preferred";

my $blurb= "";    # FIXME - replace with a nice message

sub known_contributor {
    my ($self, $name, $email)= @_;
    if (!$name or !$email) { return 0 }
    my $combined= "$name <$email>";
    return ((
                && $self->_keeper_digest($combined)
        ) ? 1 : 0

sub _check_name_mailmap {
    my ($self, $auth_name, $raw_name, $commit_info, $descr)= @_;
    my $mailmap_info= $self->{mailmap_info};

    my $name= $self->_author_to_mailmap($auth_name);

    my $digest= $self->_keeper_digest($name)
        or return 1;    # known but ignore

    my $name_info= $mailmap_info->{$P2O}{$name};

    if (!$name_info || !$name_info->{$raw_name}) {
        if ($self->{exclude_missing}) {
            $self->_exclude_contrib($name, $digest);
        else {
            $mailmap_info->{add}{"$name $raw_name"}++;

            warn encode_utf8 sprintf
                "Unknown %s '%s' in commit %s '%s'\n%s",
                $commit_info->{"commit_subject"}, $blurb
                if $self->{verbose};
        return 0;
    return 1;

sub _author_to_mailmap {
    my ($self, $name)= @_;
    $name =~ s/<([^<>]+)>/<\L$1\E>/
        or $name =~ s/(\s)(\@\w+)\z/$1<\L$2\E>/
        or $name .= " <unknown>";

    $name= __fold_trim_ws($name);
    return $name;

sub check_fix_mailmap_hash {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $orig_mailmap_hash= $self->{orig_mailmap_hash};
    my $author_info= $self->{author_info};
    foreach my $key (keys %{ $author_info->{clean_full} }) {
        $key .= " <unknown>"
            unless $key =~ /\s+(?:<[^>]+>|\@\w+)\z/;
        $key =~ s/\s+(\@\w+)\z/ <$1>/;
        $orig_mailmap_hash->{"$key $key"} //= -1;
    my $parsed= $self->parse_orig_mailmap_hash();
    my @fixed;
    my %seen_map;
    my %pref_groups;

    my $remove_no_names_with_overlaps= 0;

    # first pass through the data, do any conversions, eg, LC
    # the email address, decode any MIME-Header style email addresses.
    # We also correct any preferred name entries so they match what
    # we already have in AUTHORS, and check that there aren't collisions
    # or other issues in the data.
    foreach my $rec (@$parsed) {
        my ($pname, $pemail, $oname, $oemail, $line_num)= @$rec;
        $pemail= lc($pemail);
        $oemail= lc($oemail) if defined $oemail;
        if ($pname =~ /=\?UTF-8\?/) {
            $pname= decode("MIME-Header", $pname);
        my $auth_email= $author_info->{"name2email"}{$pname};
        if ($auth_email) {
            ## this name exists in authors, so use its email data for pemail
            $pemail= $auth_email;
        my $auth_name= $author_info->{"email2name"}{$pemail};
        if ($auth_name) {
            ## this email exists in authors, so use its name data for pname
            $pname= $auth_name;

        # neither name nor email exist in authors.
        if ($pname ne "unknown") {
            if (my $email= $seen_map{"name"}{$pname}) {
                ## we have seen this pname before, check the pemail
                ## is consistent
                if ($email ne $pemail) {
                    warn encode_utf8 "Inconsistent emails for name '$pname'"
                        . " at line num $line_num: keeping '$email',"
                        . " ignoring '$pemail'\n";
                    $pemail= $email;
            else {
                $seen_map{"name"}{$pname}= $pemail;
        if ($pemail ne "unknown") {
            if (my $name= $seen_map{"email"}{$pemail}) {
                ## we have seen this preferred_email before, check the preferred_name
                ## is consistent
                if ($name ne $pname) {
                    warn encode_utf8 "Inconsistent name for email '$pemail'"
                        . " at line num $line_num: keeping '$name', ignoring"
                        . " '$pname'\n";
                    $pname= $name;
            else {
                $seen_map{"email"}{$pemail}= $pname;

        my $rec= [ $pname, $pemail, $oname, $oemail, $line_num ];
        if ($remove_no_names_with_overlaps) {

            # Build an index of "preferred name/email" to other-email, other name
            # we use this later to remove redundant entries missing a name.
            $pref_groups{"$pname $pemail"}{$oemail}{ $oname || "" }= $rec;
        else {
            push @fixed, $rec;

    if ($remove_no_names_with_overlaps) {

        # this removes entries like
        # Joe <blogs> <whatever>
        # where there is a corresponding
        # Joe <blogs> Joe X <whatever>
        foreach my $pref (__sorted_hash_keys(\%pref_groups)) {
            my $entries= $pref_groups{$pref};
            foreach my $email (__sorted_hash_keys($entries)) {
                my @names= __sorted_hash_keys($entries->{$email});
                if (0 and $names[0] eq "" and @names > 1) {
                    shift @names;
                foreach my $name (@names) {
                    push @fixed, $entries->{$email}{$name};

    # final pass through the dataset, build up a database
    # we will use later for checks and updates, and reconstruct
    # the canonical entries.
    my $new_mailmap_hash= {};
    my $mailmap_info=     {};
    foreach my $rec (@fixed) {
        my ($pname, $pemail, $oname, $oemail, $line_num)= @$rec;
        my $preferred= "$pname <$pemail>";
        my $other;
        if (defined $oemail) {
            $other= $oname ? "$oname <$oemail>" : "<$oemail>";
        if (!$self->_keeper_digest($preferred)) {
        elsif (!$self->_keeper_digest($other)) {
        if ($other and $other ne "<unknown>") {
            $self->_safe_set_key($mailmap_info, $O2P,  $other, $preferred);
            $self->_safe_set_key($mailmap_info, $O2PN, $other, $pname);
            $self->_safe_set_key($mailmap_info, $O2PE, $other, $pemail);
        if ($pname ne "unknown") {
            $self->_safe_set_key($mailmap_info, $N2P, $pname, $preferred);
        if ($pemail ne "unknown") {
            $self->_safe_set_key($mailmap_info, $E2P, $pemail, $preferred);
        my $line= $preferred;
        $line .= " $other" if $other;
        $new_mailmap_hash->{$line}= $line_num;
    $self->{new_mailmap_hash}= $new_mailmap_hash;
    $self->{mailmap_info}= $mailmap_info;
    return ($new_mailmap_hash, $mailmap_info);

sub add_new_mailmap_entries {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $mailmap_hash= $self->{new_mailmap_hash};
    my $mailmap_info= $self->{mailmap_info};
    my $mailmap_file= $self->{mailmap_file};

    my $mailmap_add= $mailmap_info->{add}
        or return 0;

    my $num= 0;
    for my $new (__sorted_hash_keys($mailmap_add)) {
        !$mailmap_hash->{$new}++ or next;
        warn encode_utf8 "Updating '$mailmap_file' with: $new\n"
            if $self->{verbose};
    return $num;

sub read_and_update {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my ($authors_file, $mailmap_file)=
        %{$self}{qw(authors_file mailmap_file)};

    # read the authors file and extract the info it contains

    # read the mailmap file.

    # check and possibly fix the mailmap data, and build a set of precomputed
    # datasets to work with it.

    # update the mailmap based on any check or fixes we just did.

    # read the commits names using git log, and compares and checks
    # them against the data we have in authors.

    # update the authors file with any changes

    # check if we discovered new email data from the commits that
    # we need to write back to disk.
        and $self->update_mailmap_file();


    return $self->changed_count();

sub read_exclude_file {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $exclude_file= $self->{exclude_file};
    my $exclude_digest= $self->{exclude_digest} ||= {};

    open my $in_fh, "<", $exclude_file
        or do {
        warn "Failed to open '$exclude_file': $!";
    my $head= "";
    my $orig= "";
    my $seen_data= 0;
    while (defined(my $line= <$in_fh>)) {
        $orig .= $line;
        if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ || $line !~ /\S/) {
            $head .= $line unless $seen_data;
        else {
            $seen_data= 1;
        $line =~ s/\A\s+//;
        $line =~ s/\s*(?:#.*)?\z//;
        $exclude_digest->{$line}++ if length($line);
    close $in_fh
        or die "Failed to close '$exclude_file' after reading: $!";
    if (!$head) {
        die sprintf <<'EOFMT', $exclude_file;
Possibly corrupted exclude file '%s'.

This file should have a header of '#' comments in it.

Where did they go?

Cowardly refusing to continue until this is fixed.
    $self->{exclude_file_text_head}= $head;
    $self->{exclude_file_text_orig}= $orig;

    return $exclude_digest;

sub update_exclude_file {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my $exclude_file= $self->{exclude_file};
    my $exclude_text= $self->{exclude_file_text_head};
    foreach my $digest (__sorted_hash_keys($self->{exclude_digest})) {
        $exclude_text .= "$digest\n";
    if ($exclude_text ne $self->{exclude_file_text_orig}) {

        if ($self->{no_update}) {
            return 1;

        warn "Updating '$exclude_file'\n" if $self->{verbose};

        my $tmp_file= "$";
        open my $out_fh, ">", $tmp_file
            or die "Cant open '$tmp_file' for write $!";
        print $out_fh $exclude_text
            or die "Failed to print to '$tmp_file': $!";
        close $out_fh
            or die "Failed to close '$tmp_file' after writing: $!";
        rename $tmp_file, $exclude_file
            or die "Failed to rename '$tmp_file' to '$exclude_file': $!";

        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

sub changed_count {
    my ($self)= @_;
    return $self->{changed_count};

sub changed_file {
    my ($self, $name)= @_;
    return $self->{changed_file}{$name};

sub unchanged_file {
    my ($self, $name)= @_;
    return $self->changed_file($name) ? 0 : 1;

sub new {
    my ($class, %self)= @_;
    $self{changed_count}= 0;
    for my $name (qw(authors_file mailmap_file exclude_file)) {
            or die "Property '$name' is mandatory in constructor";

    my $self= bless \%self, $class;

    if (my $ary= $self->{exclude_contrib}) {
        $self->_exclude_contrib($_) for @$ary;


    die Dumper(\%self) if $self{dump_opts};

    return $self;

sub __digest {
    my $thing= $_[0];
    return sha256_base64($thing);

# if this name is a "keeper" then return its digest
# (if we know the digest and it is marked for exclusion
# then we return 0)
sub _keeper_digest {
    my ($self, $real_name)= @_;
    my $digest;
    $digest= $self->{digest_cache}{$real_name};

    if (!$digest) {
        my $name= __fold_trim_ws($real_name);

        $digest= ($self->{digest_cache}{$name} //= __digest($name));
        $self->{digest_cache}{$real_name}= $digest;

    return $self->{exclude_digest}{$digest} ? 0 : $digest;

# should we exclude this author from the AUTHORS file
# simply because of the form of their details?
sub _logical_exclude_author {
    my ($self, $author)= @_;

    # don't know the persona
    return 1 if $author =~ /^unknown/;

    # Someone at <unknown> with a single word name.
    # Eg, we wont list "Bob <unknown>"
    if ($author =~ s/\s*<unknown>\z//) {
        return 1 if $author =~ /^\w+$/;
    return 0;

# exclude this contributor by name, if digest isnt provided
# then it is computed using _digest.
sub _exclude_contrib {
    my ($self, $name, $digest)= @_;

    # if we would exclude them anyway due to the logical
    # naming rules then we do not need to add them to the exclude
    # file.
    return if $self->_logical_exclude_author($name);
    $name= __fold_trim_ws($name);
    $digest //= __digest($name);
        or warn "Excluding '$name' with '$digest'\n";

sub _log_file_changes_quick_and_dirty_diff {
    my ($self, $file, $old_raw_text, $new_raw_text)= @_;

    my %old;
    $old{$_}++ for split /\n/, $old_raw_text;
    my %new;
    $new{$_}++ for split /\n/, $new_raw_text;
    foreach my $key (keys %new) {
        delete $new{$key} if delete $old{$key};
    $self->{changed_file}{$file}{add}= \%new if keys %new;
    $self->{changed_file}{$file}{del}= \%old if keys %old;
    return $self->{changed_file}{$file};

sub _diff_diag {
    my ($self, $want_file)= @_;
    my $diag_str= "";
    foreach my $file (sort keys %{ $self->{changed_file} || {} }) {
        next if $want_file and $file ne $want_file;
        $diag_str .= "  File '$file' changes:\n";
        foreach my $action (sort keys %{ $self->{changed_file}{$file} }) {
                my $line (sort keys %{ $self->{changed_file}{$file}{$action} })
                $diag_str .= "    would $action: $line\n";
    return $diag_str;

my %pretty_name= (
    "author"         => "Authored",
    "committer"      => "Committed",
    "applied"        => "Applied",
    "name"           => "Name",
    "pos"            => "Pos",
    "num_files"      => "NFiles",
    "lines_added"    => "L++",
    "lines_removed"  => "L--",
    "lines_delta"    => "L+-",
    "binary_changed" => "Bin+-",

sub report_stats {
    my ($self, $stats_key, @types)= @_;
    my @extra= "name";
    my @rows;
    my @total;
    foreach my $name (__sorted_hash_keys($self->{$stats_key})) {
        my @data= map { $self->{$stats_key}{$name}{$_} // 0 } @types;
        $total[$_] += $data[$_] for 0 .. $#data;
        push @data, $name;
        push @rows, \@data if $data[0];
    @rows= sort {
        my $cmp= 0;
        for (0 .. $#$a - 1) {
            $cmp= $b->[$_] <=> $a->[$_];
            last if $cmp;
        $cmp ||= $Collate->cmp($a->[-1], $b->[-1]);
    } @rows;
    @rows= reverse @rows if $self->{in_reverse};

    if ($self->{as_cumulative}) {
        my $sum= [];
        for my $row (@rows) {
            do {
                $sum->[$_] += $row->[$_];
                $row->[$_]= $sum->[$_];
                for 0 .. $#types;

    if ($self->{as_percentage}) {
        for my $row (@rows) {
            $row->[$_]= sprintf "%.2f", ($row->[$_] / $total[$_]) * 100
                for 0 .. $#types;

    foreach my $row (@rows) {
        my $name= $row->[-1];
        $name =~ s/\s+<.*\z//;
        $name =~ s/\s+\@.*\z//;
        $row->[-1]= $name;
    my @col_names= map { $pretty_name{$_} // $_ } @types;
    if ($self->{as_percentage}) {
        $_= "%$_" for @col_names;
    push @col_names, map { $pretty_name{$_} // $_ } @extra;

    if ($self->{as_list} && @types == 1) {
        $self->_report_list(\@rows, \@types, \@extra, \@col_names);
    else {
        $self->_report_table(\@rows, \@types, \@extra, \@col_names);

sub _report_table {
    my ($self, $rows, $types, $extra, $col_names)= @_;
    my $pos= 1;
    unshift @$_,         $pos++ for @$rows;
    unshift @$col_names, "Pos";
    my @width= (0) x @$col_names;
    foreach my $row ($col_names, @$rows) {
        for my $idx (0 .. $#$row) {
            $width[$idx] < length($row->[$idx])
                and $width[$idx]= length($row->[$idx]);
    $width[-1]= 40 if $width[-1] > 40;
    $width[$_]= -$width[$_] for 0, -1;
    my $fmt= "#" . join(" | ", ("%*s") x @$col_names) . "\n";
    my $bar_fmt= "#" . join("-+-", ("%*s") x @$col_names) . "\n";
    printf $fmt,     map { $width[$_], $col_names->[$_] } 0 .. $#width;
    printf $bar_fmt, map { $width[$_], "-" x abs($width[$_]) } 0 .. $#width;
    for my $idx (0 .. $#$rows) {
        my $row= $rows->[$idx];
        print encode_utf8 sprintf $fmt,
            map { $width[$_], $row->[$_] } 0 .. $#width;

sub _report_list {
    my ($self, $rows, $types, $extra, $col_names)= @_;
    my %hash;
    foreach my $row (@$rows) {
        $hash{ $row->[0] }{ $row->[-1] }++;
    my @vals= sort { $b <=> $a } keys %hash;    # numeric sort
    my $width= length($col_names->[0]);
    $width < length($_) and $width= length($_) for @vals;
    @vals= reverse @vals if $self->{in_reverse};

    my $hdr_str= sprintf "%*s | %s", $width, $col_names->[0], $col_names->[-1];
    my $sep_str= sprintf "%*s-+-%s", $width, "-" x $width, "-" x 40;
    my $fmt= "%*s | %s";

    if ($self->{with_rank_numbers}) {
        $hdr_str= sprintf "#%*s | %s", -length(0 + @$rows), "Pos", $hdr_str;
        $sep_str= sprintf "#%*s-+-%s", -length(0 + @$rows),
            "-" x length(0 + @$rows), $hdr_str;
    print $hdr_str, "\n";
    print $sep_str, "\n";
    my $pos= 1;
    foreach my $val (@vals) {
        my $val_f= sprintf "%*s | ", $width, $val;
        $val_f= sprintf "#%*d | %s", -length(0 + @$rows), $pos++, $val_f
            if $self->{with_rank_numbers};
        print encode_utf8 wrap $val_f,
            " " x length($val_f),
            join(", ", $Collate->sort(keys %{ $hash{$val} })) . "\n";

sub _filter_sort_who {
    my ($self, $hash)= @_;
    my @who;
    foreach my $name ($Collate->sort(keys %$hash)) {
        $name =~ s/\s+<.*\z//;
        $name =~ s/\s+\@.*\z//;
        push @who, $name if length $name and lc($name) ne "unknown";
    return @who;

sub print_who {
    my ($self)= @_;
    my @who= $self->_filter_sort_who($self->{who_stats});
    print encode_utf8 wrap "", "", join(", ", @who) . ".\n";


=head1 NAME

Porting::updateAUTHORS - Library to automatically update AUTHORS and .mailmap based on commit data.


    use Porting::updateAUTHORS;

    my $updater= Porting::updateAUTHORS->new(
        authors_file => "AUTHORS",
        mailmap_file => ".mailmap",
        exclude_file => "Porting/exclude_contrib.txt",


This the brain of the F<Porting/> script. It is expected
to be used B<from> that script and B<by> that script. Most features and
options are documented in the F<Porting/> and are not
explicitly documented here, read the F<Porting/> manpage
for more details.

=head1 METHODS

Porting::updateAUTHORS uses OO as way of managing its internal state.
This documents the public methods it exposes.

=over 4

=item add_new_mailmap_entries()

If any additions were identified while reading the commits this will
inject them into the mailmap_hash so they can be written out. Returns a
count of additions found.

=item check_fix_mailmap_hash()

Analyzes the data contained the in the .mailmap file and applies any
automated fixes which are required and which it can automatically
perform. Returns a hash of adjusted entries and a hash with additional
metadata about the mailmap entries.

=item new(%opts)

Create a new object. Required parameters are


Other supported parameters are as follows:


this list is not exhaustive. See the code implementing the main()
function in F<Porting/> for an exhaustive list.

=item parse_orig_mailmap_hash()

Takes a mailmap_hash and parses it and returns it as an array of array
records with the contents:

    [ $preferred_name, $preferred_email,
      $other_name, $other_email,
      $line_num ]

=item read_and_update()

Wraps the other functions in this library and implements the logic and
intent of this tool. Takes two arguments, the authors file name, and the
mailmap file name. Returns nothing but may modify the AUTHORS file
or the .mailmap file. Requires that both files are editable.

=item read_commit_log()

Read the commit log specified by the property "commit_range" and find
any new names it contains.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item read_authors_file()

Read the AUTHORS file into the object, and return data about it.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item read_mailmap_file()

Read the .mailmap file into the object and return data about it.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item read_exclusion_file()

Read the exclusion file into the object and return data about it.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item update_authors_file()

Write out an updated AUTHORS file atomically if it has changed,
returns 0 if the file was actually updated, 1 if it was not.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item update_mailmap_file()

Write out an updated .mailmap file atomically if it has changed,
returns 0 if the file was actually updated, 1 if it was not.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.

=item update_exclusion_file()

Write out an updated exclusion file atomically if it has changed,
returns 0 if the file was actually update, 1 if it was not.

Normally used via C<read_and_update> and not called directly.


=head1 TODO

More documentation and testing.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Yves Orton <>
