* Added push and pop functions for the presentation of the fmt
templates to produce an hierarchical interface, much like
common pop-up requesters.
* Added README.compiled_fmt describing the special tags avalible
in a compiled fmt.
* <sql_val ...> added, which is used to select some arbetrary sql
command and insert into fld.
* <fld ...> and <fmt ..> now takes options as name=value which
then are accessable in the below fmt as <var name>.
* Added fld options makeing <fld file=filename field> the same as
<fmt field>contetnt of file filenmae</fmt>. <fld file=filename>
would be a normal file include.
* Björn Ardö <f98ba@efd.lth.se> has added:
+ no_create option to N2N to prevet automatic linktable creation
+ $dbi->print_only debug mode (See HTMLView::DB man page)
+ Apache mod_perl support for compiled fmts
+ extra_{select,from,where} options to SubTab
* Giuseppe Costantino <costanti@students.cs.unibo.it> has contributed
with quite som additions, including:
+ Multilevel ordering in CGIListView
+ Easy to use filtering in CGIListView
+ Loggin of all database modifications, simply set a logfilename by
+ Oracle support, simply use OracelDB instead of mysqlDB or msqlDB
+ Client side javascript sainty checks fld and table specifik (see
exmaple .js files)
+ Server side perl sainty checks in View.cgi, place in checkparam.
* Speeded up seraches that returns a lot of data.
* Added a new relationtype called SubTab allowing posts to contain
a list of posts form a related table.
* Added a short_add feature that lets you specify a fld that
describes a add form which is placed at the bottom of the
table listing (see config.pm for eaxmple).
* Added a $opt param to the Table constructor to give a few options
to it. Currently there are options for specifying which fields to
view in a listing (flds_to_view), how many rows per page should
be used (rows) and for the short_add feature described above.
* Added support for searching multi level relations, eg
* Optimized fmt handling viewing an fmt with only fields are now
72% faster. The same optimations should be appliable for relations.
* Added an Order fld that allows you to specify one order the posts
can be displayed in.
* Moved the viewer pointer to the DB class where it's accessable
from everywhere as db->viewer. Which means you should add the
following line to old View.cgi scripts before $v->view_html
is called:
if ($v->isa('DBIx::HTMLView::CGIView')) {$dbi->viewer($v);}
* Added a N2NOrder field that relates a post to a set of posts
from another table in a specifik order.
* Added a compiler (comp.pl) that compiles a fmt and a search string
into a perlscript that executes up to 8 times faster than
Formated2.cgi. Not all features are supported in compiled fmts
* Added support to make abetrary selects from compiled fmts
using <sql_select from=... where=... extra=...> construcst.
* Added support for <fld ...> tags within <perl>...</perl> code
in compiled fmt's.
* Perl code in <perl>...</perl> tags are no longer executed with
use strict vars, and all code are executed in the same context
(package fmt_code).
* Added a Date field fld.
* Added patch from "Eric E. Coe" <ecoe@reportweb.com> that makes
CGIListView work even when your id column is not named id.
* Added a new typed called Tree for easy creation of tree structure
* Anders Westrup <anders@barbanet.com> added a Table::count method
to count the number of hits.
* From a patch by Konrad Riedel <k.riedel@gmx.de> the folowing features
was derived:
+ input_type param added to N2One that specifying what kind of
html objects should be used for editing it. Possible values are
"radio" (default) and "select".
+ Split up the result shown in a CGIListView i multiple pages
+ Click on a columname to sort the CGIListView by the column
+ CGIGermanListView a translated version of CGIListView with a new
(The editable id's are not included by default as they break a few
things, see editable_id.README.)
* Quite som spelling and gramma correction from above patches and from
Bryon Bean <bbean@timebridge.com>.
* Reformated all code to use 8 space tabs and 2 space indention as
sugested by "Eric E. Coe" <ecoe@reportweb.com>.
* Anders Westrup <anders@barbanet.com> added a _done param to View.cgi
that makes it send a Location: redirect to that url after preforming
the update or delete action instread of bringing up an editor. There
is also a _done2 param forcing CGIQueryEdit to set the _done param to
this value (eg makes the browser jump to this address after the
edit/add is done).
* Fixed bug preventing adding, and updating posts with no other fields
than the id field.
* Fixed bug that got fields from diffrent tabels with the same name
mixed up when selecting related data. There still might be a
problem when not selecting all fields of a post, then the not
selected fields may show up as the fields with the same name from
the other tabels that where selected.
* Rewrote Test2.fmt to work with the new Formated2.cgi
* Fixed bug in Formated2.cgi preventing the FLD param from working
* Added Table::noid_list method
* Added N2One relations
* An Int value set to "" will now be set to NULL in the db
* Added view_fmt method to PostSet, Post and Fld classes. It will output
the object acording to a fmt string that in a HTML like way allows you to
format your Posts or PostSets in any way you like.
* View.cgi now optionally asks for username and passwords which are passed
on to the database server. With the mySQL access system this allows you
to apply access restrictions on Database, Table or Field basis.
* Added a rows method to PostSet reporting the number of rows matched.
* Made quite some additional parameters customizable by the $data hash in
the Fld constructor including display and store values for Bool, the sql
sizes and types of all flds, the sizes of <input ...> boxes.
* Splited the DB object into msqlDB and mysqlDB (the HTMLView::DB method
points to msqlDB for backwards compatibility).
* Applied some chnages by Richard Braakman <dark@xs4all.nl> that:
- Fixed up the docs with quite some spell corrections
- Made sure that the field data is propperly escaped both in the html
forms and the sql requests.
- Added a Bool Fld
- Added a mysqlDB class for using mySQL database engines.
The interface has been rearrange into a more natural structure, based
on DB, Table, Post, Field ... objects instead of just a bunch of
commonly used procedures. The idea is to be able to handle relations
and fields in the same way whenever possible and to make it easy to
add custom Field, Database or Relation objects handling different
kinds of fields or relation or even database handling routines.
All the features of the old HTMLView code is still there, plus quite
a few new ones (see the docs). As for the previous TODO list what
I've got into this new stuff is just the following things:
* Move all Post handling to to HTMLView::Post and use it.
As I said all methods are now split up into this kind of objects
* Autodetect the part of $flds that's in $where in HTMLView::ViewList
Actually the selection code is much more advanced now, you just
specify the where clause (which might even contains field names
like 'group->name' to match the name field in a related table
through the relation group)
* List methods that might have to be changed if using a different DBD
Actually they're all placed in a separate DB class which can be
subclassed and the methods needing changing can be overloaded.
* Added HTMLView::ViewData method for simplifying wrting customized
viewing scripts.
* Added example script Formated.cgi for viewing posts in a formated
* Added HTMLView::ViewList method that allows you to simply make complex
relation based searchings and then disply the result.
* Wrote a QuickStart tutorial taking you through the first steps of
setting up an database interface.
* Made sure all the SYNOPSIS code and the View.cgi script runs as they
are (that is they contain working example databse names).
* Corrected some old out of date statements in the docs as reported by
Ronald Emaus <Ronald.Emaus@wl.com>.
* Cleand up the docs
* Some code cleanup and bugfixes
* First public release.