package Agent::TCLI::Package::Tail::Line; # # $Id: 50 2007-04-25 10:47:17Z hacker $ # =head1 NAME Agent::TCLI::Package::Tail::Line - A class for tailed lines to be tested. =head1 SYNOPSIS An internal object for storing Agent::TCLI::Test::Line information. Used to facilitate Agent::TCLI::Test::Tail. =cut use warnings; use strict; use Object::InsideOut qw(Agent::TCLI::Base); our $VERSION = '0.03.'.sprintf "%04d", (qw($Id: 50 2007-04-25 10:47:17Z hacker $))[2]; =head2 ATTRIBUTES The following attributes are accessible through standard accessor/mutator methods unless otherwise noted =over =item input The 'line' as it is input into the cache. Traditionally this will be the actual text fron the file being tailed. It may optionally be another object to be tested against. The POE::Filter being used with the Tail determines what the contents of input will be. =cut my @input :Field :All('input'); =item count The relative position within the current run of all lines. B<count> will only contain numeric values. =cut my @count :Field :Type('numeric') :All('count'); =item birth_time The birth_time that the line hit the tail system. B<birth_time> will only contain Numeric values. =cut my @birth_time :Field :Type('Numeric') :All('birth_time'); =item ttl Line time to live. Set as an offset to time() upon creation so this is the actual time the line should expire. B<ttl> will only contain Numeric values. =cut my @ttl :Field :Type('Numeric') :All('ttl'); =item source A URI indicating the source of the line. Necessary for monitoring multiple sources. =cut my @source :Field :All('source'); =item type Describes the line type. "line" for plain text lines, ref($input) for objects. Perhaps others in the future. B<type> will only contain scalar values. =cut my @type :Field # :Type('scalar') :All('type'); # Standard class utils are inherited =back =head2 METHODS =over =item new ( hash of attributes ) See Attributes for their description. =cut 1; #__END__ =back =head2 INHERITED METHODS This module is an Object::InsideOut object that inherits from Agent::TCLI::Base. It inherits methods from both. Please refer to their documentation for more details. =head1 AUTHOR Eric Hacker E<lt>hacker at cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 BUGS SHOULDS and MUSTS are currently not enforced. Test scripts not thorough enough. =head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 2007, Alcatel Lucent, All rights resevred. This package is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut