package Agent::TCLI::Package::Base;
# $Id: 42 2007-04-02 20:20:14Z hacker $
=head1 NAME

Agent::TCLI::Package::Base - Base object for other Agent::TCLI::Package objects

=head1 VERSION

This document describes Agent::TCLI::Package::Base version 0.0.1


Base object for Commands. May be used directly in a command collection
or may be extended for special functionality. Note that the Control and
Library will not recognize any class extension without also being modified.




use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Object::InsideOut qw(Agent::TCLI::Base);

use POE;
use Scalar::Util  qw(blessed looks_like_number);
use Getopt::Lucid;
use YAML::Syck;
#use FormValidator::Simple;

our $VERSION = '0.0.'.sprintf "%04d", (qw($Id: 42 2007-04-02 20:20:14Z hacker $))[2];


The following attributes are accessible through standard accessor/mutator
methods unless otherwise noted

=head3 name

The name of the package. This is the word that is used to refer to the package POE::Session.
B<set_name> should only be SCALAR type values.

my @name		:Field

=head3 commands

An array of the command objects in this package.

my @commands	:Field

=head3 parameters

A hash of the parameters used in this package. Often parameters are shared
accross individual commands, so they are defined here. They are refered to
by each command in the package.
B<parameters> should only contain hash values.

my @parameters	:Field

my @session 	:Field
#				:Type('POE::Session');

#=head3 opt
#An internal object for holding optional parameters. Defaults to Getopt::Lucid to process parameters
#B<opt> will only accept Getopt::Lucid types.
#my @opt			:Field
#				:All('opt');
##				:Type('Getopt::Lucid');

#=head3 opt_args
#An array of the args passed in with a command for processing by Getopt::Lucid
#B<opt_args> will only accept ARRAY type values.
#my @opt_args	:Field
#				:All('opt_args')
#				:Type('ARRAY');

=head3 controls

A hash of hashes keyed on control for storing stuff.

my @controls		:Field;

#=head3 wheels
#A hash of wheels keyed on wheel ID.
#B<wheels> will only accept type type values.
#my @wheels			:Field;

=head3 requests

A hash collection of requests that are in progress

my @requests		:Field
					:Arg('name' => 'requests', 'default' => { } )

=head3 wheels

A hash of wheels keyed on wheel ID.
B<wheels> values should only be POE::Wheels.

my @wheels			:Field;

# Standard class utils are inherited

=head2 METHODS

Most of these methods are for internal use within the TCLI system and may
be of interest only to developers trying to enhance TCLI.

=head3 start

This POE event handler is called when POE starts up a Package.
The B<_start> method is :Cumulative within OIO. Ideally, most command packages
could use this Base _start method without implementing
their own. However there seems to be a race condition between the POE
initialization and the OIO object initialization. Until this is debugged
one will probably have to have this _start method in every package.


sub _preinit :Preinit {
	my ($self,$args) = @_;

  	$args->{'session'} = POE::Session->create(
		object_states => [
          	$self => [qw(

	 unless defined( $args->{'session'} );

sub _start :Cumulative {
	my ($kernel,  $self,  $session) =

	# are we up before OIO has finished initializing object?
	if (!defined( $self->name ))
		$self->Verbose("_start: OIO not done re-starting");
#		$kernel->delay('_start', 1 );
	$self->Verbose("_start: ".$self->name()." starting");
	# There is only one command object per TCLI

=head3 _shutdown

This POE event handler is used to initiate a shutdown of the Package.
The B<_shutdown> method is :Cumulative within OIO. Most command packages
can probably just use this Base _shutown method without implementing
their own.


sub _shutdown :Cumulative {
	my ($kernel,  $self,) =
      @_[KERNEL, OBJECT,];
	$self->Verbose("_shutdown:base ".$self->name." shutting down");

	$self->Verbose("shutdown:base deleting wheels ",2);
    foreach my $wheel ( keys %{ $wheels[$$self] } )
    foreach my $control ( keys %{ $controls[$$self] } )
    # clear all alarms you might have set

    return ("_shutdown:base ".$self->name )

=head3 _stop

This POE event handler is called when POE stops a Package.
The B<_stop> method is :Cumulative within OIO.


sub _stop :Cumulative {
    my ($kernel,  $self,) =
      @_[KERNEL, OBJECT,];

	$self->Verbose("_stop: ".$self->name." stopping");

	return($self->name.":_stop complete ");

=head2 _child

Just a placeholder that does nothing but collect unhandled child events to keep them out of default.


sub _child {
#  my ($kernel,  $self, $session) =

=head2 establish_context

This POE event handler is the primary way to set context with a command.
Just about any command that has subcommands will use this method as it's handler.
An exception would be a command that sets an single handler to process all
subcoammnds/args using the 'A*' context. See the Eliza package for an example of
how to establish that type of context.


sub establish_context {
    my ($kernel,  $self, $sender, $request, ) =
      @_[KERNEL, OBJECT,  SENDER,     ARG0, ];
	$self->Verbose("establish_context: ".$self->name." for request(".

	my $txt;
	# if we have args, then the command is invalid
	if ( $request->depth_args > 0 )
		$txt .= "Invalid input: ".$request->input;
		$self->Verbose("establish_context: Invalid input (".$request->input.")"  );
		$request->Respond($kernel, $txt, 404) if $txt;

	# we don't know how deep we're in already. So we'll force a full context shift.
	# by sending the entire command array back, which is revesred.
	my @context = reverse (@{$request->command});

	# We don't actualy set the controls context, but let change context do that.
	# It will also inform the user of change.

   	# Post context back to sender (Control)
   	$kernel->call( $sender => 'ChangeContext' => $request, \@context );
	$self->Verbose("establish_context: setting context to "
			.join(' ',@context)." ",2);


=head2 show

This POE event handler is the default show for packages.
It will accept an argument for the setting to show. It will also take an
argument of all or * and show all settings.

The parameter must be defined in the command entry's parameters or it will
not be shown. There must also be a OIO Field defined with the same name.
One may write their own show method if this is not sufficient.


sub show {
    my ($kernel,  $self, $sender, $request, ) =
      @_[KERNEL, OBJECT,  SENDER,     ARG0, ];
	$self->Verbose("show: request(".$request->id.") ",2);

	my ($txt, $code, $what, $var);
	# calling with show as a command, that is the handler for show is show.
	if ( $request->command->[0] eq 'show' ) 	# cmd1 show arg
												# cmd1 attacks show <arg>
		$what = $request->args->[0];

	$self->Verbose("show: what(".$what.") request->args",1,$request->args);

	ATTR: foreach my $attr ( keys %{ $self->commands->{'show'}->parameters } )
		if ( $what eq $attr || $what =~ qr(^(\*|all)$))
			if ( $self->can( $attr ) && defined( $self->$attr) )
				my $ref = ref($self->$attr);
				my $show = ( defined($self->parameters ) &&
					defined($self->parameters->{ $attr } ) &&
					defined($self->parameters->{ $attr }->show_method ) )
					? $self->parameters->{ $attr }->show_method
					: '';
				$self->Verbose("show attr($attr) ref($ref) show($show)",1);
				# simple scalar
				if ( not $ref)
					$txt .= "$attr: ".$self->$attr." \n";
					$code = 200;
				# is it an object and show_method is defined?.
				elsif ( $ref =~ qr(::) && blessed( $self->$attr )
					&& $show )
					$txt .= "$attr: ".$self->$attr->$show."\n";
					$code = 200;
				# is it an object with dump? Probably OIO.
				elsif ( $ref =~ qr(::) && blessed($self->$attr)
					&& $self->$attr->can( 'dump') )
					$var = $self->$attr->dump(0);
					$txt .= Dump($var)."\n";
					$code = 200;
				elsif ( $ref =~ qr(HASH) )
					foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$self->$attr} )
						my $subref = ref($self->$attr->{ $key }   );
						$self->Verbose("show key($key) subref($subref)",0);
						# simple scalar
						if ( not $subref )
							$txt .= "$attr ->{ $key }: ".$self->$attr->{$key}." \n";
							$code = 200;
						# is it an object and show_method is defined?.
						elsif ( $subref =~ qr(::) &&
							blessed($self->$attr->{ $key }) &&
							defined($show) )
							$txt .= "$attr: ".$self->$attr->{$key}->$show."\n";
							$code = 200;
						# is it an object with dump? Probably OIO.
						elsif ( $subref =~ qr(::) &&
							blessed($self->$attr->{ $key }) &&
							$self->$attr->{ $key }->can( 'dump') )
							$var = $self->$attr->{$key}->dump(0);
							$txt .= Dump($var)."\n";
							$code = 200;
						# some other object, array or hash
							$var = $self->$attr->{$key};
							$txt .= Dump($var)."\n";
							$code = 200;
				elsif ( $ref =~ qr(ARRAY) )
					my $i = 0;
					foreach my $val ( @{$self->$attr} )
						my $subref = ref( $val );
						# simple scalar
						if ( not $subref )
							$txt .= "$attr ->[ $i ]: ".$val." \n";
							$code = 200;
						# is it an object and show_method is defined?.
						elsif ( $subref =~ qr(::) &&
							blessed($val) &&
							defined($show) )
							$txt .= "$attr: ".$val->$show."\n";
							$code = 200;
						# is it an object with dump? Probably OIO.
						elsif ( $subref =~ qr(::) &&
							blessed($val) &&
							$val->can( 'dump') )
							$var = $val->dump(0);
							$txt .= Dump($var)."\n";
							$code = 200;
						# some other object, array or hash
							$txt .= Dump($val)."\n";
							$code = 200;
				# some other object
					$var = $self->$attr;
					$txt .= Dump($var)."\n";
					$code = 200;
			elsif ( $self->can( $attr )  )
		  		$txt = $what.": #!undefined";
				$code = 200;
			else # should get here, but might if parameter error.
  				$txt = $what.": #!ERROR does not exist";
  				$code = 404;

	# if we didn't find anything at all, then a 404 is returned
  	if (!defined($txt) || $txt eq '' )
  		$txt = $what.": #!ERROR not found";
  		$code = 404;

	$request->Respond($kernel, $txt, $code);

=head3 settings

This POE event handler executes the set commands.


sub settings {  # Can't call it set
    my ($kernel,  $self, $sender, $request, ) =
      @_[KERNEL, OBJECT,  SENDER,     ARG0, ];

	my $txt = '';
	my ($param, $code);
	my $command = $request->command->[0];
	# called directly because $command may be an alias and not the real name
	my $cmd = $self->commands->{'set'};

	# TODO a way to unset/restore defaults....

	# break down and validate args
	return unless ($param = $cmd->Validate($kernel, $request) );

	$self->Verbose("set: param dump",1,$param);

	# Get meta data
	my $meth = $self->meta->get_methods();

	foreach my $attr ( keys %{$param} )
		# param will have all fields defined, gotta skip the empty ones.
		# Can't use ne due to NetAddr::IP bug
		next unless (defined($param->{$attr})
#			&& !($param->{$attr} eq '')  # diabled, since we should be OK now.

		$self->Verbose("settings: setting attr($attr) => ".
			$param->{$attr}." ");

		# is there a field type object for this attr?
		if ( ref($param->{$attr}) eq '' &&
			exists( $meth->{$attr} ) &&
			exists( $meth->{$attr}{'type'} ) &&
			$meth->{$attr}{'type'} =~ /::/ )
			my $class = $meth->{$attr}{'type'};
			$self->Verbose("set: class($class) param($param) attr($attr) ");
			my $obj;
			eval {
				no strict 'refs';
				$obj = $class->new($param->{$attr});
			# If it went bad, error and return nothing.
			if( $@ )
				$@ =~ qr(Usage:\s(.*)$)m ;
				$txt = $1;
				$self->Verbose('set: new '.$class.' got ('.$txt.') ');
				$request->Respond($kernel,  "Invalid: $attr !", 400);
			eval { $self->$attr($obj) };
			if( $@ )
				$@ =~ qr(Usage:\s(.*)$)m ;
				$txt = $1;
				$self->Verbose('set: new '.$class.' got ('.$txt.') ');
				$request->Respond($kernel,  "Invalid: $attr !", 400);
			$txt .= "Set ".$attr." to ".$param->{$attr}." \n";
			$code = 200;

			eval { $self->$attr( $param->{$attr} ) };
			if( $@ )
				$@ =~ qr(Usage:\s(.*)$)m ;
				$txt = $1;
				$self->Verbose('set: $self->'.$attr.'( '.$param.'->{ '.
					$attr.' } got ( '.$txt.') ');
				$request->Respond($kernel,  "Invalid: $attr !", 400);
			$txt .= "Set ".$attr." to ".$param->{$attr}." \n";
			$code = 200;

  	if (!defined($txt) || $txt eq '' )
  		$txt = "Invalid: ".join(', ',keys %{$param} );
  		$code = 404;

	$request->Respond($kernel, $txt, $code);

sub GetControl {
	my ($self, $id ) = @_;
	return ( $controls[$$self]->{$id}{'control'} )
		if defined( $controls[$$self]->{$id}{'control'} );
	return (0);

sub SetControl {
	my ($self, $control) = @_;
	if ( ref($control) =~ /control/ )
		$controls[$$self]->{$control->id}{'control'} = $control;
		delete ($controls[$$self]->{$control}{'control'} );
		delete ($controls[$$self]->{$control} );

sub GetControlKey {
	my ($self, $control, $key) = @_;
	if ( ref($control) =~ /control/ )
		return ( $controls[$$self]->{$control->id}{$key} );
		return ( $controls[$$self]->{$control}{$key} );

sub SetControlKey {
	my ($self, $control, $key, $value) = @_;
	$controls[$$self]->{$control->id}{$key} = $value;

sub GetWheel {
	my ($self, $id, $sp) = @_;
	return ( $wheels[$$self]->{$id}{'wheel'},
			 $wheels[$$self]->{$id}{'postback'} )
		if (defined( $wheels[$$self]->{$id}{'wheel'}) && $sp );

	return ( $wheels[$$self]->{$id}{'wheel'} )
		if ( defined( $wheels[$$self]->{$id}{'wheel'} ) );

	return (0);

sub SetWheel {
	my ($self, $wheel) = @_;
	if ( ref($wheel) =~ /POE::Wheel/ )
		$wheels[$$self]->{$wheel->ID}{'wheel'} = $wheel;
	else # it is just a wheel ID
		delete ($wheels[$$self]{$wheel}{'wheel'} );
		delete ($wheels[$$self]{$wheel} );

sub GetWheelKey {
	my ($self, $wheel, $key) = @_;
	if ( ref($wheel) =~ /POE::Wheel/ )
		return ( $wheels[$$self]->{$wheel->ID}{$key} );
		return ( $wheels[$$self]->{$wheel}{$key} );

sub SetWheelKey {
	my ($self, $wheel, $key, $value) = @_;
	$wheels[$$self]->{$wheel->ID}{$key} = $value;

# Input validation methods. Returns false or error message.
# These are all deprecated. Use Contraints and Command->Validator instead.

sub NotPosInt {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." is not a number: got '$value'  \n") unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) );
    return($name." is not an integer: got '$value'  \n") unless(int($value) == $value);
    return($name." is not positive: got '$value'  \n") unless ( $value >= 0);
	if (defined($set))
		$self->$name($value) 	if ($set eq 'set');

	return ('');

sub NotNumeric {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." is not a number: got '$value' \n") unless (Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($value) );
	$self->$name($value) 	if ($set);
	return ('');

sub NotScalar {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." is not a scalar: got '$value'  \n") unless ( ref($value) eq '' || ref($value) eq 'SCALAR_REF' );
	$self->$name($value) 	if ($set);
	return ('');

sub NotRange {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." must contain only digits or ,-:  got '$value' \n") unless ( $value !~ /[^0-9,:-]/ );
    return($name." must only have positive numbers: got '$value'  \n") unless ($value !~ /^-/ && $value !~ /[,:]-/);
    return($name." has invalid ranges: got '$value' \n") unless ( $value !~ /\d+[-:]\d+[-:]\d+/ && $value !~ /^[,:]/ );
	$self->$name($value) 	if ($set);
	return ('');

sub NotRegex {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." is not a valid regex: got '$value' \n")
		unless ( ref ( $value ) eq 'Regexp' );
	$self->$name($value) 	if ($set);
	return ('');

sub NotType {
	my ($self,$value,$name,$ref,$set) = @_;
	$name = "Parameter" unless defined($name);
	$ref = (ref($ref) eq 'Regexp') ? $ref : qr($ref);
	return ('') unless (defined ($value) && $value ne '');
	return($name." is not a valid type: got '$value' \n")
		unless ( ref ( $value ) =~ $ref );
	$self->$name($value) 	if ($set);
	return ('');

sub NotWithin
  # Taken from Test::Data::Within v 0.0.x
  # Update accordingly.  :)
  my ($self, $value, $range) = @_;
  my $txt;

  return 1 unless (defined($value) && defined($range));
  if ($range =~ /,/)
	  my @list = split /,/,$range;
	   foreach my $item (@list)
	     my $res = $self->NotWithin($value,$item);
		 return (0) unless $res;
		 $txt .= $res unless $res == 1;
	   # No item matched
	   return (1) unless $txt;
	   return ($txt);

  # todo trap min/max non numeric errors below.

  my ($min, $max, $more);
  # using a range divider of : allows negative numbers in ranges
  if ($range =~ /:/)
	($min, $max, $more) = split /:/,$range;
	($min, $max, $more) = split /-/,$range;

  if ( !defined($max))
    return (0) if ($value == $min);
    $txt .= " not $value == $min \n" if $self->verbose;
    return (0) if ($value >= $min) && ($value <= $max);
    $txt .= " not $min <= $value <= $max \n" if $self->verbose;
  # nothing matched
   return (1) unless $txt;
   return ($txt);

} # End sub NotWithin

sub RawCommands {
	my $self = shift;
	# This is a little kludge to get one command package load routine
	# by default RawCommands just returns an array of one
	# but may be changed by subclasses
	my @cmdarray;
	foreach my $cmd ( @{$commands[$$self]}  )
		push(@cmdarray, $cmd->RawCommand );
	return ( \@cmdarray );

sub _default {
	my ($kernel,  $self, ) =
	  @_[KERNEL, OBJECT, ];
	my $oops = "\n\n\n".
	"\t  OOOO      OOOO    PPPPPP    SSSSSS    ##  \n".
	"\t OO  OO    OO  OO   PP   PP  SS         ##  \n".
	"\tOO    OO  OO    OO  PP   PP  SS         ##  \n".
	"\tOO    OO  OO    OO  PPPPPP    SSSSSS    ##  \n".
	"\tOO    OO  OO    OO  PP             SS   ##  \n".
	"\t OO  OO    OO  OO   PP             SS       \n".
	"\t  OOOO      OOOO    PP        SSSSSS    ##  \n";
	$self->Verbose("\n\nDefault caught an unhandled $_[ARG0] event.\n");
	$self->Verbose("The $_[ARG0] event was given these parameters:");
	$self->Verbose("ARG1 dumped",1,$_[ARG1]) if defined($_[ARG1]);
	$self->Verbose("ARG2 dumped",1,$_[ARG2]) if defined($_[ARG2]);

	return (0);

sub LoadYaml {
	my ($self, $yaml) = @_;
	$self->Verbose("LoadYaml: Loading" );

	# hmmm, should trap for errors someday.
	my @loadees = Load($yaml);

	$self->Verbose("LoadYaml: Loadees dump",3,\@loadees );

	# We can only handle an array of loadees.
	foreach my $loadee ( @loadees )
		if ( ref($loadee) ne 'HASH' )
			$self->Verbose("LoadYaml: Bad yaml, not a hash",0);
			# using regex to allow subclassing later.
			foreach my $object ( keys %{$loadee} )
			if ( $object =~ /Parameter/ )
			elsif ( $object =~ /Command/ )
				$self->Verbose("LoadYaml: Unknown Object".$object,0);
		# The first entry ought to tell us what it wants to be.
	return 1;

sub AddParameter {
	my ($self, $object, $args) = @_;
    my $class = ref($self) || $self;

	my $name = $args->{'name'};

	if ( !defined($name ) )
		$self->Verbose("AddParameter: No name!",0);

	$self->Verbose("AddParameter: adding $object $name ");
	# using $object here to allow parameter subclassing to work
    $parameters[$$self]{ $name } = $object->new(
    	'verbose' 		=> $self->verbose,
    	'do_verbose' 	=> $self->do_verbose,

#    $parameters[$$self]{ $name }->verbose($self->verbose);
#    $parameters[$$self]{ $name }->do_verbose($self->do_verbose);

	# Create field if there isn't a field in the package for this parameter
	if (! $self->can($name) )
		my $arg;
		if (exists($args->{'default'}))
			$arg = ":Arg('name'=>'$name', 'default'=> $args->{'default'}) ";
			$arg = ":Arg('name'=>'$name') ";

		my $type = exists($args->{'class'})
			? ":Type('".$args->{'class'}."') "
			: '';

		$class->create_field('@'.$name, ":Acc($name) ".$arg.$type);

		# Add in defaut value, since if we're after preinit, it won't
		# be there.
		$self->$name($args->{'default'}) if (exists($args->{'default'}));
    return 1;

sub AddCommand {
	my ($self, $object, $args) = @_;

	my $name = $args->{'name'};

	if ( !defined($name ) )
		$self->Verbose("AddCommand: No name!",0);

	$self->Verbose("AddCommand: adding $name ");
	$self->Verbose("AddCommand: adding $name args dump ",1,$args);
    $commands[$$self]{ $name } = $object->new(
    	'verbose' 		=> $self->verbose,
    	'do_verbose' 	=> $self->do_verbose,

	$self->Verbose("AddCommand: adding $name command dump ".$commands[$$self]{ $name }->dump(1),1);

	# Parameters were just stubs. Put in proper references.
	if ( defined( $commands[$$self]{ $name }->parameters ) )
		foreach my $paramkey ( keys %{ $commands[$$self]{ $name }->parameters } )
			if ( exists( $parameters[$$self]->{ $paramkey } ) &&
				blessed($parameters[$$self]->{ $paramkey }) =~ qr(Parameter) )
				$commands[$$self]{ $name }->parameters->{ $paramkey } =
					$parameters[$$self]->{ $paramkey };
			else # All this is just for helping to debug problems easier
				$self->Verbose("AssCommand: $name Parameter '$paramkey' not defined. Dumping",0 );
				foreach my $parameter ( %{$parameters[$$self]} )
					if ( blessed($parameter) )
						$self->Verbose( $parameter->dump(1),0 );
						$self->Verbose( $parameter,0 );

				croak("AddCommand: $name Parameter '$paramkey' not defined")

    return 1;

sub AddCommands {
	my ($self, @cmds) = @_;

	# Hmmm perhaps some validation should ocurr in the future?
	foreach my $cmd (@cmds)
		$commands[$$self]{ $cmd->name } = $cmd;
	return 1;


=head1 AUTHOR

Eric Hacker	 E<lt>hacker at cpan.orgE<gt>

=head1 BUGS

SHOULDS and MUSTS are currently not enforced.

Test scripts not thorough enough.

Probably many others.

=head1 LICENSE

Copyright (c) 2007, Alcatel Lucent, All rights resevred.

This package is free software; you may redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
